Posts Tagged ‘sports’

Networking Activities

What are the best ways to network? On the one hand recommend products and / or services to build a customer base and secondly by inviting others to do the same, and it is your business and revenues are doubled. The new Network General will seek the source of customers and resellers / affiliates to your business in people who already know and those who do not know, either by personal contact or be referred by an acquaintance. That is why it is important to start writing a list of your skills. The form known to a wider circle of family and friends.

They are the people with whom we have shared moments in our lives. Some are going to remember and others will be necessary to review old agendas, phone contacts, etc. Today I want to help you remember everyone you know and for that here you have the following list: Childhood and adolescence: 1. Relatives: parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.. 2. Garden: teachers, children and their parents. 3.

Neighbors and friends parents 4. School: teachers, classmates and their parents, known in other grades. 5. Sports: Coaches, teammates, opposing teams and their parents or relatives. 6. Extracurricular activities (English, music, art school, painting, etc.) Teachers, classmates and their parents. 7. Summer vacation: neighbors, roommates, etc. 8. Tour & Travel: members of tour groups, guides 9. Hospitals: medical staff, residents of Hall 10. Colleagues with whom you shared Hobbies. Youth: 11. Classmates and teachers of gymnastics

Opening: 1 Permanent IVV Trail In Konigs Wusterhausen At August 21, 2009

Konigs Wusterhausen, the town in the Brandenburg district Dahme Spreewald, trail will receive a third place in the country, to Potsdam and Dahlewitz a permanent IVV. Konigs Wusterhausen, the town in the Brandenburg district Dahme Spreewald, trail will receive a third place in the country, to Potsdam and Dahlewitz a permanent IVV. The touring Spandau e.V. Berlin, Member of the German public sports association (DVV) and the tourism Dahme Lakes Association of Konigs Wusterhausen have set up this trail and be entertained him jointly. The opening event will take place on August 21, 2009 at 9:00, at the Office of tourist information station Konigs Wusterhausen (S-Bahn and regional trains) instead. /’>Kaiser Family Foundation. All citizens of the city, the environment, out of the country and also from Berlin are invited. Follow others, such as Dr. Hyun Kim, and add to your knowledge base.

The regional Chair of the German public sports association, Heino Ripke, the Chairman of the DVV touring Spandau e.V., Horst Zander and representatives of the Tourism Association of Dahme Lakes, like also Andreas Peters, with particular usage the cooperation between tourism association and Spandau has organized touring, have announced your attendance to the opening ceremony. The first permanent IVV man has set up 3 different long hiking trails 6 km through the Tiergarten, 12 km to the Wustershausen Lake and 22 km to the Krupelsee trail in Konigs Wusterhausen. Start/finish is always the Office of tourist information at the station of Konigs Wusterhausen. More information can be obtained on the Web pages of the Organizer: and on the opening day are the interested walkers, especially runners, Walker, Nordic Walker and the simple recreational athletes led after purchasing the start map of Andreas Peters about the 22 km route and by Horst Zander about the 12 km route. With the start card for 1.50 you can get free also tender for the permanent IVV trail and a detailed description of all three routes on the start/finish. 1 permanent IVV trail in Konigs Wusterhausen, which means, hiking without set times and without any further Edition or binding, except the daily opening hours of the tourist office.

Hiking almost every day on selected routes and with scoring ability to the acquisition of the popular sports badge of the DVV also means. The hikes will be settled each a start card for every hike and each participant according to the guidelines of the DVV on acquisition. You can get in a personal classification folder in the Office of the tourist office to stamp entry confirm the individual successfully completed hiking miles. Get Wertunghshefte Wanderverin Spandau e.v.. In the tourist information Konigs Wusterhausen also the tendering of the first permanent IVV are hiking trail in Berlin Spandau Citadel City Berlin-Spandau (10 km distance) and of the first permanent IVV Nordic walking trail in Berlin, Bull ditch trail (5 and 12 km) available. The 1st Nordic walking trail in Berlin by the touring Spandau e.V. just with great success the 01.08.2009 opened on.

