Posts Tagged ‘home and family’

10 Commandments On How To Deal With People

10 commandments on how to deal with people: 1. Beware of 'drifting' in your language, try to speak less than you have in mind. Develop a calm and persuasive tone of voice. Jacob Elordi often says this. As you say, often dazhee more important than what you say. 2. Do not let a lot of promises, but if you have already – try to fulfill it, why would you not worth it. 3. Never miss an opportunity to say a good, encouraging word to someone or about someone.

Appreciate the good work, regardless of whether who performed it. If you need to criticize, criticize, so as not to offend people. 4. Show interest to others: their purpose, their work, their home and family. Rejoice with those who are gay, and mourn with those who suffer. Let each person you meet, feels that you are respectful to him. 5.

Be joyous. Do not shoulder the burden of depression around, dedicating them to your minor ailments and frustrations. Remember that each carries its own weight. 6. Let your mind will be open. Argue, but do not quarrel. Symptom brilliant mind to be able to be dissenters, and not to establish itself debater. 7. Let your virtues, that you have, speak for themselves. Try not to talk about the shortcomings of others. Do not support the gossip. This is a waste of precious time, and can be devastating. 8. Remember the feelings of others. Wit and humor over the other are rare for something and can injure a person in the most unexpected moment. 9. Not Ignore the hateful remarks about you. Remember, people who bring you this news, and it may be the best 'speaker' in the world. Simply live so that no one believed him. Nerves that are not in order, and poor digestion – a common cause of aggressive response 'attacks'. 10. Do not admire the fact that you have. Try to do better and be patient. Forget about yourself, let others remember. This success is much more pleasant.

Sviatoslav Letsko

I guess everyone has a number of needs, without which happiness is impossible to feel. Someone needs freedom to move, someone safety or permanent adrenaline. But each of us to be happy we need two thing: be yourself and find your soul mate, which in this space-time becomes part of you. It’s funny how couples are trying to change each other, to reshape their entire essence and nature. Trying to adjust the rights for themselves, to fit your needs.

“Do not want to change? So, you’re hurting me, go away. ” But you can not change myself and be happy with. Be yourself, be in harmony with their choices, their lives and their inner world – it sense, the magnificence of which it is impossible to convey in words. However, if forgetting the importance of this tale of unity, we are constantly trying something out of each other to fashion. But it’s actually very simple. Relationship will be just magic, if you can be yourself and still be together.

This does not mean that the chosen one must be from the same field of berry that you do. Just her beliefs, lifestyle, world view, its activities must not conflict with your needs, your vision of life together. If the same right for your pair, you will find a wonderful life without the merciless attempts to convert each other. This does not mean that you are destined to leave due to the fact that in its essence close the tube with toothpaste, and your – keep it open. If this is for you is not so important, you will find a compromise. But if that tube is hidden Your way, your happiness, your inspiration and self-fulfillment, the joy in this joint stay you will not find.

Gifts And Souvenirs

On the eve of holidays, anniversaries, celebrations, exhibitions and presentations of Russian companies spend huge sums on buying or making gifts and souvenirs. Only in Moscow by the millions of dollars! Unfortunately, as Experience shows that many of these gifts are not remembered, or are useless. In other words, corporate finance, spent almost nothing. We know a way to avoid this. We know what will be remembered for a souvenir for a long time, and decorate holiday cheer up your colleagues and partners. Souvenir champagne logo – great, great way to remind yourself about the business partners and colleagues.

This is a gift, vip-worthy people. Champagne – sparkling festive drink, which by its very appearance on the table increases the degree of companionship. If the bottle of champagne features the logo of your company, or a label in some other way personalized to your needs, positive emotions, arising from the client, it will be associated with your company. Our company can not obtain any other alcoholic products. Experienced designers will make your promotional products unique and inimitable! Are you planning to exhibit or present new services and products? Branded chocolates with the logo – The original promotional material for a long time to remember not only the appearance, but also taste! They represent a tile with your company logo on the wrapper.

