Travel Alone
People who travel unaccompanied, within the safety of a group, often returning with new friendships that endure over the years the YPORQUENOSOLO agency organizes vacation packages for people who want to travel alone through exclusive circuits that visit the most authentic places in each culture MADRID. The first choice for any traveler always usually plan a vacation accompanied friends or family. But when the details of cohabitation are not taken into account, this idea can become suddenly in one of the worst mistakes in our lives and why not, in the end of a long friendship and the beginning of family problems. In this type of family vacation or friends it is usually something very usual that one is tired and finally choose travel alone, without having to endure everything that already we know in advance that we will not like, habits and different customs or other ways of being. Finally, after all, every traveler fantasizes that the summer of their dreams comes to materialize. By these small rods of coexistence does not worry people travelling alone, always within the security of a group, who, however, often returning from your holiday with new friendships that endure over the years thanks to the experiences and adventures that have lived in those places that marked all. It’s a sentiment that most observed in these groups of anonymous passengers and which does not occur when traveling with family or friends. According to Santiago Rey, Manager of YPORQUENOSOLO travel only, but within the safety of a group, does not mean that you can not enjoy the friendship of other travelers. Since 2003, draw us much attention to see how friendships that were forged during our travels are alive, still to hundreds or thousands of miles away. It’s true friends, who are respected at all times and many travelers are repeating with us since with his friends throughout life may not enjoy similarly during the holidays.