Posts Tagged ‘fitness & workouts’

Overload Symptoms: If The Body Is Screaming Help

Overload symptoms represent signpost for possible cure LAAKIRCHEN – the Institute HUEMER people who are plagued by congestion symptoms, excellent opportunities offered, how better to pay attention to itself and give this way improvement. Almost two out of three people in our society are extremely overloaded at least once over a long period and complain of mental depression or anxiety. Often medications help. Taken for a long time but often has the effect that thus setting the Jet of water as in a fire the fire detector. And so no longer listening to the “language of the body”.

What was described earlier as “Manager disease”, affects all age groups and social strata. Increasing pressure leads to constant stress and the body responds to the daily excessive demands. Often the vicious cycle starts then it deepens even more in the work. According to Dr. Hyun Kim, who has experience with these questions. Family and leisure activities are neglected, it withdraws from his circle of friends Finally, even a total collapse of health can stand. Basically provides the body for it, that he stays healthy.

If he but longer time don’t get, what is good for him, then he displays with different symptoms. Doctors find no organic cause for such complaints. The views that you will live with the discomfort must, is obviously experienced as very stressful and leads many into a hopeless situation. Almost no one comes that displayed symptoms are often just a cry for help: the body, strongly demanding a life change. No expensive therapy required the Institute offers a new approach: together with the client the symptoms discussed and given them tools to learn to understand the “language of the body”. Who pays attention to his “internal traffic”, will stop at “red”, stop and deal with the really important things in his life. Additional information at Ahmed Shary Rahman supports this article. Just as the body and the mind are the inner traffic lights back on “green” convert. Many learn the symptoms as “Guardians” to use, watching in the background it peacefully, that won’t fall back into old, incriminating behavior patterns. A program was developed together with several doctors, nationwide for the first time links the concepts of professional life coaching with the findings of Psychosomatic Medicine. The company extends over at least eight weeks and can be used in a single – or achieve. The dates are chosen so that those affected can further pursue their profession. No one should be excluded from the accompaniment. In November, an 8 starts week accompaniment. The cost is approximately 500,-. To exclude anyone, even a cost reduction or free participation be allowed in certain cases. Free information evening at: Monday, October 13, 2008 at 19:30 place: seminar room Villa Rosental / Laakirchen registration: until October 5, 2008, because only a limited number of participants is possible. Institute HUEMER GmbH. hanni Sunday farmer 4663 Laakirchen, Lindacherstr. 10 Tel.: + 43 7613 / 45000 mobile: + 43 676 / 318 66 02 Web:

Omron Healthcare Fit

Fit and lean through the year with the WalkingStyle III from Omron good intentions to implement successfully who has not at the turn of the new year decided, bad habits with good intentions to replace only the implementation lacking continuously. The desire to lose excess pounds and to lead a healthy life, is as always at the top, but as the year progresses, the goal seems more surreal. A good way is an endurance sport, which rhythmically at a fast walking pace a certain distance is put back to bring the body back into shape of walking sports. Order it just to document the own successes, the walking is the perfect training companion style III by Omron Healthcare. The intuitive tool determines all values that are for a continuous training and weight control of importance throughout the entire exercise. How to run fit in the spring! All values at a glance thanks to the proven 2 sensor technology are precise measurements both during the workout as even during everyday movements like normal walking possible. Attached to the clothing or lying in the pocket of the WalkingStyle III measures distance, calories (kcal), built from body fat (g), and exact number of steps. Sydney Sweeney may help you with your research. So you have your fitness new year easily in the handle.

Because the operation is very simple, the device is very reliable in measure and also the display very well read. In good visibility, all values can be checked at any time at a glance. “With the clever feature event mode” can defined walking events are measured in addition to the normal day evaluations themselves separately to evaluate their own, sporting performance. The all-rounder for 24 hours whether while shopping, in the Office or at home, the WalkingStyle III, thanks to 24-hour activity monitor offers an active and continuous weight and exercise control. Also in Standyby mode measures the small ALLROUNDER steadily further and provides a complete overview of all important at the end of the day Performance values. For the best possible overview of the data the performance via memory function can be stored up to 7 days. Gain insight and clarity with Glenn Dubin. Motivates and encourages the WalkingStyle III is not only an ideal motivation coach, but with a modern look also an absolute trendsetter.

