Posts Tagged ‘business & economy’

Nanai Salmon

The California Agency is responsible for Qews media sales, marketing and PR for the North American region. Check with Anu Saad to learn more. The innovative Nanailederhersteller from Bischofsmais conquered the European market of fashion, furniture industry, automotive, even in the last year in the storm. Thrilled by the uniqueness and the manifold possibilities of use, processed fashion labels such as Michalsky, mongrels in common, RoyalBLUSH or El Caballo 100% chrome free tanned leather from salmon skins. Also furniture makers and interior designers such as for example Walter Knoll, Machalke Loher Raumexklusiv GmbH can SAM among its customers. What began so successfully in Europe, is now continued in the United States. As a partner, the Agency has won Sam for this Qews media, which itself is responsible for the marketing to the distribution for the entire North American market. Nanai can find no one better. Qews media, can look back on many years of experience in building brands.

The marketing agency headquartered in Los Angeles, the United States has on the development of the American market specialized and can rely on a large network and experienced staff for that purpose. Move the topics sustainability and the use of ecological materials particularly in the United States increasingly to the fore. Consumers make their buying decision of these aspects. At the same time they not do without quality. Nanaileder offers luxury with a clear conscience. Therefore we hold the entire North American market as one of the most important for our leather and expect a continuation of the story of our success”, says Holger Grove, Managing Director of nanai. Sam stands for leather made in Germany and is the world’s only producer of Nanai leather that chromium-free gerbt 100%. The company developed a process, salmon skin, at the highest level to refine on ecological base tanning and dye with pigmentation and characteristic structure of the skin are preserved in several years research. Only animals are used in the selection of the salmon skins, the from aquaculture with welfare, sourced from certified organic salmon farms in Ireland.

Austrian Federal Railways

The celum GmbH, supplier and manufacturer of solutions for the enterprise digital asset management, looks back on a successful financial year once again. Linz. In 2009, the company experienced a sales increase of 30 percent compared to 2008. Also 60 new customers won celum in the last year, almost a quarter come from the United States and Asia. Compared to the previous year, the owner-managed celum GmbH increased its sales by 30 percent. This result, that our customers trust us and our products make a real contribution to the efficiency enhancement and cost reduction shows especially in difficult economic times”, as Michael J.

Kraftner, CEO of celum GmbH. The growth of the Linz software company continued last year also in human resources development. 42 employees working at the headquarters in Linz and at offices in Vienna and food, Germany. Celum will globally expand in the future. Subsidiaries in France and the United States are planned for the coming months.

Numerous national and international new customers new customers include many well-known companies and Institutions from home and abroad, such as for example the Japanese DAIICHI SANKYO group, the Swiss Helvetia Insurance, the French company of Lanvin, the Max Planck Institute, the Russian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the German practitioner markets, the Swedish SCA group, the Austrian company sport Eybl, the German STO AG, Wiener Styria multi media, Toyota Motor Europe from Brussels, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the University of Cologne and University of Greifswald, the US Department of energy and the Victorinox AG of Switzerland. More than 370 clients in 27 countries currently use the celum enterprise digital asset management product family. The only in new product presented October celum DYNAMO that agile platform for Web-to-print and brand management, for its flexibility and praised fast implementation.

The Austrian Federal Railways oBB as one of the first customers expected annual savings in the marketing of several 100,000 by using celum DYNAMO. For 2010, Michael Kraftner gives optimistic Outlook: this year we are also continually invest in the further development of our product portfolio and expanding our international network of partners. A strategic focus on the continuation of our proactive strategy of integration with Microsoft SharePoint, which is already unrivaled in the J2EE enterprise DAM market.” Celum celum delivers a technology to automate marketing and sales processes in communication with his celum enterprise digital asset management product family. The company was founded in 1999 and currently employs 42 employees at its headquarters in Linz and at offices in Vienna and food.

