Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Zurich University

Series: The new sale (part 5) the gladly called cuddle hormone oxytocin enhances our happiness and pleasure potential. It is neuro-chemical balm for our soul. It has a relaxing and health-promoting. It produced cerebral always then reinforced when it comes to a meeting to introduce fixed bindings. It makes inseparable lovers, binds parents to their children and creates social relationships. It promotes even defending of their own group. Oxytocin focuses on the interaction and increases the willingness to trust. y-Amenable-to-Skipping-Exon-5.html’>Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and add to your knowledge base.

It can heal even damaged confidence. It reinforces the feeling and make us generous. It inhibits the aggressive instinct, and leaves only to melt stress. It promotes the openness to allow interpersonal contacts and makes us peaceful. It makes us too emphatic. The Messenger substance helps to sharpen the look for the mood of others, by interpreting their facial expression and voice.

Oxytocin gives social contacts previously was a good feeling Oxytocin as a pregnancy hormone that initiates the contractions and ensures a close mother-child bond. Now we know: oxytocin can do very much more. It acts as an intermediary and combines social contacts with a good feeling. Under his influence, shuts down the fear Center. Cardiologist usually is spot on. Most importantly, it ensures that rewarding behavior appears to be wiederholenswert. Without oxytocin social species could not survive”, emphasizes the psychologist of Markus Heinrichs, who worked at the Zurich University on the subject and now teaches at the University of Freiburg. In his studies, was revealed that couples under the administration of oxytocin less arguing, and the cortisol level charge of stress reactions was low. Oxytocin promotes well, as other studies suggest the social behavior of people with autism. Men treated with the hormone-like substance could empathize with is easier in the context of a pharmacological experiment in the emotional situation of others. In addition, they achieved faster learning success than under normal circumstances.

Ideal Transport Medium

Bags can be used for many different applications. This requires separate bags but for each of these situations, so for example an airport bag for the airport, a sports bag for the visit to the gym, as well as a backpack for trips in the leisure. In addition bags are also needed to carry home shopping out of town. Bessel van der Kolk shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Tote bags, plastic bags or eco-bags made from recycled material, the offer is virtually inexhaustible. Ultimately needed bags but also at trade fairs. They serve the transport of flyers, information sessions and other giveaways here.

All of these bags can distribute now not only as solid bags to their customers, but they can be provided with the individual advertising printing. This advertising pressure can be designed with naturally colorful, so that the bag in everyday life sure is striking and is seen by passers-by and pedestrians, as well by other people. Bags finally have the advantage that they each well to see and so an ideal transport medium for the advertising message. In addition to the simple promotional bags for transporting the goods and the easy trade show bags, companies can order but also high quality laptop bags, travel bags and Conference bags as an advertising medium. These are provided then usually the employees on their travels, but also as a gift to deserving customers or long-standing supplier, such bags are decorated in stylish black, ideal. The corporate logo must occupy in these cases not the whole bag, but can be unobtrusively attached to the edge of the Pocket. Also for children, bags, such as sports bags, can very well suited.

Berliner ODS GmbH Fair

News from the on the 24th and 25th June 2009 is the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre devoted to the 10 days of mailing, the leading trade fair for direct and dialogue marketing. Visitors to the Berlin ODS GmbH presents the service StayGuest there at the booth of Xerox. Already open for the 10th time the mailingtage, the leading trade fair for direct and dialogue marketing, on 24 and 25 June 2009 its doors. Around 400 exhibitors will present the entire spectrum of the industry visitors from A as in addresses to Z for delivery. Xerox premier partners is also the Berliner ODS GmbH in Hall 4 stand 4-706 represented and presented their Web-to-mailing-service StayGuest. The online portal was targeted for the hotel industry and gastronomy develops and provides a simple and effective direct marketing service. Hoteliers and restaurateurs can select in five easy steps greeting cards with custom motifs, those with individual text, logo and send signature provided and post it to the guests.

The title is the name of the addressee and gives each card this individuality. Up to 50% can be achieved more guest bookings by sending personalised postcards to guests or potential buyers. We would take this opportunity on the spot to introduce our service StayGuest to a wide and interested audience. Mailing days are offered with more than 8,000 visitors, ideally. As a special attraction visitors at our booth of the Xerox can can be Prime original take pictures partner on a Ducati race bike\”, as Sonja Bunthe, marketing manager of StayGuest. Interested hoteliers and restaurateurs can, subject to availability, at the address requesting admission ticket vouchers for the exhibition or at the telephone number + 49 (0) 30 23 09 51 75 arrange an appointment for the fair.

Advertising Industry

Who can already be sure that he is not influenced by advertising? The advertising industry is full of unfathomable mysteries that can be uncovered by the ordinary consumer is difficult. Decision-making plays a particularly important role for many people. Here, usually just a little subtle effect sufficient to direct consumers of one product to another. This effect plays a very important role especially with products of everyday life. The evaluation is not just important for the customer.

The customer is ever more cautious, and the larger the purchase, the thoughts that get the customer to a product are greater. Here, it is very important that customers keep in mind above all the individual advantages and disadvantages. Especially with unimportant or competitive products, this decision-making process is relatively easy to understand. In such a situation, two similar or same products look about equally attractive. For this reason, it needs no “steam hammer” to the customers of a product in such situations to convince. Here, there are small subtle messages, which can bring the customers to opt for a specific product. Here one must distinguish in principle between simple products of for daily use and higher quality goods. For example, a variety of rice or toothpaste is one of the simple products.

The higher value purchases include cars and vacations. Most of us spend not much time on simple products to think. Just in this competitive segment advertising is the hardest to grasp. For most customers, it is relatively easy to make a decision in this area. If a shampoo brand no longer exists, taking just to compete. For the consumer, it is very easy, however, very difficult for the advertising industry. Especially with these cheap products, it is so useful to think about an elaborate campaign. Higher quality equipment we worry about the quality of individual products us more often. For example It is for in the the question of whether we buy average quality at an acceptable price or premium quality at a higher price. In such cases small arguments can be enough to us for a specific direction to decide whether offering A or B range. High-quality goods we worry more about weighing us: I what criterion measure to what? The more complex the product, more extensive discussion of the consumer fails. In such cases, it is not important that we convinced the advertising, but that it alerts us only to benefits. In addition, this form of advertising has another positive effect on the provider: we share usually has a positive what we perceive in advertising, on television or in the newspaper as a positive, with colleagues and friends. This is not a strong uberzeungskraft but only a cautious intervention in our mental view compared to these goods. Can as a whole be so, that it often requires no major arts of persuasion. The customer comes to the appropriate provider product through subtle messages often even on the right track. (see also Internet Agency) Ursula Naumann


2006 is over, and the company EVENT GROUP sums up. We remember the work and proud of the achievements. This year was very rich in various events, both large scale and not very good, but they were all high-budget. There was a positive outlook on the Ukrainian market moving event-services, as customers are increasingly thinking about the really high-quality and rich holiday for its employees. This year, HR managers and those responsible for organizing corporate events, preparing for New Year holidays in advance. The first request came in September. Nice to know that among our customers has been a considerable number of companies, which is really nice and interesting work.

The activities of competitive firms in the market of Ukraine event-services as well worthy of attention, because our competitors are not asleep and forced us to constantly to strive for excellence and superiority in certain aspects of our service to please our customers all over with fresh ideas, new “chips” and interesting offers. RC Investment Partners sees a great future in this idea. In 2006, our company has distinguished itself the following events: Has a large number of various events, including conferences, seminars, VIP Birthdays, opening shops and offices, parties, celebrations, New Year etc. Results from year to year please and cause to grow, without affecting the quality of services provided. At this stage, the company EVENT GROUP has developed proposals for the organization of corporate and leisure of the winter holidays. Now is enhanced training for spring and summer.


What is Logo? Trademark and logo is a characteristic feature of individuality and enterprise. Since the sign is at the core, it concentrates all the elements of corporate identity, the requirements for it particularly severe. Carl Jung will undoubtedly add to your understanding. On the successful realization of the logo, trademark performance depends largely on the total visual image. There are several features the logo of the most important are: 1.Logotip, a trademark gives to distinguish the business from each other. Logo also protects its owner from negligent competitors, as is the property of one company, and no one else can use it, not breaking this law. 2.Garantiya is no less important part.

