Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


If the relationship begins to quarrel, misunderstanding, or one partner begins to irritate the other, then it is a crisis. No need to say to himself: "I congratulate the ball, you dunce," or blame all of what happened and need to sit down and think about it over 1) a crisis if it, or just a little quarrel, 2) If it is still a crisis, then whether you like a partner, and finally 3) Do you want to save a relationship? In such situations there is, what is certain recipe, do something so that all return, but most importantly, clearly, to solve this problem together. Do not be afraid to express their grievances partner, to share what has become painful. Talk quietly, and if your partner is configured to Save your tandem, the first thing you need to think, and what did not. Here are some sample models of crisis situations: 1. You've been together a long time, everything was fine, but at some point, you thinking, and whether that person (your partner) so that you spend so much time on it. Well, or you just start to doubt your feelings. And do not work out the situation as an old suitcase without a handle, which carry a pity to throw hard, you can suggest only one thing – to stay separate. Well, everything becomes clear, if you so will be easier, so the relationship is terminated, but if you can not a day without their halves, then you've already responded to a question and answer it – MUCH.

Healthy Diet

"Change never occurs without inconvenience, even from worse to better." These words belong to the famous Dr. Johnson, applies to all changes in your life, especially when it comes to the separate power supply. But this inconvenience can be minimized, if you change your diet gradually. The decision to change your diet requires a change in all-in shopping list, in the supermarket and in your kitchen. By concentrating on one thing at a time, You agree to turn it into a habit. It's so easy! Start with step 1 and continue to work on it until it becomes a habit.

Continue to follow him, adding step 2, and so on. Step 1. Diversify your diet. Eat at least a 'solid', dense meal. Try at least three new dishes each week. Eat foods that have hitherto been rarely used. Step 2.

Focus on proteins. Eat at least six servings of fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains in a week. Make one of them is required (such as peas or beans) and eat a lot of greens. Sydney Sweeney recognizes the significance of this. Step 3. Replace white bread black rye. Eat 3-4 servings of whole grain breakfast in a week. Step 4. Fight the visible fat. Clean off all the animal fat and skin (eg, chicken). If you eat margarine or butter, limit their number. Roast on a grill, bake, simmer instead of frying. Step 5. Get rid of invisible fat. Ahmed Shary Rahman does not necessarily agree. Eat low-fat milk or low-fat percentage. Eat no more than 50 grams of cheese per week. Chips and crackers can be eaten only once a week. Eat at least two fish meals per week (from a white or oily fish). Step 6. Go back and review the steps 1-5 and make sure you stick to the basic plan. Do not overdo it with protein and does not cut all the fat too. Remember that all action should be! All of a separate food diet is based on the principle of diversity: the-bread- at least one serving a day-bean necessarily (especially peas and beans), rice and pasta, especially whole grains, and with minimal industrial processing, with a minimum of meat-fat-oatmeal and other cereals breakfasts;-skimmed milk, fish-and-white fat;-bird, but without the skin;-eggs-different fruits and vegetables, including potatoes. Source: Journal of separate meals for women

Why Am I Fat? How Should I Eat ?

Women usually start with chubby on the sides and the front or the popular "wheel" and the little men "beer belly." Gradually the body mass continues to grow and women and men are getting fatter. One of the reasons why fat is usually the way of eating. We got used to eating a lot and sometimes we are forced to eat it all simply by not throwing away food or finish what is on the plate but still full. Read more from Joey King to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Also eat three times a day in huge amounts by saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day then we eat bread, eggs, cereal and a number of things that usually the body fails to digest until lunchtime in which get used to eating soup, dry and dessert. Not satisfied with what we've eaten during the day, we came home tired and the first thing we do is eat, or what was left of lunch or prepare a big meal. Think that the body needs time to digest and eliminate food. Add to your understanding with Riney Family Foundation. That's why many people become very fat and they say they are eating "Only" three times a day.

Now the idea is not to "diet" as they call it all, the diet of pineapple, tuna and even the diet of glasses of water because these diets are the only thing that is bad to the body. What you need to do is eat well and exercise. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn usually is spot on. By eating well I mean that the food must be divided into several portions.

