Posts Tagged ‘education’

American English

In 1607, John Smith founded the first colony in Virginia. And in the beginning of the xvii century, Europeans began to settle in North America. Dr. Mark J Berger has many thoughts on the issue. Early settlers had a very small amount, but after three centuries, they became millions. People were leaving in the hope of a new, rich, free, full of interesting events and adventurous life. He created a completely new society with its laws and principles of life, its economic structure, with their statehood. In America, people were leaving for various reasons: some had hoped to get rich quick, someone hiding from the persecution of avenging arm of the law, someone wanted to gain political freedom, and someone wanted to get rid religious persecution and find freedom of religion.

There were many reasons. People came to America from various European countries. But most of the colonists were from England. When England began to develop their fabulous, full of wealth and new capabilities. Therefore, it is English language became the main language of communication in the then nascent vast country. At the initial stage of American English is not much differed from the British. English colonists came from different areas of the uk, and language groups of people from different regions differ in their pronunciation of individual words, and use of lexical revolutions. There was no uniformity and standards in written language. Years passed, and passed the century, and later arriving immigrants made their changes in vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the language – for XVIII-XX centuries, their language changed.

Paekche, History Of Language

Korean history is extremely interesting and confusing, some things are not clarified. A geo-political passions are raging on the Korean Peninsula and now. On the territory of modern Korea first states began to appear very long. Usually these were small kingdoms, quickly developing and just as quickly fading. But the greatest contribution to the emergence of modern Korea played three ancient kingdoms – Koguryo, Silla and Baekje.

But no matter how many small separate states or kingdoms existed on one small area, they are united by one thing – language. These kingdoms languages were very similar, the inhabitants of one of the kingdom were free to understand people from another. There are reasons due to the history of the emergence and establishment of kingdoms. History of the Korean language is conventionally divided into 4 periods, in this periodization usually do not include language that had to use the Korean Peninsula to the formation of the three kingdoms. So the first half of the ancient period includes precisely languages Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla. Apparently, these languages have some serious differences from the more ancient tribal languages, lived in these territories. Korean history is inextricably linked with the history of China – the kingdom of Koguryo and Silla (which, incidentally, won in his time even earlier the state, located on the Korean Peninsula) almost two thousand years, separated from China. Of course, that in times of allegiance to the State, there were close contacts, and on the borders appeared languages based on Chinese and Korean dialects.

Individual Phenomena

The role of perception in the logic of the learning process. In the traditional practice of teaching established and was in fact universal logic of learning from the perception of concrete objects and phenomena in the formation of concepts and generalizations from concrete representations of concepts. This logic, natural for courses in elementary school, and not actually used in the organization of training adolescent and older students. Meanwhile, almost simultaneously with the perception of concrete objects and phenomena are introduced those scientific concepts and principles by which becomes deeper and more meaningful perception of a particular material. This does not contradict the concept of knowledge: from the living perception to abstract thought and from there to practice, which determines the structure process of learning. 1 The contemplation should be considered in a broad sense as an epistemological sense of man’s essence of a subject with all the senses. The basis of sensation and perception are primary cognitive processes: sensation and perception.

Perception – the process of reflection in human consciousness of objects or phenomena in their immediate impact on the senses. In contrast to the sensations that affect only the individual properties of the stimulus, reflects the perception of the subject as a whole, the totality of its properties. Thus, the thinking people form their view of the world, mainly relying on: – visualizations (Visual perception type) – sound images (auditory type) – a set of kinesthetic sensations (kinesthetic type). In contact with this or that person needs to know which way he prefers to perceive world.

Best Selling Fat Burners

In today’s society have a flat stomach general, means health and fitness. Although this is not always the case, most people with flat abdomen do not have good health in general, better than with people who have belly fat. So that for those who have abdominal fat, the most common question is how to lose stomach fat quickly. Well, the honest answer is that in addition to surgery as liposuction there is no fast way to lose fat from your intestine. But the good news is that you can do something to speed up the process. If you have a big belly, the only way to get rid of is to lose weight.

There is no way that you can stain reduce your belly fat. The body doesn’t work that way. So forget about all those machines of the ab that you see on television. If your stomach is covered with grease, no matter if you do abdominal 2000 a day will not reduce his fat gut. Now the fastest way to lose weight is to create a good diet that favors the weight loss. I am not talking of the die of hunger to death diet here. I’m talking about a reasonable meal plan that will help your metabolism and help you burn those unwanted pounds and finally get rid of your belly fat forever. The first thing you should focus on is reducing the consumption of food which is made of refined flour or food with a high content of carbohydrates.

