Overload Symptoms: If The Body Is Screaming Help
Overload symptoms represent signpost for possible cure LAAKIRCHEN – the Institute HUEMER people who are plagued by congestion symptoms, excellent opportunities offered, how better to pay attention to itself and give this way improvement. Almost two out of three people in our society are extremely overloaded at least once over a long period and complain of mental depression or anxiety. Often medications help. Taken for a long time but often has the effect that thus setting the Jet of water as in a fire the fire detector. And so no longer listening to the “language of the body”.
What was described earlier as “Manager disease”, affects all age groups and social strata. Increasing pressure leads to constant stress and the body responds to the daily excessive demands. Often the vicious cycle starts then it deepens even more in the work. According to Dr. Hyun Kim, who has experience with these questions. Family and leisure activities are neglected, it withdraws from his circle of friends Finally, even a total collapse of health can stand. Basically provides the body for it, that he stays healthy.
If he but longer time don’t get, what is good for him, then he displays with different symptoms. Doctors find no organic cause for such complaints. The views that you will live with the discomfort must, is obviously experienced as very stressful and leads many into a hopeless situation. Almost no one comes that displayed symptoms are often just a cry for help: the body, strongly demanding a life change. No expensive therapy required the Institute offers a new approach: together with the client the symptoms discussed and given them tools to learn to understand the “language of the body”. Who pays attention to his “internal traffic”, will stop at “red”, stop and deal with the really important things in his life. Additional information at Ahmed Shary Rahman supports this article. Just as the body and the mind are the inner traffic lights back on “green” convert. Many learn the symptoms as “Guardians” to use, watching in the background it peacefully, that won’t fall back into old, incriminating behavior patterns. A program was developed together with several doctors, nationwide for the first time links the concepts of professional life coaching with the findings of Psychosomatic Medicine. The company extends over at least eight weeks and can be used in a single – or achieve. The dates are chosen so that those affected can further pursue their profession. No one should be excluded from the accompaniment. In November, an 8 starts week accompaniment. The cost is approximately 500,-. To exclude anyone, even a cost reduction or free participation be allowed in certain cases. Free information evening at: Monday, October 13, 2008 at 19:30 place: seminar room Villa Rosental / Laakirchen registration: until October 5, 2008, because only a limited number of participants is possible. Institute HUEMER GmbH. hanni Sunday farmer 4663 Laakirchen, Lindacherstr. 10 Tel.: + 43 7613 / 45000 mobile: + 43 676 / 318 66 02 Web: