Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Latin America

Again the intention to decimate the vigor of the growth of the Islam in Latin America takes control of the presence of the academic Ely Karmon and the content evident of its conference in the University Of the Rosary of the city of Bogota, Colombian capital. The central argument of the subject constitutes the affirmation Hezbola uses natives to penetrate in Latin America to title appeared in the magazine Change after its dissertation the day 24 of March in the Faculties of Political Sciences and International Relations within the framework of its analysis on global Yihad and the Iranian coalition. The peculiar thing of the arguments is that Teodoro Darnott is based on the presence of leader wayuu that in year 2006 was involved in a very primitive attack against the embassy of the United States in Caracas. According to Ely Karmon, Teodoro Darnott had created the Islamic Autonomy wayuu conformed by conversos of its tribe and who in 2001 and 2004 Hezbol of Argentina proposed to him to send mortars, plastics and arms to him from Paraguay with the aid of the CRAF. assertions go much more there when finalizing its speech distributes to a document rough draft not yet published titleholder IRAN AND ITS PROXY HEZBOLLAH, the STRATEGIC PENETRATION IN LATIN AMERICA to the assistants the same day 24 of March. In this document one describes to the biography of Teodoro Darnott and its approach to the Islam after to have belonged to a small Marxist faction called Project Guacaipuro Movement by the National Liberation MGLN that it had rejected and fought against the oppression of indigenous farmers in the region of the Valley of Caracas. Its formation would receive Islamic it in the mosque of Maicao and through Internet developed to one theology liberation Islamic-Christian mixture of theology of the Khomeini Magnet and Gustavo Merino Gutierrez the considered Peruvian theologian like the founder of the Theology of Liberation. . .


If it were predictable, it is not worth living life. If everything is as you would like it to be and if everything was a certainty, you’d not be a man, you’d be a machine. Osho have perceived and forming daily to express facts that if we are awake, attentive in the role that they perform, obtain information, which increase our learning and experiences that invite us to reflect on the important thing is to know the opportunity that is given to us, to grow personally and spiritually. In every action that we participate we generate changes, we are fostering dynamism which allows us to evolve, amaze us that we both know to leverage our time. We know, that the fact of being live, is because we are in continuous movement, all of our systems, organs are movements, integrated in such a way that keeps us alive, what matters is that management of our energy, all stimuli which assure movement and lets us know take the time that is given us to remain in this dimension. Osho reminds us in this regard, that precisely the life is to live. It is not a thing, it is a process. There is no way to know what is life more than living, still alive, flowing, flowing with it. ance/’>Infosys sees a great future in this idea.

Reminds us and invites us to bear in mind, that if we look for the meaning of life in any dogma, in a particular philosophy, in theology, it is almost certain that we will lose what is life and its meaning. Life, says Osho, us is not waiting on any part, is happening. Not found in the future as a goal that has to achieve, is here and now, at this very moment, our breathing, in the our blood circulation, in the beating of our hearts. Anything that we are is our life and if we start to look for meanings elsewhere, we will lose it.

Jubilee China

In China it is normal to see people of eighty years jumping to the curve. They do it with its friendly, the family or the grandsons. In great places or tiny alleys. As if they finished only leaving class and they had minutes to enjoy the recreation. Although to Cao Ming it has still not given him to jump to the curve, this musician of 63 years also stays in form.

It says that its secret is to touch to the battery four hours to the day, to eat well and to enjoy its grandsons. When him comment that sees very well him and that it seems young much more, responds to me as if suddenly it had turned to me into his disciple: In China tenth that one becomes old when it cannot move the hands nor the feet. Fjate in as I touch to the battery and the guitar. Move I them. I am young. Not only I touch by music, also by the life.

