It knows before because, because? back in the past? we do not learn to cultivate our true identity and reliable wet-nurse it in we ourselves and seeing them as capable to take taken over on a contract basis vante one until its positive end. The basic base is here to know that in the day where the animals will be arredios and that everything tends not to give certain, we have the positive energy of the confidence in we ourselves, lined up with and in the Creator, who in will give the certainty to them of that tomorrow or later everything I content he will be decided it. Or still, that exactly in one day bad we have something to learn, it is enough a little of attention with the open spirit and the mind? nor that it is to move of route? not of objectives; nor that it is of boarding forms, but that it does not mean desistance. Before if becoming a trainer of elephants you must examine yourself and look for to know talking honest and frankly with you yourselves if she congregates the enough and necessary confidence for this company if the reply she will be negative? it must look the necessary knowledge that they lack so that they prepare for it to acquire confidence and unfastening to be used in elapsing of the enterprise. The confidence is in you is will be charged by the elephants? if not to know of this? it does not try, but it knows of beforehand that what they wait is that you can learn and to pass them total confidence in the taken over on a contract basis one, because before you choosing they already had adredemente chosen adredemente it. After the health and of the confidence you are not soon still, more you advanced ones forty percent in its intention, what already she represents a progress in such a way and, you go to continue? The elephants have, as know, a very acurada sensitivity? although they say that it has a teeny intelligence? its prodigious memory and its sensitivity complete the intelligence lack that porventura can be to lack, as they say the bad languages.