Eat To Lose Medication To Lose Appetite
Medications causing lack of appetite or anorexia, also known as anorexigenicos have been used in different ways to lose weight. There is general agreement that can be used when there has not been a significant decrease of the weight for some time have been carried out a nutritional management and exercise. The anorexigenicos Act on different processes of metabolism, producing a State in which a State of satiation occurs but not completely suppress appetite, until States where definitely appetite is lost completely for long periods of time. In these last cases in the absence of an adequate caloric intake, the body starts to use energy that is deposited in fat by accelerating the process of thinning. In general terms, there would be no problem with using this type of medication if only they were complements for nutritional therapy and physical exercise, however there are many doctors that start with this type of therapy instead of compromising their patients in the discipline eat properly and create a healthy lifestyle.
Even worse is that often, a person with overweight or obesity rely on the anorexigenicos without a prescription. This in addition to not contribute optimally to the reduction in weight because he has only temporary effect that lasts the administration of the medication, may also contribute to develop another type of both neurological, cardiovascular or metabolic undesirable problems. It is therefore advisable that before resorting to a therapy with anorexigenicos consult a specialist in the subject, but above all what is best is able to attach to a nutritional regime, consuming food that accelerate the burning of fat in the body and complementing it with a proper physical activity. If this is achieved keeping with perseverance, the benefits of losing weight are long term, contribute to overall health as well as the beauty and avoid the use of any drug. If you’re interested in delving deeper into this topic visit my blog eating to lose weight.