Thus never you are made old. In Peking, other people majors prefer to enjoy their youth the Taichi, the meditation and another type of exercises. When the majority of young people still is between sheets, many already have been several hours practicing Taichi in the parks. It is a spectacle to rise to 6 in the morning and to go to the parks to contemplate his slow but accurate movements, like small turtles that advance little by little but in the precise direction. Fascinated by the vitality of the people majors and their paper in the Chinese society, I went once again with all questions to the store of bicycles of the old Lao Wang. In this occasion I pillaged waiting for clients to him and remembering phrases of Confucius: in the Chinese traditional society the filial mercy and the importance of respecting to the majors was something almost sacred. The major to have of a son was to take care of of its parents. Now the things are changing. The young people every time worry less about their majors . Lao Wang explained to me how in the Chinese traditional culture the children were forced to follow the advice of their parents, to prepare their funerals and to take care of of them until the last day. At present and in the great cities, the things have changed much. Some children even go to contracts legal to arrange the familiar relations: the children commit themselves to be pleased their studies while they are young in exchange for which the majors them do not bother when its oldness arrives. The social relations change in China to huge steps. Although less and less, the majors still enjoy an enviable prestige and a vitality. At present, the spaces in the parks are thought so that the young people run, but also so that the people majors can make their exercises of Taichi. And the old ones still compete with the children to see who jump better to the curve. Daniel Mndez Original author and source of the article.

Social Signallers

To social signallers and journalists In Jutiapa, with a raised heat, twenty people waited for to expert in radio. The words falsified the reality. Bessel van der Kolk will not settle for partial explanations. I got to dictate a factory of four hours. Additional information is available at Gina Ross. I spoke one and listens to three. I noticed that some felt pain when speaking.

I saw farmers, signallers without title, men and women of donkey, boat, cicla, and bus. The experience was in Viator Radio, Honduras. The colleague was seated to a flank of the table with the doubled notebook, bitten pencil, outside fashion, teeth counted and hands marked by the seal of the work. The type spoke of the temporality and regularity of the radio, without having nor idea of the sins that comment on this theory that sustains means. To social signallers and journalists Viator radio is a transmitter of two quarters, without conditioned air, without computer, an employee and a great programming.

There I reviewed on brings back to consciousness of means. One by one they appeared, and without speaker voice spoke on their programs. All called my interest, but, in a flank of hall, I was with a testimony that I was counting in each place. First one dispatched with a speech on the communitarian radio. I was speechless and only I dare to reproduce this text as if he that perhaps did not know to read knew it years. the communitarian radio is denominated of many ways. One knows as popular or educative radio these names describes the same phenomenon, that is becoming to hear and to democratise the communication on communitarian scale. 1 Without to say, I returned on the colleagues signallers. A man spoke of the importance of the script, to have contact with the control and of good that is to have guests in study in my program of health I have some guests sometimes come the doctor and make his contributions.


Of girl always I wanted to be masterful. Yes, neither or they asked to me of what it wanted to work when I was greater I responded that I wanted to be like my Jimena teacher. Hear from experts in the field like Dr. Mark Hyman for a more varied view. It is that for me, of small, four activities only existed: the one of teacher, like my professor Jimena, the one of architect who constructed houses like my papa, the one of doctor like doctor Sanchez who cured to me whenever something hurt and the one to me of my mother who was housewife, reason why I understood well which was the work of my mother because she always went it in the house taking care exactly of the workings of the home. He went so to the seven years of age I decided that he wanted to be masterful. To that height already he knew that what I wished I was to study primary teaching because of no way I was going to fight with small children like my hermanito Joaquin who was four years old. I already was a great girl and then she wanted to occupy me of the boys majors, those that concurred to the primary school as well as did I it. The time was passing and my head in which they did not seem to fit many other possibilities of workings or uses it began to discover a great amount of other occupations to which to dedicate itself.

Thus when I was arriving at the end of the institute and one began to approach the moment at which one must decide as well as if outside by magic art what will make with something so little important as the rest of its life, because clear to that age people harras to you (or at least that was what it happened to me) with questions of so easy answer such as: ” and now what you are going to do? Or What you would like to study? Or What degree course you have chosen to study? ” Clearly I did not know well that to respond before these questionings thus people instead of to be amiable, she happened to become an annoyance that asked something that still did not have answer. Nevertheless I continued looking for to see what was what I liked to do. And although I believe that nobody knows for sure of what it would like to work or to what it would like to dedicate itself until it is doing it, if I believe that one can have an idea what the attention can call him. It went so I began to incline by the studies related to the social and humanistic field until finally I was decided by the publicity race. And as it happens in the stories of you foretell today I am happy and like partridge because not only that I graduated but I enjoy my position of executive of accounts enormously.