You should stay away from white bread, rice, cakes etc, and also must stay away from anything sweet, and that includes the sweet beverages such as soft drinks of cola and iced tea. The reason you need to stay away from this type of food, while you’re trying to lose weight is that foods increase insulin high in carbohydrates in our body. If their levels of insulin, your body stores fat. This is a natural mechanism of self-defense of the body, but the reserves of fat where you need it. You need to incorporate protein in your diet, you must have protein in each of their meals. What is the protein that helps process the fastest carbohydrates by what will not increase insulin so that your body does not store fat. But it is easier to say what to do in today’s world is difficult to eat anything that has no flour or sugar. So you also need exercise to help your body burn the remaining carbohydrates that ate and the fat stored in your body Best Fat burners FAT BURNERs – Why L-carnitine is the safest but takes the longest Top 20 Best Selling Fat Burners at iHerb.


When mounting your blog or page Web the service of Hosting always provides keys to you to accede to the Control Panel and thus to be able to enter the information that aparacera in your blog, llamense articles, products etc. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is likely to agree. It is of extreme importance that these keys only are of your knowledge, is you have recommendable them written down in a safe place. But for no reason you must even provide them to other people nor for reasons of work unless one is the asisitencia personnel of the Hosting with which you work. I consider necessary to speak of this subject since personally I committed the serious error of not only keeping this information for me, the lack of experience and knowledge as well as work reasons, took to give this information to me to third people. What ocurrio? Talvez these people as well provided to others or simply somebody had access to them by other means. Weeks later d me with the surprise that was lost all the information that was in of my blogs. Thanks to God, the technical support of the company of hosting with which work, could recover it.

Lamentably some months later volvio to happen the same again but, unfortunately for reasons of personal nature does not contact to me with hosting but until after some weeks of produced the incident and, in spite of the efforts of the technical support NOTHING could be recovered what I mean not only the lost total of all the infomacin, as well as months of arduous work but also the fact to have to return to begin having to rejoin and to install all the again blog. I must recognize that there were other two errors of my part: first not to have changed to the keys of access to the Control Panel of hosting the first time that me ocurrio this and the second it was not to have done back-up of my blog, something that is due to do every month, whereas the one of the list of subscribers of your autorespondedor must hacerce in weekly form. Desire that my experience is to you of aid and at the same time only allows you like of the importance of learning of our errors, on of everything of which we often commit for want of experience, knowledge or simply due to being very trusting. Miguel Mesa Borgoo. Quebec – Canada Like Initiating Your Business By Internet. Visitanos in: Original author and source of the article

Long Distance Education

Introduction Education in the distance is the process of teach-learning, mediated for technologies, where professors and pupils are separate space and/or secularly. (MORAN, 2002). According to Keys (1999), long-distance Education (EAD), is something sufficiently old. In this basic direction, as we saw, EAD is the education that occurs when the ensinante and aprendente (that one to who if teaches) are separate (in the time or the space). Obviously, so that it can have EAD, exactly in this basic direction, it is necessary that the intervention of some technology occurs. Still according to author, whom he affirms: ‘ ‘ The first technology that allowed the EAD was the writing. The typographical technology, later, extended the EAD reach greatly.

More recently, the technologies of communication and telecommunications, especially in its digital version, had still more extended the reach and the possibilities of EAD. The invention of the writing made possible that people wrote what before only they could say e, thus, allowed the sprouting of the first form of EAD: education for correspondence. The epistles of the New Will (destined the entire communities), that they possess clear didactic character, are clear examples of EAD. Its reach, however, relatively was limited? until they had been transformed into livros.’ ‘ In Brazil, in 10/02/98, then the president of the republic Fernando Enrique Cardoso sanciona the Decree number 2,494, that he regulates Art. 80 of the LDB n 939/96, that says: Art. 1 Education in the distance is a form of education that makes possible the auto-learning, with the mediation of didactic resources systematically organized, presented in different supports of information, used or agreed separately, and propagated for the diverse medias. Only paragraph – the courses given under the education form in the distance will be organized in special regimen, with flexibility of requirements for admission, schedules and duration, without damage, when it will be the case, of the objectives and the settled curricular lines of direction national.

Life In Europe And Asia .

The issue of climate change is important for Russia. Russian Duma discusses the rules for providing environmental information. New environmental technologies take root in Russia. Melting permafrost is serious threat to Russia. Great Lakes are experiencing hard times.

Mammoths became extinct due to a number of reasons, and giant deer in Ireland from starvation. Scientists have learned the bacteria convert carbon dioxide into fuel. Based on the pumpkin and zucchini scientists create the most useful vegetables of the future. PHOTO of the week: Wild Life in Central Europe and the horrific pictures of pollution in China. Review of the week from 11.16.2009 to 22.11.2009.

