Posts Tagged ‘books & magazines’

Shaker Presents Media Online Reading Planner

The Publisher provides extensive organizational AIDS and information for authors, booksellers and literary Organizer through his Web site. Readings and author talks are among the most effective instruments for the successful marketing of books and to the most important tasks of a book author. Dr. Mark Hyman has plenty of information regarding this issue. They are also an integral part of the program offer for the book trade. The Organization and the contact with potential operators to help its authors, the Publisher has Shaker media an interactive reading Scheduler installed on its online platform. Registered authors here targeted search by bookstores and literary institutions in their region to contact the respective contact persons in connection. The Publisher provides title information for the organizers via the new portal online delivered by the authors.

In addition authors sign their former and future reading places or more Organizer, with whom they are in contact to the Publisher to bring about the reading planner with other authors of the region in conjunction. A continuously growing network is created in the author section of the home page. All interested in the implementation of readings or lectures for organisations and institutions can contact directly to the Publisher to be included in the reading schedule. The agreed dates of the reading are also recorded in the online scheduler and appear automatically as a notice on the home page of the Publisher home page.

New Fairy Tale

Be the Elf of the Zachenwald and other tales, by elves, dwarves, Princes and princesses. By evil and by good people. The death and life of despair and hope. And even though not all with it was once…”start, they have but a happy ending. Dr. Friedrich Kohler, the author of this collection of fairy tales, was born on December 15, 1891 in Wuppertal.

Professionally worked as Chief Director of studies, were his private interests among others – in the fields of psychology and painting. Many fairy tales in well-known fairy tale collections have a psychological background. The Elf of the Zachenwald and other tales”with your wonderful illustrations to each fairy tale have but something special: they come from one and the same spring, which the authors Dr. Friedrich Kohler. Children will enrich this new tale in the traditional style, with the illustrations of the author, love, adult fairy tales children are guess psychological backgrounds to read or read or feel. Was for many years exclusively in family-owned the collection of fairy tales at the end of the year 2008 to the pressure released. Prepares an elaborate digital printing, also the quality of the illustrations to large-scale originally created with your light effects and nuances of the composition should be obtained in addition to the collection of Tales from the end of last millennium. The Elf of the Zachenwald and other tales”is appeared as hardcover BOD Verlag at the price of 56.90 with 380 pages (ISBN: 9783837073164). Interested in further information on this collection of fairy tales with excerpts to every fairy tale, as well as an image gallery with excerpts from the illustrations of the author:

Wehr Enerchange

In-depth overview of the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling which newly published Guide to the development of the reservoir gives the Agency Enerchange a sound overview of the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling – and deals with the heart of each was this one. Freiburg 24.01.2012 – the Agency Enerchange reservoir development guide for deep geothermal projects “published. The trade volume published in first edition contains 117 pages and contains 16 articles by experts on the essential aspects of the preparation and implementation of deep drilling. The guide is published by the Agency on information services specialized in the field of renewable energies is Enerchange in cooperation with the drill master school of Celle. The new guidance reflects the diverse requirements for a Tiefenbohrprojekt to the use of geothermal energy: in the first section, for example the themes are drill contract, cost-optimised drilling, requirements for the Drill square and drilling rig as well as the Bohrungsgeomechanik. In addition, the issue is illuminated, when vertical and when distracted should be drilled.

In the second section, it turns to the execution of the deep drilling focuses on are amongst the different drill bits that logging mud and various cementation solutions. The publication is completed by contributions to safety and environmental protection in drilling, as well as on the subject of noise protection. The deep drilling is not only the most expensive part of a geothermal power project. Their execution ultimately also decides on the success of the future investment”, emphasizes Dr. Jochen Schneider, Managing Director of Enerchange. The Guide should help to get an in-depth overview of the essential aspects of this project step, thereby improving the understanding of the requirements of the bore and contribute to the success of future projects.” The authors of the Guide are practitioners and experts from business, science and industry. So, for example Thor Noevig by the Bohrdienstleister Hekla energy, which explains how to optimize the drilling costs through the proper selection of drill and drill bits. For example, Dr.-ing are also represented.

