Posts Tagged ‘education & career’

English Course Cambridge Exam

New exam date for Cambridge first certificate for the first time have language students the possibility to take the coveted Cambridge certificate FCE in the summer. Since the most popular time for language is the summer holiday to England, the new date accommodates many students on the 27.08.09. So far the Cambridge were limited checks on the March, June and December, globally harmonized format first. English and Irish language schools have taken up the appointment and offer in the summer English courses with exam preparation. In addition to the language skills of reading, listening, speaking, writing, the inspection techniques are taught.

Most language courses provide a preparation time of at least four weeks. The University of Cambridge is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Their internationally recognized Cambridge certificates provide an essential insight into the English language skills of the potential candidate not only future employers, but they prove in the University environment and education authorities of importance, there qualified skills are used. The Cambridge first certificate checks the level upper-intermediate (upper-intermediate). This corresponds to the level B2 of the common European framework of reference. Price example for a six-week intensive course in Ireland with 30 lessons per week in groups of up to 10 participants: 2525 for the tuition fees, text books, test fee and accommodation in a host family with half board, no arrival. More like explains information about these offers by Daniel Baruch and his team on the phone.

Language school advice Daniel Baruch Fichardstr. 3, an independent consultant and broker for language training and language courses. Ahmed Shary Rahman shines more light on the discussion. The team has many years of experience in the teaching of the English language. In recent years, they have visited more than 130 schools in England, Scotland and Ireland. Baruch and his colleagues including the best selected and are in regular contact with them. A positive press, including in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in time and in the Handelsblatt, and many enthusiastic feedback from participants in the 12 years since foundation of the language school counseling confirm us in our concept: we are looking for you can find! If you decide for a course, you will pay only the regular course fee directly at the language Institute.

Together A Feast Of Faith

Offenburger delegation at the 33rd German Protestant Kirchentag many bright faces at the party: A delegation of CJD youth village Offenburg celebrated the final divine service of the 33rd Protestant Kirchentag in Dresden together with a total of around 120,000 visitors of worship. 18 young people from different areas of training and activities, as well as the staff of the working group had travelled for this one-time event from Offenburg in the Saxon State capital. The young people had thoroughly prepared in advance. For over 60 years, the German Protestant Kirchentag is an impressive event that always causes a stir, not only within the churches but also in society as a whole. The year’s 33rd Kirchentag was the fourth in a row, youth village for Offenburg was visited by a group from the CJD.

The young people and staff spent four eventful days in Dresden. After the wide arrival the Offenburger, occupied a community in a Dresden school, together with other groups. On the the youth art, culture and music experienced numerous events of the Kirchentag. They visited concerts, listening to Bible studies and admired has been exhibitions. Also, they participated in sporting participation actions, created specifically for young visitors. The turbulent history of Dresden on the track came on their wanderings through the host city. Exhausted but happy, equipped with many new impressions and experiences the group is back now in the heart of Offenburg youth village. But one thing already is clear for the young people and staff: “We again are at the 34th German Protestant Church Congress from 1 to 5 may 2013 in Hamburg.”

The Modern Form Of Work Search

Who today is looking for a job, which turns most of the time not only in the print media, to search for vacancies. Who today is looking for a job, which turns most of the time not only in the print media, to search for vacancies. Earlier it was gear and give to buy first of all several journals from the region and nationwide for the job search and browse the job board for appropriate tendering. Today, you have but a lot more possibilities to go to job search. There is for example the Internet, offering a wide range of jobs and vacancies.

