Highlighting the rolls of primary care in our nation, acting through the ESF, by to order of its components you provide care will be the care of qualifying sexual and reproductive health of women, since it has the beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code tool favored family planning by nurses in to their professional performance in the ESF, making the clinical routine. Keywords: Verbal Contraceptives, Family Planning, Nurse, Primary Care, ESF. RESUMEN This I articulate will center en el trabajo woollen enfermera profesional del FSE, that hace use of contraceptives orales, as los fuegos artificiales en el proceso of planificacin woollen family, of where to conocer woollen pharmacology there STEEL, sabiendas of that dicha informacin y peculiarities sound necesarias so that, for in such a way joins seguridad en su aplicacin, un in such a way average y for lo so that in haya riesgo, evitables, salud posiblemente woollen mujer. If it deals with joins descriptivo bibliography exploratorio y y, carried through for un methods of recopilacin of datos on contraceptive los orales as average of planificacin familiar en wools enfermeras of atencin primary.
Detaching el primary woollen paper atencin en nuestro country, the traverse del FSE, for order of sus component to offer atencin for el well-taken care of woollen calificacin reproductiva salud sexual wool y mujeres, ya that cuenta con herramienta basic of planificacin there familiar favored by wools enfermeras en su desempeo profesional en el FSE, by lo that there rutina clinic. Words clave: Contraceptives orales, planificacin familiar, enfermera, atencin primary, el FSE. INTRODUCTION So that let us can deal with the supply of directed cares the Sexual and Reproductive Health of the users of the system attended through the Strategy Health of the Family, primordially fits us to argue on the historical and philosophical basement of the contraceptive methods, in more particular to the contraceptive verbal hormonais, who had propitiated great changes in the forms to think and to act of the society in if treating to the so ample context how much to the Sexual and Reproductive Rights, or same, in a more operative way in the Familiar Planning. .