Aeint Picksak by the drill master school in Celle, the outlined, in which parameters determine how the hole should be drilled, and Dr Axel Rogge company geo-data and Henning flower company Schlumberger. While Rogge (mud logging) outlining the advantages of the continuous monitoring of data when drilling, flower reported cementation solutions for geothermal. The other authors are Axel Sperber, Reiner Brumme, Andreas Macek, Dr. Tobias Backers, Dr. Carsten Fichter, Dr. Udo Grossmann, Dr. Martin Karad and Dr. Reinhard Wehr. Enerchange won a competent cooperation partner with the drill master school Celle as a State-recognized school for drilling, extraction and pipeline technology. For more information see Michael James Burke. “We are pleased that Enerchange has realized this guide as a practical compendium is now available that not only in our school can be used in industry “, says Dr. Udo Grossmann from the drill master school in Celle.That is a further step to promote geothermal energy in Germany.” The consistently four-color guide costs 69 Euro Excl. VAT and shipping costs and aimed at experts in planning, financing, and consulting firms, as well as on prospective drilling professionals, among others.

Autumn – Burnout Is Back On

The gray days are coming and the Dejpressionen with them. At the present time, Burnout has become a widespread disease. Every day, people fight burned being and its devastating consequences. \”My name is Alfred Stadlmann and I am the author of the book: time of tears burned out an autobiography about the Burnout Syndrome\”. I’m 48 years old, live in Liezen/Obersteiermark, am married and father of two daughters. For 32 years I worked in sales. Initially, I started my selling photo items and 20 years, until in January 2008, this Burnout overtook me, I worked in computer sales. In the course of dealing with this disease, I wrote my first book in the last year.

In the early stages of the disease, I was completely desperate and everything didn’t matter. Learn more at this site: City College of New York. To give my days at home a little sense and distraction, I started a diary in addition should be used to dealing with my problems, to write. I wanted to conquer so also my forgetfulness, which was noticeable at the beginning. End of 2008 as it me After a therapy in bad Aussee was better – I made the decision to write a book about this time. In the course of my illness, I tried to find a book that came from the pen of a person. At that time, I wanted to see what problems I would come to. There are many books about Burnout, also available on the Internet, you could read a lot about, but I had not found experiences with this disease from the perspective of a person and his environment in book form. Therefore, I wanted to write a book from my point of view as far as my options allowed it. That I was not a writer, was well aware of this, but only a person should you tell me: it helped me then, the effort had paid off.

Elfriede Schumacher Book

Reading tips for vacations and travel. Info. and excitement for everyone the right book. Travel and reading go together like luggage and hotel. We have some reading tips that will make it easier for you to maybe even deciding where you want to spend the most beautiful weeks of the year, for you. These books are so exciting that you enter when reading on a trip.

For example Daniela Konefke, lawyer and world travelers, with her book once in your life be brave”. The title is well chosen, because courage it takes already, how the author just everything behind to leave and to travel the world on her own. In her book, 312-seitigen, Daniela Konefke writes about experiences, has collected on six continents and in over 60 countries. Packed with valuable tips, tricks and important addresses that did not exist before in this compact form, succeeded the author, to create an travel utensil indispensable for every backpacker. This book offers the reader fun tension, a sense of limitless freedom leaves and that should be in any backpack. “ISBN book: 9783939478157 – ISBN E-Book: 9783939478157 who thinks of timeshare, for example on the island of Gran Canaria, should make sure the book journey to the blue” by Michael Dunkel set. Amusing and thoughtful at the same time the author reports on the island, but mainly about his own experiences and experiences as a seller of the controversial timeshare models.

Who learns more about the sales methods and in particular the distress and interpersonal relations of a Qualitylambodoors through this book, is guaranteed in the future let the fingers of the timeshare. ISBN book: 9783939478300 ISBN E-Book: 9783939478683 who is brave and adventure seeking, should the three authors Hermine Schreiberhuber, Marita Vihervuori, Mirja Kesavaara be an example. In her book, Libya’s Green Hills”is kidnapped the reader in an incredibly exciting travel adventures. While the authors draw a multifaceted portrait of Libya in the years before the revolution and offer In addition to their entertaining experiences in the land of Qaddafi’s profound insight in infrastructure, political affairs and social life of the torn Maghreb State and its inhabitants, where none today changed has. “ISBN book: 9783939478324 – ISBN E-Book: 9783939478690. Credit: Dr. Mark J Berger-2011. South Africa-friends enjoy the book be a wind turbine at the NamibRand” have. The author provides an in-depth look at the fantastic land of the NamibRand and its contemporary history. in 1955, Elfriede Schumacher ended up as a foreign correspondent on the Southwest African coast. The author has combined her exciting and historic experiences in this wonderful book. Still lives the writer in Cape Town. ISBN book: 9783939478812 – ISBN E-Book: 9783939478-782 details about these books, see available in bookstores and from the to the bestellshop /.