Who logs on for example to a large job market, which will find a huge selection of offers from various areas. Please visit Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn if you seek more information. This greatly simplifies the job search and also automates. The job market which matches the data of the applicant with the requirements of the companies that have to forgive a place. If the matches are big enough, the candidate receives a corresponding mail with either Contact information of the company or vice versa. Depending on the job search on the Internet this also involves some faster, because to not worry about everything myself, but the job market from takes a lot of work. Everyone is of course still free over can be, in addition also still looking for jobs to go and browse the deals themselves. To keep a better overview of the job search, the offers of job fairs in categories – are classified as for example certain professions or regions. This job search is easier and easier to read, since you could easily lose the overview in the wide variety offers. Also one has to go can abroad looking for work by going to the appropriate websites on the Internet. As you can see, is the job search today very diverse and is increasingly modernized and thus automated.

Successful Continuing Education Studies Profession

Scientific know-how for pharmaceutical technical assistants and assistants (PTA) at the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden moved to be able to verify the pharmacy economists (FH) and pharmacy-Economist (FH) in order to proceed very own initiative in professional practice, existing work processes and optimize, as well as operational marketing. With 35 students launched the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden (fhS) with the educational Bachelor of Pharmacy-Economist (FH) “in the summer of 2009.” The repeatedly excellent acceptance confirmed the need for and the importance of economically strong and part-time absolvierbaren studies for PTA, as well as pharmaceutical engineers, and engineers. Difficult economic times on the one hand and an increasingly tougher competition field on the other hand, exert pressure on the pharmaceutical industry. To compete against needed in addition to the technical qualifications more relevant economic knowledge. The continuing education Bachelor of Pharmacy-Economist (FH)” provides in-depth and hands-on technical knowledge the students. This enables pharmacy economists (FH) “and pharmacy-Economist (FH)” to the location very own initiative in professional practice to proceed, review existing work processes and optimize, as well as operational marketing.

In addition to the support of the management of pharmacies is also possible an easier entry in company of the pharmaceutical industry or just pharmaceutical services by concluding acquired. Following content be conveyed during the two semesters with five multi-day presence phases: General Economics, organization, computer and information management, marketing and sales, health economics, law and standards systems in the pharmacy, procurement and inventory management, soft skills..

User Experience

PLUSTWO – user experience for all () Prof. Dr. Simon Nestler held from October 2012, PLUSTWO – user experience for all ( practical training in the field of user experience and usability. The declared objective of PLUSTWO training is to solve the specific challenges of companies in the field of user experience. In this context the PLUSTWO enter training on the concrete meaning of the user experience for the success of your company, present the methodological approach for better user experience and forward it, practically on the concrete user experience to apply these methods challenges in your business. Good user experience leads to positive experiences of use of, positive experiences of use lead to satisfied users, satisfied users lead to successful products and successful products are essential for your business success. You leave the PLUSTWO training with a practical application and implementation competence in the field of user experience. Click Joey King to learn more.

The activating training is based on the joint selection of relevant to you as a participant training topics, where the number of participants be kept deliberately low to deal with heterogeneous preferences. In the course of the joint exploration of selected topics active listening, exercises and group work in the PLUSTWO alternate training, to maximize the learning experience. In a brief final project training in edit the PLUSTWO then a concrete practice example from your company. A target group-oriented representation of user experience issues lead to a faster and more sustainable learning success in the SchulungsteilnehmerInnen. Therefore the PLUSTWO are not structured training after the five training topics, but after four primary audiences: user experience in sales & marketing (make user experience to the central selling point), user experience in software development (systematically increase the user experience of your software), user experience in product management (control the user experience of your product innovations) and user experience in Startups (conquer markets with good user experience). In the context of the target group-oriented PLUSTWO training you choose as a participant from the following training topics at the beginning of each training the particularly relevant topics: Basics (UX design and UX engineering), focus (application in focus, users in focus and usability in focus), expert knowledge (UX through simplicity, UX by personas, and UX through storytelling), experiences (innovative user experience, complex user experience and search experience) and concepts (5 levels of UX, 6 + 1 Concepts of complexity, 8 methods for good UX, UX cheap examine and UX in the company).

