Health Department
The neurite can be acute, characterized for pain (neuralgia), hipersensibilidade to the palpao, edema and espessamento of the nerves or chronicle of insidiosa evolution that attends a course with sensitive alteration and loss of the muscular force, the chronic form can have pain or not, quiet neurite (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2002). The main acometidos neural trunks are: in the face (trigmio and face), in the superior members (ulnar and the medium one) and in the inferior members (to fibular and the posterior tibial). Mark Hyman, MD has plenty of information regarding this issue. The neurological evaluation consists of inspection of the eyes, superior and inferior nose, members, palpao of peripheral nerves, evaluations of muscular force of ocular and cutaneous sensitivity (ARAJO, 2003; HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2002). Ahead one suspicion of hansenase, they need complementary examinations beyond the physician as the baciloscopia must be carried through in all the patients, the result is important disgnostic it and auxiliary in the classification of the clinical form. The bipsia of injury and the nerves with histopatolgico examination for the clarification of the diagnosis.
The Mitsuda test that evaluates the cellular delayed hipersensibilidade and has high especificidade for the M. Leprae for classification of the illness and definition of prognostic (ARAJO, 2003; HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2002). According to Health department (2002), the importance of the distinguishing examination is that similar illnesses of skin and neurological illnesses to the injuries of hansenase exist that they present signals and symptoms, as esbranquiadas or colored spots, injuries in plates, infiltrations and nodules. Examples of skin injuries that can confuse with hansenase, the Pitrase, Eczimtide, Vitiligo, Had of the Body. the neurological ones, Syndrome of the tunnel of carpo, parestsica Neurology, alcclica and diabetic Neuropatias and injuries for repetitive effort (TO READ). It is important to stand out that the main difference between hanseniase and other illnesses of skin are that will not have alteration of sensitivity. Some images for illustration of the diagnosis of Hansenase.