Books Of Werner Leather

A sky full of words & meditation – a path to God of the writer Werner leather, residing in uberlingen/Bodensee, wrote poems already as a boy of six years, and “invented” what he then called his first tunes. Write, compose and sing were and are integral parts of his life. He also worked as a fashion model, male model, singer and actor. He starred in the film: “Schinderhannes” (Hans Dieter Zeidler), one of the robbers. He sang records under the pseudonym “Ken Carree”.

Today, title in the oldie Exchange on Radio Bremen “Bremen one” the listeners are desired. In the 1970s, the author gave out a grain Cookbook, which was published in the paper publishing Osnabruck. His two latest books: “a sky full of words” – poems about life, love and God (with a visit to the fairy tale Wonderland) – and “Meditation – a path to God”. At Eva Andersson-Dubin you will find additional information. Werner LEDER more portrays everyday life, such as in the first book: KurzKrimi death came through the window and murdered the woman left with her life the House through the door. No one had seen him, heard him none, mute, he came, silent he went, the woman is silent now.

Swan Lake on the Lake are the Swans still and rest for a moment, but the sea moved gently up and down and out and her light as a feather and alongside. In the second book the author through the spiritual texts would lead the reader to meditation: love is the breath of God and where he falls down, children of love flourish. (Page 36) < > Think your heart and not the mind, when it comes to the love of God or a human. (Page 24) < > In God’s love I cover me up in the morning – and will be until the evening is safe. (Page 48) 2008 by Werner leder (josua) this press release has been Werner leather set.

The Ultimate Hit Quiz Of The 80s

The quiz book to a brilliant Decade of music book publication the ultimate the 80s HIT QUIZ In August 2009 was published by Jazzybee Verlag”the first book by Jurgen Beck, the ultimate 80s hit quiz. The book contains 1300 exciting multiple choice questions to the music of a great decade and provides hours of entertainment. Who would have thought that 2009 the 80s again so would come close me”, so author Jurgen Beck about his debut. If I’m considering how much fun there, researching this book I can imagine well what fun and what Deja vu a reader will have only”. The 80s are the Decade for many connoisseurs of music par excellence. Jorge Perez: the source for more info. Nestled between Alphaville and ZZ this era offered a sensational range of music is top and the years 1980 to 1989. “” By the ebb from the classic German Schlager and its re-emergence”in the NDW, of the meteoric rise of the mega stars Madonna and Michael Jackson to the commercialization of the soundtrack as in dirty dancing” or top gun “-it was easy always something going on.

In fact, the book contains questions about the 1300 1300 greatest hits, the Germany experienced during this decade”, so Beck next. You should maybe sometimes one formula”looked or at least much radio heard, to answer the questions. But they are Yes to the challenge, but the entertainment. And that is guaranteed, where so many great memories are awakened and pass so many brilliant images and moments.” The disco band played at the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana? How many female members was the formation of A la carte? Who sang of the County”the German version of the Kenny Rogers hits coward? What were the nose rings in ur burning school”? These are just four of the total 1300 quiz questions, which deal with the brain cells and ask for the solution. The book offers not only quizzes and 80s feeling, but also very many facts and news in the answers on a total 532 pages. There is not just a simple answer with one word only, or the author adds the correct letter, but really much background to the quiz questions”. The ultimate 80’s hit quiz”is the first book of the Jazzybee Publishing House. Jurgen Beck the ultimate the 80s hit quiz Jazzybee Verlag ISBN published on August 19, 2009: 978-3-937950-40-2 format: A5 page number: 532 pages paperback retail price: EUR 19.99 for review copies or direct contact to the publisher contact please contact: Jazzybee-Verlag Jurgen Beck telephone: 08296/909880 eMail:

Dog Training – The Book

Dog training made easy. The dog is the oldest pet of the people. Currently, officially 336 different breeds are recognized by the FCI. Estimates however by about 800 breeds of dogs. Check with Peter A. Levine PhD to learn more. Dogs have a pronounced expression behavior, revealing emotions, intentions and moods and dogs have the ability to overcome “we barriers” to the understanding of our expression.