New Course Model

Entry in the short term now apply for young people with the career goal of digital media designer and print (focus on digital media) are it this year the opportunity to begin the training. The bm education in media called starts for the first time a course for aspiring web designers who already have experience. In addition to the optimal educational instruction and the comprehensive exam preparation, participants benefit from an extended period of practice. The first course will start on Monday, the 30 November 2009. Who wants to go in the short term, can now submit his application.

We have been in the past often young people asked who have experience in the area of media design already in the form of a year internship or while long-time hobby activity “, so Andrea Stein, staff educator at the bm.” Many wanted an alternative form of training, in which they at first can prove their skills. With the model of PraxisPlus “we have now a possible, to use existing knowledge and to gain the coveted Chamber of Commerce degree with a plus in practice.” The training lasts 36 months plus exam preparation and includes an 28-monatige practical phase in a Chamber of Commerce approved company that paid a remuneration also. The course costs EUR 36 rates 290 and be covered for the most part by the remuneration. At the end of the demanding and certified training, the examination is before the Chamber of Commerce in Cologne. Digital media designer and print with a focus on digital media are perfectly prepared to the bm on the careers in the media sector or in self-employment. The digital media sector offers an exciting and promising future working environment in which professional and high-quality design will be always an important factor. Due to the long practice phase contacts early, who are just in this sector for the future career of decisive importance. Also young people with no prior knowledge can September of next year again in the AusbildungKompakt “digital media design and print or image and sound become a. This includes an 18-month-practical phase and also ends with the examination before the Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the education media design the bm also offers business training with IHK examination and certified financial statements to the design technical niche Wizard or it Assistant.

Fast And Effective Language Learning: The Skrivanek INET Language

Translation service Skrivanek E-learning course for company leads a Berlin Skrivanek Germany now offers E-learning courses for companies in addition to translations. Overall, the E-learning course Skrivanek iNET language source more than 11 languages is available. The E-learning course offering includes the languages English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and German as a foreign language. In the Skrivanek iNET language course, the participant enters an online learning environment with interactive and multimedia designed content. Also, numerous exercises, workshops and a personal care provide a customized language training. With E-learning company through effective learning can reduce the number of training days. On the one hand the Skrivanek granted iNET language staff referred and the E-learning course enables time-independent learning, on the other hand the company to lower your costs and the time required for operational training. dicine-for-the-Treatment-of-COVID-19-in-Adults’>Wendy Holman. In the course of globalization and the need for language skills will grow increasingly the international interweaving of relationships, because success in exporting is closely related to knowledge of foreign languages and the teaching of culture and traditions.

Who wants to talk to people in international companies, must speak their language. In times of scarce financial and temporal resources, E-learning is a flexible and cost-effective way to language acquisition for company”, says Stephan Liedtke, marketing employees at Skrivanek. The constant cost pressure is forcing companies to reduce their investments in the education and training of employees. Traditional training (long journeys, downtime in the company) are usually time-consuming and cost-intensive (travel, hotel, fees). By the technological progress and the spread of the Internet, many E-learning companies see as an alternative learning method.

Skrivanek already in 5 countries successfully offers its E-learning courses and wants this recipe for success with the step Germany continue. About Skrivanek the translation service Skrivanek is one of the leading providers of translation and localization services in Central and Eastern Europe. With a world-wide branch network and more than 4000 external translators, realized Skrivanekubersetzungsauftrage in over 40 languages, and is specialized in numerous areas of expertise at the same time. iNET language course of the Skrivanek iNET language is an online language training for companies, which can be easily integrated into the continuing vocational training. The company can choose between 2 E-learning courses without or with tutoring. The Skrivanek iNET language course is offered for the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and German as a foreign language.