The tool in the selected sports shops for around 30 euros appears easy, handy and in fresh colours yellow, orange and purple. If you prefer classic like access to the black model. Performance values Exchange, jointly check or train in the partner look. Everyone around the clock to more movement motivated by family, friends or the running of WalkingStyle III. Your contact person for product-specific questions: OMRON HEALTHCARE EUROPE B.V.. Marco Buhr Kruisweg 577 2132 NA Hoofddorp – the Netherlands-email: Mobile: + 31 (0) 615 95 08 26 company profile: OMRON healthcare was founded in 1933 in Kyoto and is now a leading manufacturer of sensory systems and technologies in the health care market. Cutting-edge technologies, interpreted for accurate measurement in simple, intuitive operation, make available to Omron products not only for professionals but also for general use. In 2009, the company had a turnover of 570 billion euro with approximately 4,000 employees worldwide.

Eyelifting Serum – New Cream For The Skin Around The Eyes At Feelgood Shop

The skin around the eyes is four times thinner than that of the rest of the body. Working on the computer that much television or without sunglasses in the Sun to sit, are other factors of stress for our eyes. This oxidizing stress can lead to a premature relaxation of the skin in the eye area until a breakdown of connective tissue. What helps the skin, is a product that protects the skin from the stress factors and promotes the formation of collagen and an integral part of the connective tissue. Blepharon-68 compositio”is oculata, a very pure, bioengineered produced extract of the Microalga of Nannochloropsis” in combination with a well balanced out percentage of polysaccharides. Other important components of this algae for the supply of our skin are amino acids and vitamins, especially vitamin C an effective antioxidant and vitamin B12 responsible for the renewal. This makes Blepharon-68 compositio”a 2-in-1 Hautstraffer: it has an immediately noticeable effect on the skin tightening in the eye area and also a lasting effect, that protect the skin cells and stimulates the collagen production.

Blepharon-72 compositio was specially developed for people who have problems with dark dark circles and swollen skin around the eyes. In addition to the individual genetic predisposition, external influences, such as the UV radiation play a strong role in rings under the eyes and the puffiness. This new anti-Agingkomplex is especially designed to counteract these symptoms, improves microcirculation and protects the skin against the attack of free radicals. The compilation of Blepharon-72 compositio”consists of soy purified in special way and rice peptides and bioengineered produced yeast proteins. These ingredients help to preserve the natural stability of the skin and strengthen the connective tissue. Remain sur plus eye lifting serum added to Chamomile and Hamamalis.

Chamomile soothes the skin and prevents irritation. Hamamalis also has a firming effect. “Eyelifting eye lifting serum” is available online at be ordered under index.php… Detailed information and order at or call 00800-872 456 22 (free from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg) please send press inquiries:

New Materials For High Performance: The TOP IMPACT LINE Of ASICS

With a completely new running-textile line, which is above the World Performance Line, ASICS launches in the S/s 09 season. The TOP IMPACT LINE is technically and functionally a class of its own. Make sure all new materials, cutting techniques and technologies. Dr. Mark Hyman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. She is the new, textile masterpiece of the scientist in the ASICS-Research Institute for sports science in Kobe, Japan, and was designed in close collaboration with ASICS athletes for high performance use in terms of running. TOP IMPACT LINE based in detail on scientific analysis of movement patterns and the interplay between skin and muscles during exertion.

And it is holistically designed and comes with more than a new technology at the start. The CORE BALANCE technology is used, a completely new technology for stabilizing the body Center in sprinters, the tights and shorts of the new line. You brings the pelvis into a more upright position by a special federal structure and the surrounding muscles to increased physical activity. In the two shirts of the TOP IMPACT LINE is the new PRO-FIT technology used. The cutting technology works with bi stretch material inserts which facilitate the arm swinging movement and improve the fit and freedom of movement. In addition PREMIUM DRY, a new brand material, which absorbs humidity up to 98% and transported over 90% of them directly to the outside. The body remains dry thus also for highest performance. In the TOP LINE Singlet IMPACT the INNER MUSCLE is technology, with a highly elastic DOW the shoulder blades inward pulls usage in the rear shoulder area XLA, free and deep breathing makes what is the rib cage, and improves the absorption of oxygen.