In this book, will receive a unique guide to raising of dogs, which differs from many other dog books in elementary, because this book comes to the point! Nothing confusing, not a superfluous Word. Very clearly written and easy to implement. Our goal: A dog that is grown every situation and comes to you on demand at any time in a matter of seconds. On the education of the dog, you will receive interesting and in-depth information on the following topics: brawl among dogs, what do? Communication and body language – breed specific socialization of puppies the small Pack – the second dog what belongs in the medicine cabinet? Toxic foods for dogs all data at a glance: dog training easy the book is aimed at all dog owners who are looking for a highly comprehensive guide to the successful education of dogs.By imprinting the puppy up the education of adult dogs receive comprehensive information at any time on the point and Anleitungen.Das book is unique in structure, clarity and objective. Because the target is a dog that has grown each situation and happy comes to you on demand at any time (also see distraction). Dog training experience – you will finally understand what matters. More information at Mark Scheerbarth.

Markus Frick: Bestsellers

The bestseller of the successful Berlin stock markets coach appears “I make you rich – the man who makes millionaires” in the spring of this year in Taiwan. Berlin, January 24, 2008 – Markus Frick goes China: the bestseller of the successful Berlin stock markets coach “I make you rich – the man who makes millionaires” will appear in the spring of this year in Taiwan. Under the direction of the ECON-Verlag in Berlin, where also the German version was released, the success story of Markus Frick will offer exciting entertainment and useful tips now Chinese readers a first print run of 10,000 copies. The book, which at times was at Amazon in 2001 on square 1, went as hardcover now in its fourth edition. More than 30,000 copies were sold in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.

250 pages, Frick describes how he became a millionaire himself on the stock exchange. His success story at the same time becomes an impressive plea for the democratization of the stock market: “The stock market is open to everyone”, so Frick, “compared to but still far too few take advantage of the opportunities the stock trading also normal consumers with small budgets other Western countries.” How leading stock market coach with his books Faulkner with his exchange letters and seminars interested successfully on the stock exchange and accompanied them with instructions, tips, and recommendations on the famous parquet. The technical equipment according to latest standards guaranteed this, if desired, an intensive personal support and availability of almost around the clock thanks to Markus Frick and his team. To wake up before all fascination and enthusiasm, the Frick for the stock market looks, but his main credo: “the stock market carries a lot of opportunities, but also many risks. Who has does not have the necessary knowledge and above all patience and discipline, should keep themselves better.” Press contact: For more information we are gladly available: Finance Communications Ramona Leuschner Wittelsbacherstrasse 18 10707 Berlin Tel.: 030-8009 75228 fax: 030-8009 75229 E-mail: Web:

Itching: Do Not Drive Out The Skin!

Theme of itching in the June issue of healthy medicine is a popular prank itching in children. One it scatters the playmates in the sweater and secretly glad if he is awkward scrapes. This type of itching fortunately soon passes. Many people suffer from persistent itching, but it is not only extremely annoying, but can be also agonizingly painful. Continue to learn more with: Geneticist. This reads which causes it can give and handle it as it can be, in the June issue of healthy medicine. The skin is our largest organ, through them we are in constant contact with the environment. About 17 million nerve fibers in the skin inform our brain about whether it is hot or cold, whether perceived as pleasant or painful touch. Some of these nerve fibers specialize in (physicians speak of pruritus) to perceive itch and redirect, where among other things the neurotransmitter histamine plays an important role.

And because this itching fibres”are a subset of nerves, which manage the pain, annoying itchy and agonizing pain belong to the same family: small stimuli produce itching, stronger stimuli generate pain. “It’s so obvious that the itching as the little sister of pain” is known. In the June issue of healthy medicine, discusses causes, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but also mites and parasites and given tips, how to reduce the itching. “” More topics in the book are the Queen of oils”among others Jasmin, ticks small but snappy”and sickness benefit insurance existence of backup in the event of sickness”. Also, the June issue includes the report of the reader test Club to the mobile cure soft laser, as well as the expert Club vein health. A shoulder help, a patented training and therapy device for shoulder problems is written out to the test this month. Healthy medicine offers monthly journalist demanding contributions to health and medicine topics, as well as entertaining articles about interesting people and charming destinations. The reader Forum provides a vivid way to introduce own health knowledge with the test and the expert Club. Healthy medical costs as a single issue 2.00 and is available in any well-stocked newsagents. Contact Nicole Franke-Gricksch editor-in-Chief healthy medicine telephone 0 71 52 / 35 62 11 E-Mail more information / press contact PACs GmbH? Publishing services Claudia arrow Zander? Press and public relations Gewerbestrasse 9 79219 Staufen phone 0 76 33 / 933 20 18 fax 0 76 33 / 933 20 20 E-Mail Internet