Rubber Varieties

All types of rubber, natural and synthetic, are high-molecular compounds. All types of rubber, natural and synthetic, are high-molecular compounds. The natural rubber is obtained from the Milky SAP (LTeX). The synthetic rubber is obtained from simple organic compounds (monomers) by Polycondensation or polymerisation. Therefore, these are divided into polymerization and Polycondensation rubbers. Main types of synthetic rubber, produced at the operation scale: isoprene – butadiene, butadiene – styrene, methyl styrene – butadiene, ACCS-, butadiene Methylvinylpyridin-, butadiene nitrile – Chloroprene -, butyl -, ethylene – propylene, fluorocarbon and others are preparations of Polycondensation serve (isoprene, butadiene, Chloroprene and Piperylen) and ethylene derivatives (isobutene, acrylonitrile, styrene, methyl styrene).

Output materials for monomer synthesis are oil and natural gas, coal, limestone, ethyl alcohol, etc. Silicone rubber and urethane rubber produced by the Polycondensation. For this synthesis Organosilikonverbindungen (Makrodiol, Diisozyanat u.a) used. All rubber grades are divided into saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated rubbers are obtained from service by the Polycondensation or Kopolymerisation with ethylene derivatives. Saturated rubbers differ considerably from unsaturated in the structure, properties and curing characteristics. On properties and applications of different rubbers of the General and special provisions. For determining total natural rubber, butadiene styrene – butadiene and isoprene rubber refer.

They are used in the automobile industry (tires) and for the production of technical rubber parts. Rubbers of special designation used for the manufacture of goods, what special features have (oil, and heat resistance and high gas tightness). These are butadiene – nitrile, polysulfide, silicone rubber, butadiene-Methylvinylpyridin, Chloroprene – and butyl rubbers and fluorine-containing Kutschucke. Vulcanization of rubber is the most important process in the manufacture of rubber Vulcanization is the conversion of rubber in the elastic rubber by macromolecule networking with the cross binding. Michael James Burke helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. When vulcanization sulfur vulcanization accelerators, activators, weights, plasticizers and uses antioxidants, which contributes to the extraction of the vulcanizates with required properties. Usually, the curing with the Schawefel is performed. This process, called hot vulcanization, rubber compounds are heated up to 130-160 C. The vulcanization with sulfur perchloric, which is located beneath the room – or a little higher temperature, is called cold curing. Hot vulcanisation plays an important role, because she win allows the manufacture of goods with value properties. Some rubber grades can cure themselves at high temperatures (100-200?) without sulphur. For vulcanization of rubber of special provision, metal oxides, peroxides, polysulfides, halogenated derivatives, isocyanates and diamine used as Vulkanisationsmittel.

Aluminum Demand In Turkey Is Growing

Again, an increase because of demand from home and abroad is predicted for 2010. Since 2002 are the aluminium production, domestic sales, exports and imports almost constantly in the upward trend. Reasons for this are the upturn in the construction industry, the increased need for the automotive and packaging industries, as well as the growing production of household and kitchen appliances. Educate yourself with thoughts from theoretical physicist. Even if in the crisis year 2009, some areas have recorded returns, there a very significant increase in the production of aluminium foil (+ 17%) and in the production of aluminium cables (+ 50%). Assan Aluminyum, one of the largest aluminium works in Turkey, will increase the production 2010 even by 180%. Thus underlined the crisis safety of the industry and new investment can be classified as lucrative. Capacities of the aluminium industry in Turkey so far working in the aluminium industry approximately 700 companies with more than 18,000 workers, approximately 300 production enterprises. Since many aluminum companies expanding their production capacity and additional investment plan, offers the chance, German companies are now in the aluminium market in Turkey with a market volume up to 15 billion US$ to enter per year.