Healthy Weight Loss

Thousands of people prentenden to quickly lose weight for an event in particuar, llmese celebration, meeting or matrimono. Mark Hyman, MD: the source for more info. If in your case one is to thin 10 kilos but possible soon then this information is for you, because you will discover exactly what much people have made to lose 10 kilos in only 15 days. A related site: Bessel van der Kolk mentions similar findings. If you try to do it of a safe form, then you will have to do the following thing: 1. Tomato a desintoxicante drink: The desintoxicantes drinks release absolutely all the toxins that facilitate the fat accumulation and the food without digesting, while it provides with carbohydrates and sugars to you. Nevertheless, this is not recommendable for treatments of long term, nevertheless as diet lightning to lose weight quickly if it can serve to you. 2. It eats small portions of food during the day: If people knew the good that to him several times in the day do to the organism when eating, there would not be as much obese people in the world. To eat small amounts of food during the day can facilitarte the task of thinning 10 kilos quickly, every time when ingesting food vrias times in the day, your metabolism is accelerated, because it must extract the nutrients of as rapidly as possible ingested foods.

3. A little cardiovascular exercise: This it is a tremendous effort that you will have to make to thin 10 kilos in next the 2 weeks. One is dedicarte to the cardiovascular exercise once in the day by one hour, of Monday through Friday, for the following two weeks. You can mount bicycle, trotar, run or to do spinning will help you enough. It remembers to consume much liquid during the process. You considered dificl to thin 10 kilos in the next days? Your celebration or meeting this around the corner you can let and it escape. Perhaps it sees and it applies ests advice and you will see results more soon than you think.

Civil Society

Until now, the social and economic organizations of the Valencian Community had left the conduction of the public thing into the hands of the politicians while they dedicated themselves to their tasks: in the case of the industralists, to make money, that stops that have been years of bonanza in which these organizations successively made the rendib to Eduardo Zaplana and Francisco Camps without a single spying of critic. Now that the things come badly given, they have awaked of his calm lethargy and they elevate his voice to think, to criticize and to orient envelope which must make the Administration Public. Welcome is, then, that civil society without whose participation a democracy does not exist outpost. By the same author: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. And what they say now those organizations are dramatic. The president did the past Monday of the BIRD, Francisco Pons, in an insensitive review to the deficiencies of the Catalan Autonomous Government, demanding to trim costs, to stop his increasing indebtedness, to privatize beings deficit public and until professionalizing the positions of the Consell. On the following day he touched the turn to him to Leopoldo Pons, president of the Valencian economists, who presented/displayed the results of a survey in which their associated ones suspend to the Valencian economy with 3.32 on 10 and carry out forecasts " not very alentadoras" , to say it finely. In that as soon as they differ from the barometer of the Grouse Foundation, in which the Spanish industralists score with 2.8 the economic situation of the country whereas the 79 percent of them affirms that its company has undergone " much or bastante" the economic crisis. The image that is offered cannot be more discouraging. But we return to the Valencian Community, where the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Castelln, Salvador Mart, finishes affirming that " not always a management has been made responsible for the public coffers because it did not think that they would arrive vacas".

Healthy Weight Loss

Thousands of people prentenden to quickly lose weight for an event in particuar, llmese celebration, meeting or matrimono. If in your case one is to thin 10 kilos but possible soon then this information is for you, because you will discover exactly what much people have made to lose 10 kilos in only 15 days. If you try to do it of a safe form, then you will have to do the following thing: 1. Tomato a desintoxicante drink: The desintoxicantes drinks release absolutely all the toxins that facilitate the fat accumulation and the food without digesting, while it provides with carbohydrates and sugars to you. Nevertheless, this is not recommendable for treatments of long term, nevertheless as diet lightning to lose weight quickly if it can serve to you. 2. It eats small portions of food during the day: If people knew the good that to him several times in the day do to the organism when eating, there would not be as much obese people in the world. To eat small amounts of food during the day can facilitarte the task of thinning 10 kilos quickly, every time when ingesting food vrias times in the day, your metabolism is accelerated, because it must extract the nutrients of as rapidly as possible ingested foods.

