blend-a-med white trips under the magnifying glass taken there home whitening products from the drugstore and the Internet in many different variants. The most common forms include teeth brightening strips, teeth whitening pens and bleaching splints. Are the affordable teeth whitening usually very controversial products, but why? When a tooth whitening at the dentists, an inspection inquiry held advance of whether even to bleach the teeth are suitable and if the teeth are harmless to health in good condition determined. This important step is eliminated when the bleaching at home, which brightened teeth, are not suitable. Another reason for the split opinions is the low concentration of peroxide in Tooth whiteners for home. The law requires that products for home use may contain only a certain percentage of peroxide, to protect the user. Still, many patients expect the same results as with a power whitening at the dentist.
The results of these teeth brightening treatments should not be be compared, as a professional bleaching around 400 euros costs and contrast home whitening products mostly between 20 and 80 Euro cost. Whiten the teeth with blend-a-med Whitestrips Whitestrips blend-a Med are wafer-thin plastic strips, which are attached to the visible portion of the tooth. The whitening strips with a peroxide gel are coated on one side. The teeth brightening treatment with blend-a-med Whitestrips lasts 14 days, which carried out the treatment twice a day for 30 minutes. A pack contains 56 strips each 28 stripes on the upper and lower jaw, so as a whole. Usability of whitening strips, blend-a Med at the beginning not easily is Strip on the teeth sticking the bleaching, but within a few days it has emerged the rotation very quickly.
Good contact with the teeth is important to achieve an optimal result. Here, Nancy-Ann_DeParle expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Make sure you should especially that, as described in the leaflet, that applying blend-a-med Whitestrips before brushing your teeth. This has several reasons: Even after the whitening strips will be deducted from the teeth, also remains of on the teeth bleaching substance. The bleach should don’t stay too long on the teeth, therefore it must be brushed off thoroughly. After the brushing of teeth, the gum is almost always slightly irritated. The bleaching is performed until now, this could lead to an unpleasant burning. It can weaken the blend-a-med Whitestrips late treatment coming whitening in many cases to an awareness of the teeth. This is not uncommon for a tooth whitening and passes usually after a few days back. To help the regeneration the tooth enamel, use a special toothpaste, Sensodyne ProSchmelz, for example, is ideal. You should expect no lightening like when a professional teeth at the dentist. blend-a-med Whitestrips achieve results like in practice, but cost for only about one-tenth of such a procedure.