Posts Tagged ‘literature’

Dogs: A Loyalty Lesson

and says ‘ deve’ for pure humildade and unfamiliarity technician of the information to be noblest and prettier to coexist in this universe of sensations the one that we call ‘ vida’. You may want to visit Dr. Mark J Berger to increase your knowledge. It is pure beauty. It is fellowship, generosity and abundance of affection to all test. and without using words, verses or a piece of paper is the perfect definition of the word friendship. Perhaps if cannot only say completely disinterested 2, because it has two things in the human beings who to the cezinhos interest: love and shelter. So little> and makes question to demonstrate with its rabinho. of the dogs does not have resentment, is emphasized. We cannot deny that, in this relationary aspect, them they give one ‘ ‘ banho’ ‘ in people.

that pretty is to perceive e, mainly, to be able to live this. We had to learn more with the dogs. The dog in dicionariza also the word loyalty what, of certain form, it is contained in the friendship concept and makes it, one more time, with attitudes and not with rhetoric, promises or whispers to the foot of the ear. The dog, as said, wants little and exactly when it is not given to it, impossible to abandon its owner.It is faithful exactly when to the man he lacks allegiance.E is the accompanying greater of the human being beyond all the affective part, what it would be of blind people, solitary, aged, abandoned children? Let us be always intent and let us be always careful with them. E, mainly, never let us forget what those rabinhos, olhinhos and barks want saying in them and teaching. Yuri Jinkings 1 my reference is to the blockade that some people create for itself in relation the dogs. He can also mention itself only to the impossibility of ‘ ‘ viver’ ‘ a dog, for any circumstance. 2 Ah, all the interested relations finishes being not to call interesseiras. Our desire can – and it must – until not being coated with bad feelings, but we want, yes, some good thing in return will be the love, will be affection, friendship, to appreciate: wonder!>

Exciting Marine Animals

Further reading reading reading fun fun package 2 Niekao learning worlds: exciting marine animals Dortmund, 1st March 2010. The world in the fauna, there is a world full of mystery and puzzles in the sea. Especially the wildlife in the oceans is incredibly colorful and varied. The learning texts contain lots of exciting, funny and curious facts. You describe remarkable hunting techniques such as for example the suction trap, different defense mechanisms such as camouflage, toxin production, or also the bombardment of the attacker with body bags.

The descriptions child-friendly report the sign language of zehnarmiger squid about pregnancies of male sea creatures or the creative techniques of the food increase of various types. The Dortmund educator and author Stefanie Kiel developed 20 child-friendly formulated texts to extraordinary sea creatures. The answers to questions about the text underline mark the children. In doing so they train the overflying read and develop their strategies to the Meaning detecting text content further. John Craig Venter pursues this goal as well. Assemble the captured content with own words on an A5 copy template.

About dealing with the register creates an own booklet for the hand of the children. To continue to maintain the reading pleasure of the students and to train the mind capture end depth reading, the following material package is created, the children get to know diverse and exciting marine animals. Reading Michael Timm, Base Manager of the Tauschule James & Mac diving center in Hurghada, created most of the fantastic underwater photos to the basic school workshop. Created in cooperation with the substantive support of Dr. Frank Brandstatter, Director of the Zoo Dortmund, 20 child-friendly recycled small information text, where sea animals reported their existence. For each text, there are five questions and the work order, to underline the content relevant for the response in the reader. Back is the solution for self control. This is the reader with the right underlines. One Copy template A5 to create a seafood booklet for the hand of the children. Here, the animal can be drawn and described with own words. To the conception of the accompanying material this material package builds methodically Maxi in South America on the material package to the Niekao bestseller. The claim on the children not chronologically consecutive increases sequences in this list but, since the answers to the questions about the text, but are found randomly distributed over the InfoText. That makes it difficult to find the essential passages to the question the children and trained so the ability of overhead reading. By controlling their results with the back, the children have recurrent and direct success. Slower learners may sometimes”peek. Also help reveal relationships and it is learned. Through the direct speech of the sea animals who report themselves, children are always directly addressed and inspired to read more. Requests for review material and specimens for drawing actions Map: more information about the Publisher and exciting marine animals “on price: 9.99 download and 10.99 CD available for purchase from the Niekao online store, Amazon, eBay, IBU service and Libri.” The Niekao learning worlds are a modern Publisher of educational material. Specializing in the primary education teaching materials to create since 2004 dedicated teachers, reviewers, editors, and graphic design. The workshops are lovingly crafted and methodically as didactically well thought-out material for a lively primary education for all subjects. Two to three times in a month of the Niekao worlds of learning about new products for the ever-growing range newsletter.