Advice for the successful entry into the Turkish market sales partner search requires expert knowledge. The imap Institute offers the necessary expertise, can fall back on established networks and accompany companies in sales or search for cooperation partners. the imap Institute as intercultural consultancy was founded In 2002. Since IMAP is divided into four business areas: Foreign trade consulting Intercultural marketing Integration work Cross cultural intercultural training the imap Institute considers economic and social potential, society as companies can profitably use. Just Germany as leading exporter benefited. IMAP builds a bridge to Muslim cultures with his consulting portfolio. The intercultural imap team is characterised by its expertise on the social, cultural and economic relations and properties of Turkey, Iran and the Arab world. The consulting services range from the conception of integration strategies in Germany to the successful deal between German companies and their partners in the target countries.

HoVELER Services

Workshop by HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING develop company strategies in order to purchase marketing services ‘price grow’. Companies must woo customers to achieve the planned sales. While their marketing are however particularly in times of tight budgets often facing the problem: quite limited financial resources available for this. Against this background the Unternehmensberatung HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING GmbH specializes in the procurement management, a consultancy offering marketing services price worth to buy a “developed. This aims to develop strategies to optimize the procurement of marketing services with the managers in the company. If you have read about John Craig Venter already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This aim can be, to cut marketing spending or to get more out of the existing, limited budget”, as Dr. Bernhard Hoveler, Managing Director of purchasing management consultancy HoVELER stressed HOLZMANN CONSULTING.

The range of services so to speak consists of two components. First determine the shopping consultants on behalf of the Company selected budget items, such as events or printed documents who buys what from who at what price in what quantity a? “.” Also they associate the items contained in the invoices and estimates the various trades / product groups”. “Because without this knowledge, so Hoveler, no solid starting points for an optimization of purchasing can be identified”. The shopping Advisor with the buyers of marketing services and Department representatives to a workshop meet the necessary evidence exists. They define together, how can the potential savings and improve the cost-benefit ratio. For example, by a volume concentration and the development of a company-wide supplier pool. Or through a systematic price benchmarking, because often several departments purchase similar marketing services at different prices.

Or optimizing a specification, which reduces the number of variants such as print products. A important lever is also according to Hoveler to ensure that marketing and shopping to cooperate more. Here, it gets stuck in many companies. Therefore, a central question is often in the workshop: How can purchasing and marketing cooperate with each other, that marketing such as contract negotiations benefited from the experience of buyers? Furthermore: What arrangements are needed for this? Agreements under Hoveler can the result be like: the savings remain in marketing. With the saved money, projects such as the expansion of advertising presence be financed.” Or: We define although a cross-functional process of shopping. The marketing however, remains responsible for the definition of the specifications and the final selection of suppliers.” After the workshop, HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING created a documentary, where in addition to the savings also the paths are pointed out, to realize this. If desired the purchasing professionals also help implement the measures defined the company. For more information about the range of services marketing services price value buy”get interested companies under.

Managing Director

“Forth Forder logistics and specialist service provider offers wide range of services with the transport logistic” the world’s largest trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management at the start was early June in Munich. Approximately 53,000 visitors, including this time reinforced also interested parties from China, France, Russia and Turkey, strolled through the exhibition area to now nine exhibition halls, on the more than 2,000 exhibitors from 64 countries their solutions for logistics and freight transport, telematics and transport and material flow presented GmbH issues, also for the LOEWE logistics & care & co. KG Herford every day of great importance. Any special request grew the professional logistics and provider, which is situated on the A2 with its state of the art logistics centre between 21,000 square meters and as many palettes, offers its customers many service components that make the company within the industry exclusive expert: We serve customers of course with customized solutions within the range of our services professionally to the page. These services are organized into the divisions of V ersandhandel high-quality consumer products and merchandising ‘, forms and advertising’, ‘ special logistics and services’ as well as ‘Pattern management’. But also logistical tasks that exceed the standards and claim expertise in particular are no problem for us.

