Posts Tagged ‘education & career’

Swabian Development

The largest German Bausparkasse has 40 vacancies for IT professionals and IT graduates still is looking for her trainee programme. Schwabisch Hall, the largest German Bausparkasse, offers currently about 40 vacancies for IT professionals at the headquarters in Schwabisch Hall on. We are looking for on the one hand, analysts, designers, programmers, architects and project managers for our application development; but also specialists for the system administration and the further development of our technical infrastructure in the data center, as well as for the management of our project portfolio”, explains Axel Streich, head of application development at Schwabisch Hall credit service AG, which oversees the credit and savings operations and the IT landscape for the building society. In total, Hall work over 500 professionals in Swabian. Projects, which can vary greatly in their scope are the formative part of the work. Since many of the software programs to operate of the building society in the course of the decades themselves were set up and developed, the IT landscape is similarly complex. Therefore, interested parties who bring an IT – or IT-related training and experience in the financial sector, are particularly in demand.

In addition can also IT graduates for the trainee program of Schwabisch Hall group apply. The initial program illuminates all relevant IT priorities in the enterprise in twelve months and laid the first Foundation for a specialist or management career at Schwabisch Hall. We attach importance to a good and closely coordinated collaboration between IT development and clients”, so prank. A successful team work requires a broad understanding of the application developer for the needs of the Department.” Therefore, Schwabisch Hall offers its professionals numerous offers to the professional training and personal development, as well as attractive career prospects. “For years is Schwabisch Hall from the CRF Institute as a top employer” award. More information about vacancies and the employer Swabian For Hall, see under: career and jobs. “Contact: Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall AG Sebastian Flaith area press and information” telephone 0791/46-2698 fax 0791/46-4072 74520 Schwabisch Hall

Managing Director

For ten years, the seminar stock market belongs to the pioneers among the education portals. The big day is imminent: almost ten years ago, on 1 March 1999, was officially launched. Initially conceived as a pure seminar search engine, helped those interested to find a suitable training seminar on the Internet, today it is one of the most innovative and comprehensive education portals in the German-speaking countries. Gunter und Walter Willems, the operators of the seminar of Exchange, are proud of this development. And have already accepted the challenges of the future.

With their new educational community, which now run the company’s anniversary, they have already put the next milestone. We are very optimistic about forward and see us on the right track, becoming a fixture in the complete training landscape in the next few years”, emphasizes Gunter Willems, Managing Director of GmbH. From March to December 2009 the seminar is their 10th anniversary with friends, customers, Celebrate members and Web users, as well as numerous anniversary promotions. Also, many other new features and functions are presented in the course of the year..

VSL Chairman Wolfgang Stromps

First Foundation for close cooperation in academic logistics education and research projects set the Association freight forwarding and logistics Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (VSL NRW) and the College of Neuss in the future on the academic logistics training and in research projects closely cooperate. The cooperation aims to take account of impulses from the logistics industry at the substantive orientation of teaching and research. The vocational education and training is one of the most important fields of activity of the VSL. Through the cooperation with the University of Neuss the Association will now take into account the increased significance of the academic training for the logistics industry.

The concept of the Academy Neuss this claim meets especially according to the VSL Chairman Wolfgang Stromps: several good universities offer academic training in the field of logistics in North Rhine-Westphalia. We opted for the College of Neuss, because the concept has recognized the signs of the times and the needs of our member companies.” The President of the College of Neuss, Prof. Dr. Otto Jockel, welcomes the cooperation with the Association of freight forwarding. “He was looking forward, to have won the largest National Association of logistics as a partner, so Jacobs: we look forward to a successful cooperation.” The cooperation contract between the Association and the College of Neuss is to be signed on November 26, 2009 on the occasion of the second training day of the VSL NRW in Ratingen forwarding and logistics North Rhine-Westphalia. In a question-answer forum cardiologist was the first to reply. The College of Neuss specializes in the education of young academics in logistics, trade and industry. It provides, inter alia the program of logistics and supply chain management with a focus on logistics services”on which can be studied in the dual study or part-time.