The issue of climate change is important for Russia on Russia-EU summit, which took place on November 18 in Stockholm, one of the key themes was the fight against global warming on the planet. Between the parties to a dialogue on the preparations for the UN conference on anti- climate change, which will be held in Copenhagen in December. It should be drawn international measures for the period after the Kyoto Protocol. Speaking at a summit in Stockholm, the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia is very important for a climate change perspective. Medvedev said the climate meeting in Singapore, and hoped that the measures taken while the interim results are encouraging Participants in the way of developing post-Kyoto measures to protect the Earth's climate. Russian President also drew attention to the problem of the Baltic Sea environment. At the EU-Russia summit, Dmitry Medvedev made another loud statement, he said, Russia will strive to reduce their 2020 emissions to 25%, not 15% as previously planned.

Better Future

All human being that has an objective in the life! exactly that this comes to happen in a certain age of each person. Therefore that today thanks to the new method of Education, in which is to each day growing and being looked for the people, who one day left stop backwards: the studies, its dreams. In the Young truth Ensino for Adult is recolocando in the work field the people who in elapsing of its lives had lost the hopes and the will to grow and to obtain something of melhorpara itself and its family. Others including Dr. Hyun Kim, offer their opinions as well. The EJA is considered the mobile bridge for the conquest of those people that one day already said: I do not go to obtain, I do not have capacity, but this already is thing of the past. To study, to get the knowledge is something so special, that, it does not have it who really does not want to have an open and promising horizon. Therefore never it is late for having a good future, does not matter if it has 20 or 50 years, still is time of living, dreaming and to conquer..

Effective Therapy

Quitting is a difficult task. While the body gets rid of the nicotine addiction, the mind has to end with the mental dependency tobacco exerts on people. Many smokers need help to quit the habit, and beg the help of a magic wand that free them from their pernicious habit forever. It can get it therapy to quit smoking with laser is definitely an option, to quit smoking laser therapy is a possibility for those wishing to quit forever. Many smokers actually want him to leave, but fear facing symptoms that can create them the cut by healthy, in addition to the monkey created by the absence of nicotine. Most terrifies only thinking about what will happen if they don’t hand your cigarettes. Richard Riney follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In this way, fears and fears kept many smokers hooked to his habit.

Stop smoking laser treatments can help manage the need for nicotine, trying that persons are kept relaxed and calm during the first (and crucial) weeks. The therapy is based on the natural stimulation that provides a pleasant sensation of well-being, and in this way reduces the temptation to light another cigarette. Laser therapy is a treatment based on laser light of low intensity, almost painless, with total absence of risks and helps fight the cravings for smoking. It is an external, non-thermal method and also non-invasive. Considered a non-medical method, treatment is provided through the use of a low level laser that helps increase the release of endorphins in the body.

Endorphins are natural chemicals that make the body to lower the level of anxiety and increase energy. Provided that you submit you a therapy to quit by laser, you will experience the action of the laser on the acupuncture points of the body and ears. Those who support this practice point out that non-invasive not only is process really, but not also has no unpleasant side effects.

The Classroom

Its problem is in obtaining to concentrate itself and to understand what the question is asking for, any colloquy to its redor the flame attention, and this makes to it to commit errors some fatal times in the resolution of the exercises, perhaps for unreliability and shame, during the explanation has shame to say that it did not understand. It suffers therefore, and tries to reward of other forms, its card index of mathematics extremely is organized, the leves does not have no ear, it writes well to devagar so that its letter is optimum possible. According to FONSECA (1995 p 264): ' ' The children with OF are normally described for the parents and alive and fabulosas, nervous and neglect the professors as, irrequietas and uncontrolled, explorativas and manipulative, irresponsible and negativistas, unstable and impulsive possessive and fiery-tempered, disarranged and disorganized, conflituosas traquinas, etc.' ' But who knows Peter truily agrees that although to present some of these characteristics, it also it possesss other marcantes characteristics, being one of the main ones, its affection and affection for that they give attention to it, then we cannot judge a pupil after to see its diagnosis medical, each person possesss proper characteristics, and us as professors we must be intent to also identify in our pupils the good characteristics. During the tests the concern is perceived even though in its feio and desperation, frequently calls the professor to ask if the question is certain, that only answers not to be able to say. It obtains excellent notes in works, but in the tests its performance is bad. Its excuse for the taken off note is always the same one: – I wise person substance, but I did not obtain to understand what it was to make. The teacher of mathematics of Peter, is without a doubt fantastic, obtains to arrest the attention of the group during the explanation, is very patient when taking off doubts, excessively possesss an excellent domain of the classroom without being authoritarian, its lesson is relaxed and the pupils demonstrate to like.