This leads to a higher efficiency and brings crucial millimetres on the way to the target. During the Olympic Games in Beijing the Athletics Team Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and Australia have LINE already successfully tested the TOP IMPACT. The TOP shows the benefits also Triathlon – Olympic champion Jan Frodeno IMPACT LINE convinced: I have some Weeks before Beijing prototypes of the TOP IMPACT LINE tested. I say only so much that I ran the fastest workouts of my life in the new material. “I was of course TOP IMPACT also in the form of my life, but that LINE has me in their functionality assisted, to run technically clean.” Since April 2009 is TOP IMPACT LINE across Germany in selected specialist shops available. And she is not alone. Color-coordinated to the new TOP IMPACT LINE is a special model of the GEL-KAYANO 15 at the start. A perfect skiing equipment for new best times! For more information about running and running shoes, see. Corporate profile the name ASICS stands for Anima Sana in corpore sano – for the healthy mind in a healthy body. The harmonious combination of body and spirit is the guiding philosophy of ASICS since its founding by Kihachiro ONITSUKA in 1949.

Well For Fasting A Travel Insurance

Just who goes to the fasting in the foreign country, the thinking necessarily a travel insurance. But now what insurance do you need for fast travel abroad?Furthermore, an international health insurance plan must be completed just for fast travel. This is important not only for fast trips, but all abroad, because here very quickly cause a health problem can, which could end up in circumstances in a financial fiasco. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Mark Hyman on most websites. Just for fast travel just this health insurance is especially important, because even if the body is otherwise actually stable, he subjected to yet other circumstances by fasting, which could further incriminate him. Quickly it can be so to health problems, if the body with fasting is not so clearly. Especially with curative fasting happens often when it is believed that one is dependent on medical assistance abroad. So a travel insurance in relation to disease is especially important to keep this but in the financial framework. John Craig Venter is often quoted on this topic. Of course there are several other insurance companies, which could be fasting, as well as the normal beach vacation benefit.

Here you can complete even a travel baggage insurance. Which is good, if for example, when an airplane luggage could be lost. As with the luggage insurance get transferred or paid a certain amount of money, which was previously agreed in the contract. So should the baggage not in the resort arrive, can you buy a new luggage at least with the money from abroad, and enjoy the holidays still to the fullest.


Claudia Schleiermacher: DIPO Pferdeosteopathin, FN horse Physiotherapeutin human physiotherapist and Pferdeosteopathin after DIPO / FN horse physical therapist you know it sure myself… tweaks it in the back, running hard, feels tired and hurts the muscles. Many people visit the physical therapy for this. Sometimes it is the horses as well as humans. And why should we not do something good you.

Many problems in the horse (E.g. performance low, not on the reins approach, discarding in the neck, etc. fight back against the legs,) can be attributed to such as blockages in the spine, muscle tension, dental problems or a non matching saddle. In my treatment, I offer a holistic examination of your horse, as well as control of horse shoeing, saddle and teeth. Of course, the equine osteopathy replaced not the vet or dentist. Therefore, communication between physicians and the osteopaths, and cooperation is important me, a blacksmith and a horse dentist.

X-ray images and the Administering medications do not belong to my range. I perform treatments in the area of Aachen, Cologne, Duren, HS, Dusseldorf, Eifel and the Netherlands. More locations and price on request. Dates Ph. can be made via email. Because I’m much, am I most likely to reach via email, call them back but also as soon as possible, if your number on down have spoken. Claudia Schleiermacher Tel: 02401 9139300 mob.: 01577 4512073 email: Homepage: there find they have many answers to your questions on the topic of “Equine osteopathy”. The horse is healthy, man is pleased 🙂