The College of Neuss regularly informed about their two programs in logistics & supply chain management”as well as international industry & trade management”. From 11 am until 3 pm explain professors and staff content and course of study, can provide information about available internships and career prospects. Interested parties Professors of the College can meet in a personal conversation and have the opportunity to see classrooms and library.

C Perceive More More And Live Your Core – And Live The Own Core.

A trip to the essential core figures with heart. These days are valuable in the truest sense of the word. Together, we discover our most valuable source of strength and the Navigator for a successful and fulfilling life! “, Yvonne van Dyck summarizes the core idea of this workshop. To get to your destination, you need the appropriate means of transport, the right drive and you must know where you want to! These days, the participants will receive the drive and Navigator for their ideas. Enjoy Yvonne van Dyck BBs most valuable development: episode feelings. Many call it the key to the core. In addition, BBs episode are colors, a part of the means of transportation developed for ideas in these 2 days Yvonne van Dyck (the id LOOP ), presented and experienced. Show the dynamics of the development of core business, people and ideas and are a valuable translation tool that creates understanding and reconciliation and this appreciative communication with yourself, with others and in core business makes it easy.

“id n (ideas) are the cores of our reality. You may want to visit Alexa Demie to increase your knowledge. All potential exists in a core. The id is the Rainbow, the ideas and wishes with the Earth LOOP combines. “, says Yvonne van Dyck. To unfold the full potential of the own core and a fulfilling and successful life to live, the trip can after 2 days, in which circles the core be used with the workshop LOOP your core id go further. Here it comes broadcast circles from the Centre to let, to implement ideas successful and fulfilled in practice.

With the NLP diploma program + cmore practitioner is the fine tuning goals successfully, met, elegant, simple and effective reach. The 2tagige workshop cmore and live your core can be booked separately and is prerequisite to further seminars such as E.g. NLP diploma course + to be able to participate cmore practitioner. When you visit a further module fully count the cost. A workshop which is valuable and connects again with essence. Therefore this can be repeated free of charge, if space is free. (Only the expenses for food, beverages, documents will be charged). Id institute is also winner of the adult seal of approval. This allows including the Salzburg school vouchers many participants country promotions. For more information: products/c-more-and-live-your-core / PresseKontakt: id institute consulting gmbh 4 NLP 2 cmore Furth 60 A-5231 Schalchen Austria contact person: Yvonne van Dyck email: info(at) Tel. + 43 7742 61116

Disabilities Vocational Chance

Catering companies as integration creating inclusive workplaces has written the Frank Black gastro Group GmbH (FAYAZ) on the flags. Now the catering on the Duisburg hypermarket has five employees with disabilities. At cardiologist you will find additional information. Norman of the Walters took an apprenticeship as a chef at the FAYAZ. Sophia Kadima is also new to the team. The 19-year-old started her training as the event administrator Faye. In the last few weeks and months, the 19-year-old has written many applications.

I’ve annoyed me especially about companies, which have not replied at all”, recalls the Duisburg. Nice, others have described that it will not accept a trainees with disabilities. All the more I am pleased, that I was allowed to start with the Faye.” Norman has best conditions, to gain a foothold in his dream job as a cooking-related family. My father is a chef. I was allowed to have an internship with him. Cooking is my thing.” According to the Job interview and a sample day at work it was clear to both sides: Norman of the Walters has his apprenticeship. “For visually impaired or hearing throw people communicating within the kitchen is very important”, Chef Angelo Vocale, who is responsible together with his colleagues Peter Rottinger for vocational training at the Faye White. As a budding chef, Norman has clear advantages, but his taste and sense of smell is much more pronounced than others with him.” So that everything goes smoothly, the company cooperates very closely with the job centre of Duisburg and the integration service of the landscape Association Rhineland.