This means that a certain quality of goods, marked by a logo, is guaranteed by the company. 3.Esteticheskaya function. Good visual representation increases logo value of the goods. This is particularly embodied in the life of consumer products. 4.Reklamnaya function is associated with an aesthetic tool brand. It forms the image of the company, information or psychological function, etc.

Here are the basic requirements for the logos, trademarks, which coincide with common functions of corporate identity. Today, wine companies can be divided into those who have their own visual identity, and those who have it everything is just at the design stage – lots of creative ideas in my head and a huge number of designs under consideration. The correct font is a font that's half of the case. We need to use a font that really wakes capture and communicate the characteristics of your company.


Successfully through promotional products, every year wondering advertising and giveaways sons and daughters again, because in this year good mother’s day gifts are what. That is some fast too much, because there are so many products and you want to really hit the nail on the head. If you are also unsure what gifts to give away on mother’s day, then you will learn a few things that were already always well-received in this article. On mother’s day is not important, first and foremost the gift how valuable. You should worry therefore not too special and can save better for other events such as Christmas the very expensive gifts. On mother’s day, it comes, it brings a nice touch. This counts in mothers most of all most and therefore no expensive mother’s day it really must gifts be.

What are doing but particularly suitable gifts for this occasion? Flowers perfume products flowers have many years of the classics among the gifts, which they handed over to his mother on mother’s day. With this gift, you can do not much wrong and can thus be sure that the mother is happy about it. Of course also send flowers should be and not just that which they pilfered in the neighbour in the garden has. Best get a professionally constricted bouquet, because there are a few little things, you can’t go wrong. At best a florist shop, ask what he can recommend for flowers on mother’s day. This is one of the best mother’s day gifts, because it simply expresses that the gift from the heart comes. Perfumes are another alternative.

With this gift, you are never wrong and can be sure that your mother very happy is happy. This is a very special gift and you should keep it up for special days. If you are giving away a perfume each year on mother’s day the effect just stays away and you should avoid it. It should be at this present always something special. You should be, if possible, before some clever, what perfume you typically use your mother. Of course you get then not the same perfume, because it would be nothing special. Instead, you get a perfume that has some similarities. A well chosen perfume is one of the best mother’s day gifts, if you manage to find the right fragrance. Best you note the scent of your mother, and go into a shop, offering perfumes. There are excellent the seller usually familiar with the different scents and thus they can recommend a perfume there that smells just as good as your mother. Somatic Experiencing often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Care products are excellent for this day. With a product that aims to make more beautiful, they are also never wrong. There are a large number of products and producers in that area and you should take some quiet time to compare the individual products. It is only important that you choose a quality manufacturer. They offer often special sets, which are ideal as mother’s day gifts.

Frankfurt Managing Director

Obama touts for canned soups in Frankfurt/Main, 9th September 2013. The world is becoming increasingly relevant. Therefore, nearly 80 percent of Germans in the newspaper information printed or online. Where there is so much attention, is the right place for advertising. The motto of the cross-channel presence which ZMG newspaper marketing company is according to what happens in the world, happens for advertising”. The agency Ogilvy & Mather advertising, Frankfurt developed a digital campaign platform for the launch. The corresponding online film explains how to sell millions of canned soups with the help of Barack Obama with the support of the newspaper, of course. With their slips and Aufregern Obama, Merkel, Berlusconi and even the NSA work every day, without wanting to, for advertising”, so Nico Amman and Lothar Muller, the responsible creative directors at Ogilvy.

With the provocative campaign, the strength of the media manages to expose newspaper”, so Markus Ruppe CEO of ZMG newspaper Marketing company. Relevant information is the right environment for relevant advertising.” The League 01-produced film is the opener for a campaign website, which informs about the strengths of the newspaper as an advertising medium. The page is decorated with illustrations of the artist Lorenzo Petrantoni, who worked already for the New York Times, Nike, Coca-Cola, or wired world events. Its unusual graphics are also the basis for a brochure that goes to selected advertising and media decision-makers. Flanking, banners and ads are planned. The print flyer to the campaign is available at as a PDF to view available or can be requested from the ZMG (E-Mail:). The ZMG newspaper marketing company is the central marketing service provider of newspaper publishers.

