The objective of these strategies is to help you take charge of your life and be a support to focus and achieve your dreams that get reflected in goals. There is a phrase that fits perfect on this issue: the starting point of all achievement is the precision of objectives with a positive mental attitude. -Napoleon Hill and w. Clement Stone – then find two bases important to achieve any goal that you propose: identify and clarify objectives to reach the (s) target (s) have a mental attitude positive goals and attitude, that is cufflink that will help you achieve your goals. Once you have identified the goals then you can apply the following strategies: commitment. A person with a commitment is worth a hundred times what it is one that has only one interest.
– Mary Crowley-. It will therefore be transcendental to commit yourself with your goals to achieve your goals, nobody will do it or for it. Registration. Record your progress allows you to see your progress, it is therefore necessary to consider objectives that can be measurable or quantifiable. Habits. You will notice that from a principle will have to adjust your habits, create new or delete others. For example, for point two creates the habit of recording your progress every night and make a list of the seven most important things you need to do the next day.
The habit of daily discipline is another key to achieve your goals. Values. During your process you will need to also adjust your values about honesty, character, integrity, trust, love and loyalty. To create firm foundations they will give you an honest approach to achieve any goal that you’ve exposed. Deadlines. Define your objectives in the short, medium and long-term allow you set more specific and measurable targets by which each period will need to be subdivided in turn phased.