Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of symptoms, such as retention of liquids, breakouts, cravings, mood swings, breast tenderness, fatigue, irritability and depression. If you have these symptoms days before your menstrual period, you may be suffering from PMS. It is estimated that 3 of every 4 menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. These problems tend to peak in 20 to 30 years. The symptoms tend to repeat themselves in a predictable pattern. However, the physical and emotional changes that the experience with premenstrual syndrome can be especially intense in some months and barely perceptible than in others. However, you don’t have to leave these problems to descontrolen of his life.
Adjustments treatments and lifestyle can help to reduce or control the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome for some women, the physical pain and emotional stress are serious enough to affect their routines and daily activities. For most of these women, the signs and the symptoms disappear as menstrual period. Factors may contribute to the condition: cyclic changes in hormones. Signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, change with hormonal fluctuations and disappear with the pregnancy and menopause. Chemical changes in the brain. Insufficient amounts of serotonin (neurotransmitter) can contribute to pre-menstrual depression, as well as fatigue, food cravings and sleep problems. Depression. The depression by itself does not cause all of the symptoms.
Stress. Stress can aggravate some symptoms of PMS. Bad eating habits. Some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome have been linked with low vitamin and mineral levels. Consume very salty foods, it would produce fluid retention, the consumption of alcohol and caffeinated beverages can cause mood disorders. Natural treatment of the SPM change your diet. Eat frequently and small portions, remove the salty foods, the alcohol and coffee, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods rich in calcium. Do exercises regularly, this can help to control symptoms such as fatigue and depression. Try to reduce stress, this will help with insomnia, anxiety and fatigue. Some natural remedies could help as it is the case of Dr. Relax-Pro consumption of 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium in the diet and calcium supplements, can reduce the physical and psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Take 400 mg of magnesium supplements a day can help reduce the fluid retention, breast tenderness and bloating in women with premenstrual syndrome. Daily doses of 50 to 100 mg of vitamin B6 400 units international vitamin E, reduces the production of prostaglandins, substances similar to hormones that cause cramping and breast tenderness. Ginger, leaves of raspberry, dandelion, Chasteberry and evening primrose oil. However, few scientific studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the herbs. Natural progesterone creams. These are derived from the soy and wild Yam. There are no scientific studies that show its effectiveness. If signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are seriously affecting their health and daily activities, consult your doctor. Original author and source of the article