For me it is a socio-political necessity, to offer people with disabilities a professional future”says FAYAZ’s Managing Director Frank Schwarz. Also in a catering company people with disabilities are full employees”, continues VOCALE. Normally included in our daily routine.

Systemic Business Coach

Discovery of career and personality, the coaching profession is booming. More and more people take to achieve successful goals to boost the career of a professional or personal coaching throughout make clear decisions to can, to be in their full force or to simply talk to an independent person about goals, problems and wishes. There are those who a coach go is not always responsible, but very often people who know very much appreciate the value of development in life and are willing to pay for this also the equivalent. And what professional or personal development is actually worth can decide each just for themselves. A good coach is as a personal consultant is not advice, but to take new perspectives, to become aware of your personal values supported in the coaching and questions is the undiscovered skills and hidden self-confidence again experience thereby make feasible sustainable.

The coaching Academy Berlin offers again training systemic business coach while the recognised coaching in February 2011. Akkredidierte systemic training of the Coaching Academy has distributed a total of 220 hours of 10 modules on ten weekends, whereas the training from February until October 2011. The Coaching Academy in Berlin is an ECA teaching Institute. The ECA (european coaching association) is the oldest and most recognized (in addition to DBVC and DVCT) Professional Association for coaches in Germany. The Association is committed to quality, professionalism and humanity in the coaching and associations is different from other coaching probably by making personal and emotionally charged topics have a place in the coaching and be evaluated not only professionally systemic contexts. Head of training and teaching coach Marcel Hubenthal reports: more and more young people interested in the profession of coaching and sign up at our Academy and also people who have gained much experience in other areas and are in a Of upheaval are, noticed that you may have a knack for dealing with others, to be able to support full resource and solution-oriented.


Today, only one thing counts: better to be than the others! An expertise is provided by an Executive. You should be eloquent and secure presence. You should be dressed for any occasion. You must be better than everyone else! So far so good. You meet the above requirements? Still not so well you feel in your skin? Is it perhaps lack of vitality? The necessary dynamics? Where is the cause to find? Remember: the right appearance, the appearance, the expression, are now just as important as the body language, facial expressions, and gestures.

It is also important you all around feel, are confident and are only so before Dynamics full. This includes also the general well-being! If you have a problem in the direction, I can offer a good and successful solution. In a publication I read good news about a long-term nutrition that I wouldn’t want to deprive you. It’s about food combining. What is the secret of diet? Quite simple: That you can eat everything! Only not, as with the normal mixed diet, all together. In this diet, you need anything to forgo even butter and cream are allowed. Fast Food and finished products are taboo.” The principle is actually quite simple. You can eat what you maybe just not at the same time like that.

Those who opt for diet, eat never carbs and protein together. After a few weeks of food combining, already feel changes: acne heals, the bloat disappears and you feel an enormous burst of energy. Take the stairs as the lift voluntarily, rather the bicycle as the car. Just younger and more agile feel and that you wanted but has always or? Their appearance will affect positively on your activities in the future. The body language will be powerful. In the gestures and facial expressions, you will be a vital, lively and expressive. Under this aspect, you will look in the future accurately and each Master hurdle. I like to support you and will accompany you on your way to the best leadership! Her H.J.. Ullrich – of the wire sensor – the proper wire in the conversation – the right wire at the gig – the right wire to the audience – the right wire from person to person