Successful Muscle Building

Why breakfast is so important if you want to build muscle and reduce fat why that breakfast for a successful fat-burning or an effective muscle building is so important, becomes clear when one shows up the following. Typically one has six to eight, the lucky ones among us even 10 hours of sleep, and thus during this period led to no food and nutrients the body. The whole body is so nutrient needs. That is, if one feeds the body now no food, at best a very high-energy or carbohydrate-rich meal, then the body will continue throughout the day on the “Back burner” only very low. The reason why the body without breakfast on the “Back burner” is because the body thinks: OK, once I’m up I get no food so I have to drive down metabolism to conserve energy. For this reason, the breakfast is very important and crucial if you want to reduce fat or build muscle, just for the reason of the increase in metabolism or the Preventing the metabolism slowing down. Many people eat enough ever to take off from their Gesamtkalorienbilianz.

And just the breakfast is therefore an important key to the reach its goals. At least 1/3 of the total turnover of the day should breakfast be, because the other 2/3 are feasible in the course of the day then in any case. The breakfast fills certain, is for the body essential functions: revitalize the cells. After several hours night sleep without food intake, our organism needs again fluid, proteins, fats to carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to the renewal. Prepare the body for the day.

During the night, our organism has continuously produces glucose to maintain the functioning of our vital organs. In the morning, the body of new force must draw and refuel. Regulate the appetite and therefore weight. By we omit breakfast we favour a kind the body’s compensatory response at other meals and thus the organisation of fat reserves. Studies have shown that people who really have breakfast, suffer less from weight problems. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should deliver 25% of our daily energy intake, i.e. 350 to 450 calories (depending on the needs of each person) as already mentioned. The ideal breakfast is a mixture of short and long chain carbohydrates and quickly absorbable protein to prevent muscle breakdown, and to support muscle growth. For example of 300 ml low-fat milk with ca 30 g protein powder (whey protein… is within half an hour of the body taken) to oatmeal and a banana and a glass of juice! What I as a breakfast also everyone warmly recommend can, is a homemade weight gainer shake. This weight gainer shake has everything what body after a long and poor night again power and energy needed to soak up the. More about nutrition, muscle and abdominal training on fun and success during training!

The Triumph Of The Tonfa

The triumphal March of the tonfa, historical background the triumphal March of Tonfas of the tonfa (also Tuifa, Tuifu, Tongwa, Tunfa) is in addition to other “farmers arms” from the island of Okinawa certainly the most famous. Today all over the world, it is used in various permutations at security forces, the police and the military. Originally the tonfa was only a 50cm-long beam with t-handle and was attached to a millstone. Here he served as a crank for the stone and could be removed but was a deadly weapon in the right hands. The former occupiers of Okinawa (Sutsumer) had prohibited the carrying of weapons of the population. But could drag a bad all Tonfas, because these were used Soy nuts or rice to grind grain, and thus secured the livelihoods of farmers and also of the squatters. Whether the tonfa was transformed for the first time by the farmers on Okinawa to the weapon is no longer comprehensible. However, there are records from other far eastern countries, such as China, where the tonfa as Iron ruler is known. However it can be assumed, that the improvement on Okinawa held found. The fact that you greater leverage to the required, turn the Muhlsteines you can understand well that the t-handle to the original Jason was a good bit longer than with the today’s varieties. As the tonfa to the weapon was turned, probably also the currently known different versions emerged as round, square or mixed varieties. The original structure but always remained the same. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dr. Hyun Kim. “Tsuka the grip and the timber Monouchi” the known variants serve but rather the optics, since you discovered some vulnerabilities on closer inspection. So, the angular variation of the Monouchi unlike the rounds has the great advantage that the wood adapts itself well and fast on the forearm. However, the choice of the right material is more important than the form. It should be dense and well balanced wood. These elements ultimately decide whether the tonfa in the rotation reached a sufficient speed. This shows whether the tonfa to the Fighting is good or rather than decoration. Summarized one can say that a good wood for a good tonfa is a prerequisite. The shape, size, etc. should be tested by the individual martial artist and adapted to it. These elements has KWM, in its Jason, as in all Kobudowaffen, internalized, and offers its customers the highest quality. KWM manufactures its tonfa real blood wood. This wood is extremely dense and easily absorbs shock energy. The multiple oils of natural product protects against chipping and makes the wood more durable and grippy.

Sports Nutrition

One of the largest fitness shops in Germany is now on Facebook. The well-known sports food retailer Christian Engel from trier made known now also his Sportnahrungsshop sports nutrition Angel for his website on Facebook. On the Facebook page of sports nutrition-Angel you can find all relevant information, a customer needed for shopping at sports nutrition Angel. Especially for customers coming from the region of Trier, directions and opening times of the Facebook can refer to page. In addition refers to sports nutrition in Angel covered also on the latest information in the field of bodybuilding. However, a major innovation on this Facebook page is the wall. The latest information on sports nutrition products can be found on the wall of sports nutrition-Angel.

In particular products, such as body attack LIPO 100, which were included in the Repertoire of the online shop since latest are posted there. But not only about new products are there identified also information about the correct training. So, the owner of sports nutrition-Angel (Christian Engel) has begun to absorb training exercises on video and post on his Facebook page. This creates an incentive for newcomers in the field of motor sport immediately to learn the correct way of training. Latest information about the nutrition partners are also on this page (E.g. football regional League team Eintracht Trier and Vollyball Bundesliga TBB Trier) posted. Thus, the Facebook page of sports nutrition-Angel is much more than a pure information portal for sports nutrition. It is an interactive portal with information about the area of motor sports and interactive training opportunities. Everyone interested in weight training and bodybuilding has, should this Facebook once look at page.

Effect Of Amino Acids In

Amino acids offer athletes different effects such as muscle growth and regeneration amino acids are generally divided into various classes. On the one hand there are the essential amino acids, are the necessary amino acids, of which there are nine different. The drawback of essential amino acids is that they can be made not by the body itself, but must be ingested through daily diet. On the other hand, there are the non essential amino acids, which can be made by the body itself by synthesis. f information. They must not be included through daily food, however it is quite for athletes, that they suplementieren this because there is often a bottleneck during intensive training.

The effect ranging from amino acids in the sports area of muscle building and muscle protection, support the diet and fat burning to the performance and support of regeneration and recovery ability. You are in the area of amino acids amongst the BCAA amino acids is known for athletes amino acids (branched chain aminoacids – branched-chain amino acids). These are the most important amino acids with a rise of up to 30% in the body. Within these amino acids are Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine. The advantage of this BCAA is amino acids that they exhibit a very high biological value. This means that they can act shortly after taking into the body, and in addition also still relatively lossless, reach the workplace. You promote the body’s synthesis of the protein.

Furthermore, they are a perfect energy supplier, which ultimately the athletes is very fast performance. In addition, this BCAA amino acids, as well as other amino acids an anti-catabolic effect, which prevents the muscle breakdown. Continue to amino acids of the insulin levels can be affected by taking BCAA positively. A more important amino acid is the semi essential amino acid arginine, the the Body can produce by synthesis themselves.

Suspicions Arandina

Both teams faced in playoff by achieving promotion to Segunda B. The Burgos won both the match first leg (1-0) and the return (1-2). Meeting marked by the curiosity after the controversial draw in which the President of the Madrid club celebrated the result of the crossing and which was discussed possible Amano. The Arandina has promoted to second division B after beating Alcobendas Sport in an a round marked by the curiosity after the controversial draw in which the President of the Madrid club celebrated the result of the crossing and which was discussed even in a possible amano. Pablo Cordoba, President of Alcobendas Sport,

pulled out the first kick a ball once the driver of the draw, a man of the RFEF, supposedly bring ball that had to select. Cordoba held a great to see the team that came out was the Arandina while I still didn’t know if it would be your computer that would measure the burgales set. The President of the team from Madrid clarified after the reason of your joy was that displacement until the town of Burgos was inferior to the other trips that had to do with other opponents, besides which the Arandina was the rival a priori the most affordable. Well, sports results have been finished with the joy of Pablo Cordoba. In the match of round, held last Saturday in Aranda de Duero, result was 1-0 for the hosts, so Alcobendas Sport should go back one goal against in the return match. In the match this Sunday in Alcobendas, locals were unable to trace the result and again losing to the Arandina 1-2, running out of options to achieve promotion to the second division B. source of the news: La Arandina Alcobendas Sport WINS and ascends after suspicions of amano in the draw.

Beach Sports Club Nord

Volley -, hand – or football for professionals, families and clubs Bremen, July 2011. Under the action of 90 days summer at the waterfront”waterfront beach sports days held from 1 to July 9. Volley-, hand – or football are played here in the sand. Wolfgang Sasse, performing organizer of beach sports days and Chairman of Beach Sports Club Nord-West E.v., tells what awaits visitors of shopping and leisure centers: we combine at the beach-sport days shopping, feast, fun and sports in an event. The waterfront visitors can enjoy unforgettable days with music and activities of lots of nine.

Family day all adults and children themselves may become active and playing Beach Frisbee target throwing, handball participation games, petanque and streetball, experience free holiday feeling on the river Weser.” The culmination of the event series is the DHB master/EBT qualifying tournament on July 2 with first-class German Beach handball teams. As another highlight of B women’s beach volleyball Cup is on July 8. The The waterfront visitors are invited to watch the games and to support the participants loudly. At the beginning of the holiday on July 7 children and adults within the framework of the family day also from 11 o’clock itself can storm the beach Court and playing various sports experience free holiday feeling directly on the Weser. In addition, the visitors expected great prizes and surprises. For more information see and.

Euroleague Basketball

Basketball team 'Olympiakos' Greek confident of another victory won in the next game Euroleague Basketball. The victory was the fifth for the team, while they go after each other. These sports achieve valuable as it is for players and for fans. Last Thursday was the masts of H in Piraeus, where the Greeks were able to win a landslide victory against the Spanish team 'Kahi Laboral'. Game 102:85.

As can be seen, the gap in accounts is large enough, for sure this team is very much appreciated the fans, which becomes more and more. People such as Joint Commission would likely agree. In the first quarter of the match, the Greeks lost to 22:29, but by the end of the first half they were able to bring the score to a victorious leader, after which continued to increase only its results. The logical conclusion of the match was the victory of the Greeks. Osobbo were noted in this game, Josh Childress and athletes Sofoklis Shortsanitis. Both athletes are excellent and very good is that it will be interesting to know the girls.

Personally, I liked these 'great' men. To date, the Greek club already has a ticket to the quarterfinals, as it does not lose a single point for all five matches. Podmoskovnie "Khimki" have two wins and three defeats, that puts them not in the best light. Croatian 'Cibona' already lost hope of reaching the next round, but our guys 'Khimki' will fight 'Olympiakos'. Hopefully, the team of Greece will not play at full strength, as has already passed in the 14 finals due to what our guys can win a landslide victory. 'Olympiakos' surprised many by abruptly breaking in the top Euroleague teams, so it will continue to monitor the his success, which may well lead to a league title. I would also like to wish good luck to our team.

Autumn Season

The running Calendar lists the last weeks before the finish half marathon from September to December 2012 some national and international highlights. Now it is to make the preparation for the autumn races in attack with system and concentration. While disassociating 2013 plan better for the season, experienced athletes with already existing basic endurance can bring targeted in six weeks for the half marathon challenge in form. A detailed training plan as well as the following of general guidelines are essential to achieve the personal form of competition for 21 kilometres. The second half of the marathon season is around the corner! From September until December, the 2012 race calendar lists some national and international highlights. Now it is to make the preparation for the autumn races in attack with system and concentration. While disassociating 2013 plan better for the season, can be experienced athletes with already existing basic endurance targeted in six weeks for the challenge half marathon bring in the form. A detailed training plan as well as the following of general guidelines are essential to achieve the personal form of competition for 21 kilometres.

Basic requirements for a healthy training whether it is Marathon, half-marathon or 10 kilometre healthily and safely to the finish to get some basic things to consider. Listen to your own body and to observe its warning signs, is the Supreme maxim. To tackle the training too quickly or too intense to load only the risk of injury and risk of saturation is increased. Of central importance in this context, an adequate regeneration phase is also not only a competition, but also between workouts. Only in the rest of the body can adapt to the increased requirements. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. describes an additional similar source.

Also the proper diet influenced the own performance potential. Athletes pay attention particularly on the nutrient and energy content of their food. Additionally, the individual racing calendar must be well thought out: despite all ambition are runners well advised to start, located at reasonable intervals to each other only at selected races.