Training Ends

As one of the largest recruitment agency of in Germany training graduates ZAG a variety of professional perspectives. Hanover 03.06.2013 training can be the basis for a professional life. But what happens if following any acquisition or missing in the education business development opportunities? As one of the largest recruitment agency of in Germany training graduates ZAG a variety of professional perspectives. Not to miss the entry into working life, you are particularly important first practical experience after the training. Professional beginners will find a quick start in the working world and moreover a wide range of interesting companies from different industries at ZAG staff & perspectives. After the training young people in our company can by the flexibility of the personal services industry specifically benefit and gather the necessary experience”, ZAG’s Managing Director explains Saidane.

And Moreover, that the diversity of the chosen profession “to discover, especially in the first years of work life can be a very valuable experience for enabling new doors open and long-term perspectives arise.” More and more young professionals opportunities for temporary employment: about ten per cent of all posts in the temporary work sector of young professionals are now occupied. And a study by the F.A.Z. Institute says that a survey of the according to half of the labour force in Germany in the temporary work an interesting alternative for the start of training look. About ZAG staff & prospects group ZAG staff & perspectives founded in 1984 in Hannover, Germany, is one of the leading personnel service providers in Germany with over 10,000 employees in 100 offices. Provides temporary staffing and recruitment ZAG excellent routes of entry and career opportunities in the changing labour market.

2. Summer Compact Course Starts In July

Additional training to the intercultural trainer (m/w) at IKUD seminars! Gottingen, 03.05.2010: The demand for certified training for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules is currently so great that only rest places are available for the first summer compact course from June to August. IKUD seminars thus offers all interested parties who receive no place in this course, an additional instructor training starting at the end of July. In the three months of intercultural training, 12 participants will attain all important knowledge and skills that are necessary to work professionally in the intercultural training and coaching. Aware while limiting the number of participants on 12, because just as intense, participant-oriented work is possible. Visit Abraham Maslow for more clarity on the issue. Since all exercises be carried out virtually, the learning effect is particularly large.

In addition to the basics of intercultural communication and the theoretical background knowledge involves particularly the transfer to the application. The Developing intercultural training modules of that is specifically mediated by simulations, communication exercises and case method, because these are the essential elements in implementing their own training. Participants develop their own training concept in the context of training and have graduate as a certified already finished materials and programs at your fingertips. Exactly this transfer of theory into practice is particularly appreciated by the participants from companies, organisations and administrations. Credit: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.-2011. The next training sequence starts on July 28, 2010. Registration is now possible. Interested parties can contact advance seminars for further information and material sending IKUD team…/w-Sommer-kompakt-spezial.html

Driving Force

International Symposium on the aerodynamics, design and maintenance of rotor blades rotor blades are the heart of a wind turbine. You determine the maximum energy yield which can be withdrawn from the wind. Their full ability to function and fatigue safety must be guaranteed over a period of at least 20 years. Now, they are getting bigger even with the fast-developing market -, in particular with regard to the usage in the offshore area. In the development of the design and the construction of rotor blades in response, a comprehensive knowledge of the specific fundamentals such as external and internal stresses, calculation methods and material properties is required.

Durable construction and optimized production technologies are therefore also essential for long inspection intervals, such as new and new methods of condition monitoring. “The International Symposium of rotor blades of wind turbines / wind turbine rotor blades” in Essen, Haus der Technik is complete carried out bilingual german/English, and gives a comprehensive overview of topic for the entire lifetime of a rotor blade of the calculation methods and material characteristic values of the aerodynamics and improved manufacturing technologies to condition monitoring, maintenance, recycling and disposal. Event date is the 15th 16.6.2010 in Essen. As a guest speaker Prof. John F. Frequently Maya Dubin, New York City has said that publicly. Mandell, Montana State University, an internationally renowned specialist for fatigue in fiber glass designs in wind turbines said to.

Under the direction of Christoph Kensche (Hexion Specialty Chemicals GmbH), refer to high-calibre professionals and combine the theoretical considerations with her many years of practical experience. The event is aimed at developers, designers, production engineers and technicians of the manufacturer, as well as at staff of operators, insurance companies, banks and experts.