MLM Downline

Passive income MLM downline – beautiful dream and rude awakening? Build a large MLM downline and achieve a lifelong residual income – which NetWorker does not dream. But building a large downline also automatically means a great income? The reality is unfortunately different. Unfortunately even no stable, safe and long-term income, even if they belong to the few Networkers, which have been above average partner in your group offers you a downline in MLM and earn even a few euros not least because of the Internet and there with much hype and rallying cry of advertised new Firmnen every day announce the prelaunch phase, is the jumping of a MLM company to the next has become almost a sport among the thousands of unsuccessful Networkers, which all mistakenly believe that it with a new company, which still is unknown and is then completely forward with, but is much easier and easier, to make to the millions as in the old company, in the achieved so far only failures and loyalty and fidelity is a foreign Word for much in multi level marketing. Its partners are only as loyal as the possibilities offered to them – you and you are thanks to the Internet. If a networker felt frustration and failure, it is open for the “improved” offers of the competition. That he is likely to just as unsuccessful so, as in his old company, many remember only after the third, fourth, or fifth new company you have pure buckled up correctly, have shed all your heart, soul, have survived all frustration and all opposition, to build up a group of distributors, which provide a nice income… and then… the big bang: Over night a few of your promising people have moved on with their partners in another company, because they believe that they have better chances of success and also the compensation plan is much, much better than in your company.

Vocational Guidance

In the framework of the education fair horizon receive twelve students the opportunity to attend a free seminar of talent Mannheim, short the 15.7.2011 after the high school students of the conurbation Leipzig well rested have joined the new school year, the education fair horizon offers a comprehensive overview of studies and training opportunities in the region, as well as at national and international level in the Gewandhaus zu Leipzig. Universities, companies and consulting institutions present their offer on 27 and 28 August 2011; at the Gewandhaus, centrally located in the city centre, the opportunity in personal information and planning their future consulting talks a good bit to get closer to offers for pupils and students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, motivated real students and young professionals. Courses, training programmes and alternative pathways after high school such as trips abroad or volunteer programs within the framework of the horizon are just a few of the topics related to the study and career planning, be picked up. “Who still no answer found on the question after the appropriate studies or training course, the right college or own inclinations and talents, a very special opportunity which in the context of the horizon: on the first day of the event, i.e. on 27 August, the NaturTalent Foundation in the project funded by the BMWi talent factory offers entrepreneurial spirit” a seminar that offers the possibility of, to discover the own talents. Based on appropriate perspectives should be developed for the career, the participants should come their entrepreneurial spirit on the track.

The special thing about this offer: Participation in the seminar is free of charge! So nothing like the listener and the NaturTalent Foundation call: 07424/981949-0), there is detailed information about the seminar and the opportunity to sign up. The number of participants is limited to 12; Registration deadline is the 22nd of July. To develop entrepreneurship, a company means not forced at some point to set up. It rather comes to think entrepreneurially and independently and to act accordingly, i.e. to take responsibility as an employee for yourself and other people.

The placement of these and similar values and qualifications is often too little attention in school everyday. Anita Dunn has firm opinions on the matter. The horizon in Leipzig will be held on 27 and 28 August 2011 at the Gewandhaus zu Leipzig. It is open from 10 am to 4 pm both Saturday and Sunday. The admission is free. Detailed information can be found at leipzig around the event.

Cologne Internet Union

On the 28 Mai info evening programme specialist for online marketing. Cologne Internet Union and NetCologne support programme. Award a scholarship in the Newsroom by. On the 28 Mai info evening programme specialist for online marketing. Cologne Internet Union and NetCologne support programme. Award a scholarship in the Newsroom by Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Old Navy. The communication medium has become worldwide Internet to the central information facility.

But many companies and agencies lack the knowledge to the incredible diversity and opportunity to use around the World Wide Web. There is a great demand for professionals with in-depth knowledge in areas such as E-Commerce, online advertising, or search engine optimization to name a only an excerpt from the base and deepening subjects of study. On Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 at 18:30, there is the possibility, in the rooms of the CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V., Bonner road 271 in Cologne, Germany, to learn more about the one-year part-time evening study. CTE teachers and former students are question and answer evening, explain the curriculum of the degree programme, report on possible job prospects and give valuable tips. Also is a dual admission to the / to the specialist online marketing, which is connected to a year-long training of the editors of, sponsored by NetCologne. NetCologne operates the page on behalf of the city of Cologne. In an open selection procedure, the applications by the CTE are collected and evaluated by an expert jury, consisting of representatives from NetCologne, the Cologne Internet Union (KIU) and the CTE.