It provides research, planning and consulting. It supports advertisers and agencies with practical media planning services to the advertising effect control. The makers: Ogilvy & Mather advertising Frankfurt Managing Director creation: Matthias Storath CD: Lothar Muller & Nico Ammann text: Lothar Muller, Jorg schrod, Jorg Schaklies AD: Nico Ammann, Constantin Camesasca, Annette Schmitt, Katja spun web design: Ralf Zimmermann motion graphics: S Sam Studio: pearls advice: Xenia core, Fabio Sanfilippo art buying: Magda Ignatowski production: RedWorks, Frankfurt FFF: Oliver Kraege illustration: Lorenzo Petrantoni, Milan ZMG newspaper marketing company, Dr. Joachim Frankfurt Thursday line communications press contact : ZMG newspaper marketing company Ulrike Sand Tel. 069 973822 – 22 E-Mail: Ogilvy & Mather advertising Frankfurt Angelika evil Tel. 069-96225-1706 E-Mail:

Web Marketing

There are multiple techniques of Affiliate Marketing that you can find on the Internet. Your problem is that if you’re just starting to promote affiliate products, you could find you grocery store given as large amount of information. The strategies that you will see in this article you will orient so that you acquire a starting point with the Affiliate Marketing so don’t think you lost and that way you can start having a suitable structure that will allow you to eventually produce an additional source of income to your business on the Internet. Your own Web site currently having a website is within the reach of any individual, as located in related costs which are certainly low, as well as the complexity, because you will discover solutions that encourage you to create your web site in a matter of minutes. In my blog, in the Tools section, you can find details precisely that can guide you in this sense. It has never been easier to have an own website. Valuable affiliate marketing information could prove to be a complement to your online activity, for example around your MLM business, however to do so, should do your website to be distinguished from the others and therefore under no circumstances constituting one site, where you can find the same information as in these competition websites.

Provides novel information in a consistent manner, but yes, that is important information. The best way to develop content is simply creating articles where you give important information. Many of these articles should be focused, indirectly of course, in beneficial outcomes that deliver the products that you are promoting your affiliate marketing strategy. Get this traffic constitutes the third technique that you should use to propel your products of affiliated in an effective way. Actually build traffic is not difficult however has to insist on time so that you get your goal. The author is a Networker committed to teach their knowledge of MLM (Network Marketing) to all those who wish to improve their performance in this industry. You can access full article 4 in Network Marketing Affiliate Marketing techniques and of course more eye-catching content of Network Marketing.

Effective Marketing

Working from home has become something really good for many people. In particular women and students are very related (I) with the House work. Some people really have very good feelings after winning money taking a part-time business from her home. It is a job that is done in his spare time and many people are completely satisfied to have significant revenue precisely during these specific times. It is an excellent experience to win through their creativity. Since business is developed mainly on the web, it is necessary to apply to the use of a smart technique instead of the monotonous work that tends to have in everyday activities.

There are plenty of alternatives for making use of our brain in order to spend money to win. Affiliate advertising jobs are very fascinating and we are able to put ads in any place within the Internet and make our very successful company. It is good to have a sense of Google ad which could be a web site editors prefer our notices, allowing other people can put their ads and pay for it. For each of the listings and for every click on the ads on our web sites we have the opportunity to earn money. This type of work are very good and simple so that we can win. There are plenty of Adsense tips for web compression necessary to continue to make money by this method. Google AdSense Council includes the choice of the commercial to be published and the appropriate place, which are capable of awarding a good gain on our web site.

Ads must be in the place that it is incumbent to attract around the world by visiting the web site. AdSense from Google and AdWords are good alternatives that you can actually make money. The Adsense must be in the correct color to be on our web site. Select ads that give the correct high CPC or click on each listing to make your business worthwhile. If you’ve heard much talk about Google Adwords but never used it, you know that you can do tests of their ads. In Google Adwords, the creating ads that point to your web site is critical. Testing your ads can help you to increase your percentage of clicks (CTR), which means more traffic to your site. With the testing division, must create a new advertising campaign and write two ads that are almost identical.