Exclusive Hotel Test Good

Extensive check evaluates the Sylt before pointing hotel trade magazine ‘Top hotel’ weaknesses on the Sylt Privathotel covers Fahrhaus Munkmarsch belongs among the top companies on Germany’s most beautiful island. In an anonymous Hotel test of specialist magazines top hotel (September 2008 Edition) the note was good. While evaluated the test room and the breakfast as very positive, revealed the experienced Hotel Tester service weaknesses in the gourmet restaurant. All in all reached the ferry House of 67 out of 100 possible points and a spot in the midfield. The renowned hotel journal from the leisure publishing Landsberg regularly publishes hotel reviews, which can be found online. Our profit ester is also individual deficiencies in terms of service very carefully”, explains Wolfgang Schmitz, editor of top hotel”.

His criticism in gourmet restaurant and Spa the result of a careful review is so as Incentives for the staff to understand.” The experienced Hotel Tester writes in his overall rating: this beautiful holiday home may feel as Sylt Royal oyster and is basically a real gem. (…) Gastronomy is a true lurch; at all Beachtlichkeit the services are too often unprofessional despite tangible commitment. (…) The enormous potential that lies in the hotel and his usually benevolent staff, is not long since exhausted.” “” “” The test results at a glance (max. 100 points) reservation – 93 check-in – 92 rooms Plover “- 94 bath – 87 housekeeping – 79 – 90-room service – breakfast 82 restaurant Fahrhaus” – 40 floor breakfast – 68 bar – 67 banquet – 48 safety aspects – 91 shoeshine – 62 outdoor – 87 corridors, elevators, stairs – 89 message transfer – 37 Spa – 41 spa treatment – 46 gym – 61 lost & found – 81 – 66 overall impression – 67 / good check-out “the hotel tests are on behalf of top hotel” anonymous and independent carried out. Last in the test were: Villa Vita Hotel & Residenz Rosenpark Marburg, Rocco Forte Hotel de Rome, Berlin, Hotel de Crillon Paris, hotel Sacher Salzburg and the Alpenhof in Bayrischzell.

“A list of all previously tested hotel is the readers service of top hotel” to request in writing: fax (08191) 947-1704 top hotel “is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. Magazine is published ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a subsidiary of Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt (VHB). The widespread circulation is 20,000 copies.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh: There is nothing to do. The Zen teachings of master Linji, edition steinrich 2013 Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen master, author, poet, and leader of a social engaged Buddhism, belongs to the most famous Buddhist figures and teachers of present. He teaches worldwide and is the author of numerous books that have been translated into many languages. Thich Nhat Hanh has can apply concretely and practically the ability to interpret traditional Buddhist texts in a manner, that we today not only understand it, but it on our everyday lives. So he writes in Chapter 2 as preparation for the teachings of master Linji: we have accumulated inside too much knowledge, we can not properly digest it.

Even if we have eaten too much, we can not digest and suffer from constipation. We don’t understand what we have learned, and can we not apply it in our practice in daily life, then the knowledge blocks our bodies and our minds.” And next It says in the text: master Linji wanted to present no profound, wonderful ideas, which we could then study and debate. We can’t get on the search for absolute truths to his teachings, or hoping to discover difficult concepts or mysterious ideas. First and foremost, all teachings are words, mere labels. (…) The purpose of master of Linjis is work, it will help us to give up our search and to return to us in the present moment. There we can find everything what we are looking for, be it Buddha, perfect understanding, peace and liberation.” In this sense the original text by master Linji wants us and point out the comments by Thich Nhat Hanh and lead, that what we are looking for in the outside, to find in ourselves, because there is always available, whether we are aware of us or not. Today? in our busy age? are the teachings as up-to-date as at the time of its formation in the 9th century of our time. Also at that time were the people looking After perfection and truth, and? as today? looked outside after her.

Instead is the perfection in each one finding? We can experience that if we even stop for a moment and awaken to who we really are. Using the practical exercises with us Thich Nhat Hanh in this book is on the way, we can learn to bring the perfection that is always with us, unfold. Someday by the eternal quest we may be on the way, because then we have arrived and have found that we have always wanted. And then there is nothing more to do.