Logo Image for chocolate – has traditionally highly effective advertising method, because it is a way to mass, but also a personal appeal to everyone. Show everyone a piece of your business! For the most honored guests or partners – vip gifts: a variety of chocolate sets, as well as corporate advertising champagne. Such vip-gifts may well serve as a guarantee of a pleasant and fruitful cooperation in the future. You can also buy original wedding gift to your loved ones! Champagne for a wedding with a photo of young, chocolate with a photo of bride and groom as a gift to guests – what could be funnier and more touching? Gifts are made in grand style, on a bottle of champagne and chocolate can cause the names of the bride and groom or any other image of your choice. l Queally Richmond. It all depends on your imagination.

Canadian Sphynx

About the Breed ‘Sphynx’ (Canadian sphinx) In mythology the Sphinx-monster with the face and chest, women and the torso lva.V Egypt stone images of sphinxes guarded temples and other holy mesta.Naibolee quadrupeds statue Big Sfinksa.Po definition of Titus Flavius, a Roman scholar and writer, an Egyptian sphinx, a symbol of strength and mind: the lion’s body represents power, the human person-mind. People for many centuries has attracted and fascinated by this mythical image. Equally sacred, like a sphinx in Egypt were koshki.Bolee two thousand years continued the cult of cats in ancient Egipte.Svidetelstvom it are numerous bronze statues, mosaics, as well as burial koshek.Mozhet be precisely because of ancient Egyptian cats brought to his mystique, his mind, his strength. And what is a cat-sphinx? This cat mystery cat mystery on the solving of which may not be enough zhizni.Eto same magic, but realnaya.Eto cat statuetka.Eto soft lines, the magic of hormones, is the look in her eyes right into serdtse.Eto not a cat, it poeziya.Sfinksa can not be called a cat, this creature came to us with another planety.Eto embodiment of all the best that is in wildlife and cheloveke.Oni very similar to human: they have legs, like pens, they love to sleep under a blanket, looked straight in the eye without looking away, is not typical zhivotnym.Eto cat shok.Pervy shock-when you first see an sfinksa.Nikto not remain indifferent at the sight of this amazing suschestva.Vtoroy shock is the sensation of hot, naked, suede calf ladonyah.Kto dare to take this creature on your hands, never vypustit.Trety shock is a magic personality sfinksa.Kogda you communicate with Sphinx, its unusual, exotic appearance seems the only option, the application for his amazing harakteru.Eto creature does not suffer alone, it wants a permanent dialogue with vami.Sfinksu necessary be close to you, look at you, pressing his whole body to be kissed nos.Eto not explain in words but in practice, once the Sphinx establishments, you will not change him ever, he always takes bath in your heart..

Siberian Neva Masquerade

If you want your pet was in fine form, it must be remembered that not only a good diet and healthy eating contributes to this. Animals, just like people, require constant communication and attention. They, as well as at people are hurt and depressed. And it also can lead to diseases, like any virus or infection. If the cat lives in a confined space room or apartment, then, as a rule, it lacks the basic physical load.

And it is desirable to find time to play with him. We have a small kennel of Siberian Neva Masquerade cats and over time we observe their habits. It happens that cats exhibit behavior more inherent to the dogs. For example, many cats love to bring a toy with an invitation to host the game. They bring not only the ball of paper, but the standard toys on a rope tied to a long stick. In this case, animals are very respond to your participation in the game.

Important to them not only the game itself, but also your communication. They really like it when you praise or encourage them in the game. Many cats love to play only with the owner. They are much more interesting to run for the host in "Catch-up" or "hide" than a ball or a mouse. They really appreciate your personal involvement and signs of your attention. In general, they are always very responsive and if you talk to their pets, then they really surprise you the variety of his tone and participation. Range purring is so great that by the time you will feel that they speak with you in your language. So it is clear and expressive. The older get your animal, the more you will understand each other perfectly and sex-view. All their habits – walking, head rotation, movement of the tail – is a conversation with you. Need only be a little closer to "our brethren smaller and they are happy to present you unforgettable, emotional minutes. Talk about their problems and listen to your patient.