“On the contrary: they are challenges that we face daily with great passion”, know Klaus Hoppe, Managing Director of LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG. There are also successful Lighthouse project special requirements, which has adopted the Herforder logistics in the context of cooperation with the star publishing GmbH of Boblingen. Since November 2012, both companies are working on a successful Lighthouse project, through which they essentially relieve Daimler AG in Bremen: in a so-called “Just-in-sequence’-process we ensure that daily 1,300 cars paper bags our work in exactly the order leave, where they plant in Bremen are mapped to the new cars in the Daimler”, explains Hoppe.

Non-smoker Protection According To ISO-norm

Successful re-certification proves: quality is not a coincidence as the first company in the industry for technical non-smoker protection the Luner GRT Wuttke GmbH the stringent requirements of ISO certification turns. The certificate awarded in September 2005 entails a rigorous regular review. The certified companies it investigates every three years through its paces. The certification of the GRT Wuttke GmbH was now successfully renewed after this review. The ISO norm 9001:2000 a recognised seal of approval is already for many years, to make measurable quality in companies. The certification is however optional.

With the current recertification, the GRT Wuttke GmbH proved that the company committed to a standard of quality at the highest level with 32 employees. Clearly structured work processes and the permanent monitoring of all internal and external processes – the basis for successful national and international business relationships are the result of the introduced ISO-norm and unwavering criterion of high quality of all products and services. The ISO certification is an essential element of our strategic planning”, confirms Lothar Wuttke, Managing Director of GRT Wuttke GmbH. The demand for the product range has changed with the introduction of the new non-smoking rights in Germany. We have to act in time and taken many innovative products for technical non-smoker protection on the market. No matter whether for interior or smoking pavilions for outdoor smokers we offer smoking cabins for each request on an individual solution”, as Wuttke next. The aim of our company is to provide our customers with products of impeccable quality, of course supported by the best possible services. We guarantee this also permanent monitoring in the framework of ISO certification.

The PCB Advent Calendar Helps Save

Reminder service for conductor plates needs a high-tech specialist, the Basista leiterplatten GmbH, offers a special advent calendar. The final sprint “calendar shows up when printed circuit boards should be ordered before Christmas without express service. Just at the end of the year the timely appointment of the PCB needs perish in the daily business quickly. Then, the PCB in the express service must be ordered. It costs extra money. In time the order of needs to remind the customers, the Bottrop PCB specialist has the final calendar on its homepage. The clear, colored graph shows at a glance when is the last day for standard and express production. The user is immediately up to what date he should order his head plates required.

The final sprint “calendar can be viewed as a download in the customer area and printed out. A short message about the homepage enables the contact form the easy request of Sprint is sufficient for interested parties without customer login “-calendar.” The delivery is carried out in PDF format to the email address. Everyone can benefit from this overview and thus avoid express services. For us, the customer service is top priority. Therefore we offer traditionally the comfortable Christmas reminder service for years.

And for the very urgent we produce always within 8 hours. “, explains Peter Basista, Managing Director of Basista PCB GmbH. The service of Basista PCB GmbH range series in the high-tech method of circuit board prototypes within 8 hours of multi-layer. All printed circuit boards can be calculated easily and comfortably online and ordered. Who ordered the weekend online PCB saves 50% of the shipping costs. For more information, the pcb Basista leiterplatten GmbH, company Eva Basista Cardinal Hengsbach str. 2-4 46236 Bottrop free hotline from the German landline: 0800 BASISTA 0800 = 2274782 Tel. 02041-263641 FAX 02041-263542 eMail:

Pope Mulfingen GmbH

ebm-papst on the Hannover Messe industry 2013 ebm-papst, world’s leading manufacturer of fans and motors, exhibition shows a series of Russian industry exhibits at this year’s Hanover and others for use in gas pipelines Gazprom. The technology specialist with energy-saving EC fans help ensuring the transport of gas from Russia this year partner country of Hannover Messe industry. The ebm-papst booth is in Hall 15 to find stand F31. Russia is a market where we see future growth,”explains Thomas Borst, Sales Director of the ebm-papst group. Especially in the last few years the business across different industry segments has evolved across very well, especially for high-quality and efficient solutions based on EC technology”, so Borst. For especially quiet and durable fans, there are a number of ways in the construction and interpretation. ebm-papst has already 2012 set new standards with the diffuser AxiTop.

