Archive for January, 2018

Protein Diet

Can you really remove by taking to himself much protein? The protein diet was discovered in the 1960s by the Americans. At that time, astronauts ate very rich not to lose weight. The positive side effect of this diet was that they got fat. Is the question therefore whether diet actually can be removed protein of? So does the protein diet the principle is easy. Due to the low consumption of fats and carbohydrates, the body must rely on body fat and carbohydrates stored in the body.

After a certain period of time, the body can no longer rely on body’s carbohydrates and begins with the burning of fat. Through this process, the body wins the needed energy. Must burn the body several days or weeks body fat we take this off. What can you eat what non-target with this diet is to eat very high-protein food. Much protein is primarily in meat, milk, eggs and cheese. These products should take in sufficient mass to himself. Fatty products such as butter and carbohydrates containing products such as pasta should be avoided. In addition, one should take more supplements to, because the diet with the protein diet is very biased and can lead to problems.

Studies show that the diet works in the Diogenes study proved that actually can be removed with a protein-rich diet. After an 8 week diet subjects on average had lost 11 kg. After a further 4 months, 75% of the participants had kept her weight. That means diet actually can be removed with the protein. In a short time, some kilos lose benefits of protein can diet.This ensures that greatly increases their motivation and also some time continue the diet. With this diet you need not be hungry and want nearly as much food as they can, because protein-rich products satisfy much more than carbohydrate Food. The downside of this diet is the one-sided diet cons. While it may cause health problems such as kidney damage. Further, this diet very often leads to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. The additional intake of nutritional supplements is mandatory. Your body long term verdict by the high-protein diet burns more fat. As a result, you can lose some kilos quickly and easily. Unfortunately, the diet has the disadvantage that it is very biased and may cause deficiency symptoms or health problems. This diet is so carefully to enjoy and everyone should consider precisely in advance, whether he actually wants to perform.

Burn Abdominal Fat

It turns out that Yes. Get a super physical and some abdominal defined should not be a boring and depressing sacrifice. Abdominal exercises are good, but abdominal fat doesn’t go away with them. These are some simple tricks to burn abdominal fat without becoming an unhappy. -Maintain correct posture.

The abdominal muscles are related to the rest of our body and its function is not only to avoid injury to internal organs or the attention of girls. Gives them the importance they deserve and walks upright. -Reviewing mentally unhealthy living habits. Some facts that seem trivial as the hours of sleep, the over-consumption of soft drinks or alcoholic beverages, the hours of couch, van slowing metabolism which already by itself becomes lazy with age, and accumulates fat because it receives more than that burns. -Create a fitness program that you have fun and you are able to comply. It is irrelevant that you decide to simply walk with vividness or learn martial arts. The aim is to make you feel in shape. Creates a plan, and put it in practice.

-Create a nutritional program to eliminate accumulated fat. Seek professional help if necessary, but in the majority of cases the problem is not what we eat, but how much. Before repeating a ration, thinks. Your body will be left without that plus and begin to consume its reserves, fortunetellers of what? Of fat! -Once you’ve got results with all of the above, you can start to define your abdominals. Surely your physical appearance has already changed significantly and the mirror returns you the image of someone in full form. It is time to specifically train the zone. It is not make many repetitions a day and leave it then, don’t get bored with them, and do them well. These five tricks to burn abdominal fat not only should serve to burn abdominal fat, but to become more healthy people and therefore physically more attractive. I found a program to develop an abdomen marked for anyone who wants to see results in 21 days. This program is designed so you can start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you think it is possible. You can learn more by clicking here.