Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’

Suspicions Arandina

Both teams faced in playoff by achieving promotion to Segunda B. The Burgos won both the match first leg (1-0) and the return (1-2). Meeting marked by the curiosity after the controversial draw in which the President of the Madrid club celebrated the result of the crossing and which was discussed possible Amano. The Arandina has promoted to second division B after beating Alcobendas Sport in an a round marked by the curiosity after the controversial draw in which the President of the Madrid club celebrated the result of the crossing and which was discussed even in a possible amano. Pablo Cordoba, President of Alcobendas Sport,

pulled out the first kick a ball once the driver of the draw, a man of the RFEF, supposedly bring ball that had to select. Cordoba held a great to see the team that came out was the Arandina while I still didn’t know if it would be your computer that would measure the burgales set. The President of the team from Madrid clarified after the reason of your joy was that displacement until the town of Burgos was inferior to the other trips that had to do with other opponents, besides which the Arandina was the rival a priori the most affordable. Well, sports results have been finished with the joy of Pablo Cordoba. In the match of round, held last Saturday in Aranda de Duero, result was 1-0 for the hosts, so Alcobendas Sport should go back one goal against in the return match. In the match this Sunday in Alcobendas, locals were unable to trace the result and again losing to the Arandina 1-2, running out of options to achieve promotion to the second division B. source of the news: La Arandina Alcobendas Sport WINS and ascends after suspicions of amano in the draw.

National Secretary Civil

It has been denounced by the Union of civil guards (UGC). It was hunted by a mobile radar on January 26, 2010. The guard argues that it pursued a vehicle that had been given to the leak. The Civil Guard says that the captain did not lead car which was going 207 km/h. The captain of the Civil Guard and the detachment of traffic of Soria, Claudio Arguello, j has been denounced by civil guards Union (UGC) by driving a car patrol 207 kilometers per hour, as explained at a press conference the National Secretary of the Union of the Guardia Civil, Manuel Mato.

The complaint, as explained Manuel Mato, has processed in the Court of instruction number two of Soria, the Toga military court. According to the narration of the facts of the UGC, the captain was surprised on 26 January 2010 by a mobile radar on a stretch of the motorway of Navarre (A-15) from Soria and Lubia, specifically 61 km. The complaint was lodged last due Wednesday, according to Mato, that commanders have not acted in all this time. The Union of civil guards has ensured that when the captain was surprised by the radar he returned on his steps and tried to explain his speeding to the Guardia Civil patrol, arguing that it pursued a vehicle that had been given to the leak. It also inspected the radar. The UGC has denounced the captain and believes that if he had pursued another vehicle would have taken the relevant siren. We are talking about the head of road safety for the province, it has reminded Mato. The version of the Guardia Civil the commandery of the Guardia Civil of Soria has assured that car patrol detected a radar to 207 kilometres per hour would not driven by Captain Claudio Arguello, but by a guard who accompanied him. With this version, the commandery belies the offered yesterday by the Union of civil guards (UGC), who has denounced the courts of Justice that the captain of the sub-sector of traffic Claudio Arguello was surprised by a radar when he was driving to 207 kilometres per hour on the highway of Navarre (A-15). Source of the news: reported to the j of the Guardia Civil traffic of Soria for driving at 207 km/h

The Kings Of The Night

Thus, thought the Swedish Bjorn Borg, they buried him in New York. More than 30 years, the ice man knew something different from everything: the night session of the open of United States, which allowed the Organization folded its benefits to sell two shifts of inputs, generate an excitement never seen to attract actors and musicians and to make tennis a great show times of maximum television audience-driven. All very nice, considered Borg, except that meetings ended early in the morning and lights dazzle you. Its official complaint reflected a reality. Night players are a different breed. The Swiss Roger Federer has never lost in the night session New York (19-0). Rafael Nadal, winning by 6-3, 7-6 and 7-5 in the Kazakh Andrey Golubev, has only given two times (15-2) in the conditions in which Borg felt doomed. They are the Kings of the night. Source of the news:: the Kings of the night

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Press Conference of the first Norwegian Minister after the double bombing. At least 91 victims in two attacks suffered in Norway. Arrested a Norwegian of 32 years is defined as a Christian fundamentalist. Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, ranked this Saturday in the worst tragedy since World War II to the double bombing Friday in Oslo and the neighbouring island of Utoya, which killed at least 94 people. Stoltenberg made this statement this morning in a televised press conference, visibly shaken, after the police in 84 the number of deaths on the island, where hundreds of young people were involved in a Social Democrat youth camp, the Party of the Prime Minister. Get more background information with materials from Eva Andersson-Dubin. It was an attack on the paradise of my youth, now turned into a hell, added the politician, who before the attack planned to go to the island, place that had visited in his younger years to participate in youth camps and where you were now waiting friends and coreligionists. The attack on the island It happened about 17.30 hour peninsular Spanish, two hours after the attack with car bomb in the Government complex of Oslo, with at least 7 people dead and fifteen wounded.

Contacts with the far right the Minister of Justice, Knut Storberget, in appearance with Stoltenberg, confirmed on the other hand the information previously disseminated by the police, according to which the alleged perpetrator of the massacre, arrested after his action on the island, is a Norwegian of 32 years with contacts with the far right. According to police, the suspect had opinions hostile to islam, as it revealed a record ctuado at his home, where police found several messages hung on the internet with content clutter and anti-Muslim. The suspect, arrested after the massacre on the island and identified by Norwegian media as Anders Behring Breivik, acted alone, according to police investigations in progress. Witnesses told public radio NRK that the assailant entered into Social Democrat youth camp with uniform Police and identified as such to access the site. According to a camp guard, the aggressor explained that he was going to review security and so appreciated, he wore two weapons source of the news: Stoltenberg describes the attacks as the “worst national tragedy” since World War II