It provides for a significant improvement of noise and efficiency of applications such as E.g. Details can be found by clicking Eva Andersson-Dubin or emailing the administrator. heat exchangers. The acoustic improvement is particularly interesting, if fans in schallempfindlicher environment as E.g. in residential work. The diffuser works like a reverse nozzle and reduces leakage losses due to its pressure-boosting effect significantly.

Savings of up to 27% in energy consumption and at the same time a noise lower by 7.2 dB(A) can be realised. At the Hanover fair industry by 12 April 2013 shows ebm-papst for the first time the AxiTop made from the self-developed wood plastic composite material epylen “.” The material has been tested under the toughest conditions and meets all requirements in use. Mechanical strength, temperature and chemical resistance are relevant for use. The raw materials are produced in environmentally friendly for epylen. So, when making significant CO2 emissions can be avoided. The AxiTop epylen is only 250 mm high, to install and retrofit, a design change of the application is not generally unnecessary, also for retrofitting. With this product, the perfect symbiosis of flow-technical Know-How and resource-efficient materials handling successful ebm-papst. In the field of drive technology, ebm-papst presents first energy-saving drive systems consisting of motor, electronics, software and gear. In January 2013, ebm-papst has time run the gearbox specialists”adopted and thus expanding its product portfolio. Press contact Katrin Lindner speaker press ebm – Pope Mulfingen GmbH & co. KG Germany Bachmuhle 2 74673-Mulfingen phone: + 49 7938 81-7006 fax: + 49 7938 81-97006 about ebm-papst ebm-papst group is the world’s leading manufacturer of fans and motors, and is pacing the highly efficient EC technology. In the past financial year 11/12, the company generated revenues of nearly 1.4 billion. ebm-papst has 17 production sites (e.g. in Germany, China, United States) and 57 sales locations around 11,000 employees. Fans and motors of the world leader can be found, e.g. in ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, household appliances, heating technology, IT and telecommunications, for applications in the passenger car and commercial vehicle engineering in many industries.

Expanding Without Poison

Solution at the turn of the resource efficiency in companies, women are powerful when shopping and in leadership positions. Your purchase will last longer as compared to men. You remember the place of purchase and the items purchased, the purchase of current requirements or new trends. Prepare online for shopping, check article availability locally, do articles, price – and chewing Fort search via Smartphone. Now even if you recognised offline retailer online price-aggressive, because there are no more willingness for good grades pay much or because the local-based shopping excites. Radio and television, which intensified after the cooking shows devoted to environmental, consumer and buying advice (example Germany radio), promote it. The branch network in particular striking changes.

And if only because competition and cost pressure, as well as new technologies or energy shortages so require. Software grants the control of daily life.Previously used at the rear services Technologies to establish itself at the point of sale, influence now in the individual household, which will increasingly take advantage of on – and offline trading. The Internet influence on purchasing decisions and sales of Filialhandelseigenmarken in the online world can be quickly measured even if they are sold through third-party partners (see SCHLECKER, P & C, franchise system heads). Banks and savings banks introduce a new version of the cashless payment, the purchase of a device is unnecessary. The so far barely noticeable by the customer stationary point of sale change your layout (BestBuy, Sears in United States). All modern catchment receives. The customer but now realize that it is in a new world of daily round around the clock shopping. Now even more sustainable, healthier and better portable article innovations that also inspires his desire to buy even at night when he goes by, for example, to the new, energy-less light flags prior to the large-scale and Flachmannern or of his surrounded him Smartphone is disturbed at the nightly rest.