Causes of Malnutrition
Malnutrition can be consequence of the lack of knowledge regarding the adjusted nutrition, of the style of life of the patient, lack of resources, fatigue or lack of appetite due to cough and production of muco. The nursing together with excessively professional, family and even though the proper patient, searchs to identify strategies to guarantee as much adequate nutricional ingestion how much the nutritional food availability. Another strategical one is to suggest nutricionais supplements hipercalricos increasing the nutricional ingesta using the found alimentary products in house. Collateral effect of the medicamentosa therapy It is important to consider the collateral effect of the medicine, why they are frequently an excuse so that the patient fails in acceding the prescribed medicamentoso regimen. The nurse educates the patient to take the medicine with empty stomach, or at least 1 hour before the meals, because the food intervines with the absorption of the medicine. The patients who receive INH must prevent foods as: tuna, cured cheese, wine tinto, gravy of soy that contains tiramina and histamina. The ingestion of these foods can result in chronic headache, redness, hipotenso, tonteira, palpitations and sudorese.
The rifampina can modify the metabolism of other medicines, becoming them less efficient. Between them they include beta-chokes, anticoagulants, digoxina, quinidina, corticosteride etc. the monitorial nurse for different collateral effect of medicines antituberculosis, also neurological hepatitis, alterations cutaneous eruptions. The sricos urea levels and creatinina are monitored to identify alterations related with the medicine in the hepticas functions and renal. The results of the culture of escarro are monitored for the acid-resistant bacillus to analyze the effectiveness of the regimen of treatment and support to the therapy (SMELTZER and BARE 2004). Promoting the domiciliary and communitarian care For Smeltzer and Bare (2004) the nurse exerts an essential paper in the care of the patient with tuberculosis and its family, which encloses to evaluate the capacity of the patient to continue the therapy in house.