3. A little cardiovascular exercise: This it is a tremendous effort that you will have to make to thin 10 kilos in next the 2 weeks. Mark Hyman, MD: the source for more info. One is dedicarte to the cardiovascular exercise once in the day by one hour, of Monday through Friday, for the following two weeks. You can mount bicycle, trotar, run or to do spinning will help you enough. It remembers to consume much liquid during the process. You considered dificl to thin 10 kilos in the next days? Your celebration or meeting this around the corner you can let and it escape. Perhaps it sees and it applies ests advice and you will see results more soon than you think.

Hormonal Levels

The good fats will help to increase the levels of anabolizantes hormones in their body, the promotion of fast muscular gain. 3/To include/understand Its Hormonal Levels the majority of the people who look for the way to gain muscular mass fast abandonment to understand the paper that plays their hormones in the capacity of their body of the muscle and to grow it fast. In general terms, we can divide hormones in two groups – anablicos and catabolic. Anabolizantes hormones (in the form of testosterone, hormone of growth, and factors of growth of the insulin) help our muscles to grow, whereas catabolic hormones (cortisol, progesterone, and the adrenalin) contribute to the protein degradation of the muscle, that will be used for the glucose (energy) synthesis. Therefore, in other words, too many catabolic hormones really can be detrimental for our attempts to gain muscular mass quickly, since it can get to undo our duro work.

As to reduce naturally the levels of catabolic hormone a) To avoid the most possible stress in its life – stress produces the adrenalin that is a catabolic hormone. b) To obtain the rest and the dream sufficient between the training to reduce the cortisol levels c) To consume a rich protein diet to reduce the cortisol levels 4/To sleep As a Baby the dream is very underestimated in its importance to gain muscular mass quickly and the construction of a great body. The depriva lack of dream of its body the time necessary to reclaim and to reconstruct its muscles, and increases the levels of cortisol in the body as it were mentioned previously. Cortisol is essential like mechanism of survival in our bodies, but the public enemy number one when it is tried to gain muscular mass quickly. Anabolicas hormones of the growth that take place to begin 30-45 minutes after falling asleep, but to arrive at its higher levels when it is in deep dream.

Gain Muscular Mass

We see since recommendations we must follow to follow an feeding to gain muscular mass: One of most important is to supply our body with nutrients that promote the muscular growth (as it is the case of the protein) every 2 or 3 hours. Therefore, we will have to eat 5 or 6 times to the day to obtain that our muscles can continue growing. Many create of erroneous form that realising the exercises is sufficient to secure the body that we wished. Nevertheless, this belief is totally erroneous our human organism needs all the nutrients in the necessary amounts still more and when we put under our organism the high stress as is the case of the muscular training with weights Besides realising the training of correct form, we must provide to our human organism the necessary nutrients so that it can grow of fast and effective form. Another important macronutrient for the muscular growth is the carbohydrates. These provide ” combustible” to the muscles and the human organism and they cause propitious hormonal state for the muscular growth since the levels of insulin, testosterone and factor of insulnico growth are increased type 1. our diet approximately.Exactly the protein would have to compose between the 30 and 40% of The protein is a very important macronutrient for the formation of muscles and so that our body can burn the fat of effective form. Also the protein is essential to obtain that our muscles grow and essential also for the human organism.

Thus for example, itself we eat proteins we will not have the energy necessary to turn the protein into muscle since the human organism does not absorb of effective form the protein without carbohydrates. Whenever we eat we would have to consume the amounts adapted of carbohydrates, proteins and fats since each of these macronutrients must be present in the human organism in the right amounts so that we pruned to absorb them of suitable and effective form. we must consume calories of nutrients that they promote the muscular growth as it is the protein.