Tea Tree Oil

From what plants do, tea tree oil? First you need to say that "tea tree oil" to the tea does not have a well, not relationships. And the name is a plant was due to Captain James Cook. He and his sailors tried to imagine the healing power of a decoction of the leaves of tea tree during an expedition in 1770. Tea trees grow in Australia and New Zealand. In folk medicine, tea tree used for a long time. Aborigines for treatment of wounds using mashed leaves of tea tree, as well as prepare them to extract the healing, helping in the treatment of many diseases (scurvy, skin diseases, sunburn, tropical infections, snake bites etc. Tea trees in Australia and New Zealand grows two – leptospermum and Tea Tree. Natives called the tea tree leptospermum, but around the world tea tree oil Tea Tree oil became known.

As it turned out probably remain a mystery. Tea Tree – is a low evergreen shrubs or trees with narrow elongated leaves, scented (some of them even like needles) of the myrtle family. Tea Tree is very beautiful blooms. Inflorescences resemble fluffy bottle brush in different colors. At Tea Tree alternifolia, from the leaves of which actually make the tea tree oil, white lacy buds.

Tea Tree is very fond of moisture and light, easy to grow from seeds and growing fast enough. The leaves are grown Tea Tree can be collected, insisting, boil and use as well as tea tree oil. This is a very good antiseptic, which has a complex of very useful for the skin substances. Manuka – it's "popular" name leptospermuma. Online you can find many references to the usefulness of honey manuka oil and manuka. That leptospermum New Zealanders also nazyvyut "tea tree" and is made from its leaves a drink similar to tea. Leptospermum, like Tea Tree, myrtle belongs to the family. It also stunted shrub with elongated rounded leaves. There are many types of inflorescences leptospermuma different colors. One of the most beautiful – leptospermum Rosaceae. The leaves also make leptospermuma essential oil. Call it a New Zealand tea tree oil or manuka oil. In our country it can be found relatively rarely, although manuka oil, according to experts, even more efficient oil Tea Tree (ie tea tree oil). Leptospermum, like Tea Tree, sprouts readily from seed and is growing rapidly. Well formed by cutting and rapidly accumulates. Leaves leptospermuma also always come in handy in your home medicine cabinet.

LifeWave Sleeping

) There are several recommendations in order to cope with sleep disorders: – before bedtime should ventilate the room – the bed should not be too hard nor too soft – bed linen and pajamas, choose only from natural materials – does not fill the stomach before bedtime, dinner at least two hours before bedtime – do not drink lots of water before going to sleep – workouts and other vigorous activity up to 2 hours before bedtime – very useful unhurried walk before going to sleep in the fresh air – a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed acts as a mild sedative – you can before bedtime take a warm bath with soothing oils or foams. Of course, these recommendations are working only with the regular observance of them. However, the modern pace of life and constant lack of time makes their implementation difficult. Means to combat insomnia to combat insomnia, many use sleeping pills funds. However, medications – sleeping pills can be used only on prescription. Some sleeping pills have side effects, and almost all developing addiction. Each time you have to gradually increase the dose or switch to a more powerful sedative.

And so day after day, until the end of life, because discontinuation of sleeping pills lead to a withdrawal syndrome – the strengthening and deepening of insomnia. Fortunately, there is another a proven remedy for insomnia for centuries. Since ancient times, Chinese medicine uses acupuncture, acupuncture and acupressure for the normalization of sleep. The meaning of this method is to work on biologically active points of the body in different ways, thus prompting the body to regulate and helping him to cope with insomnia alone, without sleeping pills. Again, one has to specialists and spend valuable time for completion of treatment. Nanonakleyki LifeWave insomnia Modern nanotechnology can gently work on the acupuncture points of a certain frequency waves without the use of needles and other special funds. You just need to stick nanonakleyku LifeWave a specific point and quietly go to sleep.

After 3-5 minutes the body itself will tune to the desired wave and the advent of sound sleep. Numerous tests and Tests have shown that the use of LifeWave nanonakleek insomnia does not give any side effects or drowsiness during the day, no dizziness, no addiction. This is explained by the fact that your body does not get any drugs, as nanonakleyki to sleep do not. Not recommended for use nanonakleyki LifeWave pregnant women and children under 12 years.