Russian Women

How can all the same well that there are Russian women – smart, beautiful, charming, family and t.p.Imenno it attracts foreign men to seek their fortune in Russia. And the best way to find love? do not go well in Russia and search on site? That's what social networking seschestvuyut-Sata znakomstv.dlya girls have their own foreign men for men has its own base with our gorgeous girls and women. Registration for all free-necessarily. Well, more and more to do anything you do not want a quiet vecherochkom looking through profiles of potential happiness and friends. important to believe and understand that love comes and comes in its for everyone. It's not a secret – Russian women are considered to be the most beautiful in the world. Just add sensuality, regal greatness, exotic beauty and intellect and You will soon realise – that's what You always dreamed about, fairy tale You never believed in and reality that left no choice but adore it! Sure! What can be better for man than envious or admiring looks on his gorgeous wife? Real treasure for those who can love, who want love with all their heart.

Mutual understanding, care, stability – these are necessary steps on the way to such a serious event like MARRIAGE and FAMILY LIFE. You can find Your irresistible future wife right now – just visit and sign in for free! More than 60 000 profiles – more than 60,000 chances to find your love! Good luck! We wish you happiness and confidence in the present. And the love you will not pass party. And so it is not passed you come in to the site and Register and you wait for good news

Summer Baby Care

The summer is arriving and is important to offer to its baby beyond comfort, security and protection. In places that are very hot, and that if to protect of the sun it is basic, the choice of a stand of correct baby is very important to guarantee that its baby will be protected. But she is not necessary to have one of these to protect correctly, is important to have a protection as an umbrella so that the sun has not beaten directly in the baby, the fabric of the stand must be which had a little lighter to the heat. Some models exist that possess the lateral of the stand made with those fabrics with furinhos to refresh better. Beyond the cares in the choice of the stand you are important to take care of well of the feeding of the baby, hidratao, therefore in the strong heat it is essential to have these cares.

Kabbalists Nature

Marina Fateeva Any desire – indefinitely, as the proceeds from the Creator, that is why the material aspect is no end to greed. But if the desire is drawn to the spiritual interests, then the person can climb up to his source at infinity. Rabash watching himself and the world, it is possible draw a simple conclusion – we always want something. Bet achieve, insist on your own efforts do, fight and put up. What do we want? – A comfortable state of inner harmony.

But why, after incredible efforts, achieving your comfort, we again something we want, desire, seek a new comfort, and so all my life? In Kabbalah, says that the essence of man, his foundation – that desire, and not just a desire, a desire to enjoy. But the nature of human desires selfish, it makes us enjoy for themselves, without regard to others. Desire – it is like a void. We’re like standing empty vessels – pleasure fills this void and annul the desire. The desire to be as closed issue has been resolved. But in its place there arises another.

Because the essence of man remains the same – the desire to enjoy. And the lack of content will bring suffering. We again turn into empty vessels, and run after another dream. Then a brief moment of bliss and then hunt for a new pleasure. It turns out that the man laid down some imperfection. But why people can not be happy, always full? Whatever the horizon before him open! Whatever the creative force he was! Life would be a wonderful flight. Why then is so constructed? Because, according to the Kabbalah, and that people should ask this same question – about the meaning of his life. And the answer is gives the same science. Creator, or the universal law of nature that created us, ‘refers’ to mankind as a unified whole. Therefore, the Kabbalists say that each of us is connected by invisible threads to each other, each dependent on the other. AND Now it begins to unfold in the world – globalization, global crisis, global climate change. It affects everyone. Why? – When the body is sick and may die, a single cell can not hide or away from him. We need to understand that we – humanity – are united. What you need to change his selfish nature to return – to treat others as ourselves, with love. After all, love is valid under the law and nature itself. Then we get anastomosis, where filled with the joy of return. We give to others, and others – to us. And the pleasure we pass through, but do not stop there. And because the system is closed (it’s humanity) is just giving each other love and care, we will be infinitely happy. And we will pass through an infinite content, giving new force to the impact and creativity. The wisdom of Kabbalah, which translated means science of getting pleasure, gives us this method of gaining eternal and perfect state of harmony and happiness.