Giving Men Flowers
Really? It turns out that this proposition is plainly wrong. According to the poll most of the male population of Russia to the question "Do you like getting flowers?" Responded positively. There is nothing unusual – every man is born to thin to feel and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, to enjoy the goodness of nature and sensitive to perceive the slightest shades of beauty. Sense of beauty in the blood of each person, whether male or female. Yes, the man synonymous with manliness, determination, courage, and women are used to treat men with the position of the weak, fragile creatures in need of care and patronage brave defenders.
We do not intend to challenge this view, we just want to see that given a bouquet of flowers, not only does not diminish the men's merits, but rather underlines their thanks to the contrast between tremulous flower charm and indomitable masculine strength. However, all the same culture colors for men in Russia are not so popular in European countries. Perhaps the reason is a lack of understanding of how should look like the male flower, and how it differs from the traditional feminine floral composition. Male flower – is a very special kind of floral art, whose main features are the rigor and clarity lines. Almost every male you can find dried flowers bouquet, is an inherent part of this section florist. And the colors that symbolize the masculine, is considered to be roses, gerbera, delphinium, gladiolus, chrysanthemum and anthuriums, but always rich in color.
With some exaggeration in this list, you can make orchids, lilies, irises and calla lilies, but again the light color. Unambiguously "masculine" colors include green, dark red, yellow, purple shades, but the use of pale pink, light blue and other pastel colors in men's bouquets should be avoided. Flowers in a bouquet should be bright, large, on a tall stalk, which represents victory, success, striving upward. Florist in the preparation of a bouquet for a man to forget about the frills and decorations, appropriate in the women's bouquet. It should be remembered that the male mind requires, above all, consistency and straightforwardness, while women's nature differs romance and inconsistent. Therefore, the female flowers differ romance and intricate shapes, and the male wedges characterized by brevity and simplicity. Most often, the male flower has an oblong, elongated shape and is made with regard to age, individual characteristics and social status of men, whom he intended. If we are talking about a colleague, business partner or manager, preferably dry, stressed the official style of the business of the bouquet. Often the best option is a classic mix of roses and chrysanthemums, which is likely to appeal to men of all ages and backgrounds. And here is a creative bunch of custom colors and with the use of exotic flowers can be appreciated only young people. In informal atmosphere allowed some freedom in choice of color and of composition of the bouquet, but the main principles for establishing the masculine bouquet should remain unchanged. Design flower arrangement should be bold, contrasting with well seasoned forms. And most importantly – a bouquet should be happy with their beauty and fun!