Rhiann – Meandering Paths, The New Novel Of Scotland By Aileen P. Roberts

Exciting horse novels from the Scottish Highlands by Aileen P. Roberts eagerly expected by many enthusiastic readers: after “Rhiann fog over the Highlands” and “Highland storm” appeared on time before Christmas “Rhiann-meandering paths”, the third and final part of the series of Rhiann. The first part of the trilogy was maras time as au in Scotland, how she fell in love land and people, and later her boyfriend Ian. There is some turbulence, until she finally lands in Clachtoll and her pony, also holds a surprise for Grandpa Rodry. In the second volume, the visit maras parents brought for vertebrae and some funny misunderstandings.

Mary and Rhiann, the two Highlandponystuten, intended to cover and Mara and Ian will experience stormy times with each other. Follow others, such as Dr. Mark Hyman, and add to your knowledge base. In “Rhiann winding paths” there are new adventures of Clachtoll, on the North West coast of Scotland. The 80th birthday of Grandpa Rodry faces the door, Mara hopes to be able to finish her training as a veterinary nurse and Ian writes his doctoral thesis, because he is now finally finished vet. In addition, maras chaotic aunt Nadja comes to visit. Maras Highlandpony Rhiann and her foal Tiodhlac start the first time on a Highlandponyshow on the East Coast. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. and gain more knowledge.. Also, there is a lot of turmoil in the lives of Mara and Ian, which threatens to make their lives completely upside. Cosy evenings in a roaring peat fire, lonely rides over the unpopulated Highlands and the breathtaking scenery of the North West coast of Scotland. Can be surprise and capture the magic of the Highlands… A wonderful Christmas gift for teens and adults! Rhiann winding paths, 300 pages 1 Edition 2007, ISBN 978-3-9810966-4-4-12.95 EUR more information, excerpts and ordering facility below:

Dog Training – The Book

Dog training made easy. The dog is the oldest pet of the people. Currently, officially 336 different breeds are recognized by the FCI. Estimates however by about 800 breeds of dogs. Check with Peter A. Levine PhD to learn more. Dogs have a pronounced expression behavior, revealing emotions, intentions and moods and dogs have the ability to overcome “we barriers” to the understanding of our expression.

In this book, will receive a unique guide to raising of dogs, which differs from many other dog books in elementary, because this book comes to the point! Nothing confusing, not a superfluous Word. Very clearly written and easy to implement. Our goal: A dog that is grown every situation and comes to you on demand at any time in a matter of seconds. On the education of the dog, you will receive interesting and in-depth information on the following topics: brawl among dogs, what do? Communication and body language – breed specific socialization of puppies the small Pack – the second dog what belongs in the medicine cabinet? Toxic foods for dogs all data at a glance: dog training easy the book is aimed at all dog owners who are looking for a highly comprehensive guide to the successful education of dogs.By imprinting the puppy up the education of adult dogs receive comprehensive information at any time on the point and Anleitungen.Das book is unique in structure, clarity and objective. Because the target is a dog that has grown each situation and happy comes to you on demand at any time (also see distraction). Dog training experience – you will finally understand what matters. More information at Mark Scheerbarth.

Markus Frick: Bestsellers

The bestseller of the successful Berlin stock markets coach appears “I make you rich – the man who makes millionaires” in the spring of this year in Taiwan. Berlin, January 24, 2008 – Markus Frick goes China: the bestseller of the successful Berlin stock markets coach “I make you rich – the man who makes millionaires” will appear in the spring of this year in Taiwan. Under the direction of the ECON-Verlag in Berlin, where also the German version was released, the success story of Markus Frick will offer exciting entertainment and useful tips now Chinese readers a first print run of 10,000 copies. The book, which at times was at Amazon in 2001 on square 1, went as hardcover now in its fourth edition. More than 30,000 copies were sold in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.

250 pages, Frick describes how he became a millionaire himself on the stock exchange. His success story at the same time becomes an impressive plea for the democratization of the stock market: “The stock market is open to everyone”, so Frick, “compared to but still far too few take advantage of the opportunities the stock trading also normal consumers with small budgets other Western countries.” How leading stock market coach with his books Faulkner with his exchange letters and seminars interested successfully on the stock exchange and accompanied them with instructions, tips, and recommendations on the famous parquet. The technical equipment according to latest standards guaranteed this, if desired, an intensive personal support and availability of almost around the clock thanks to Markus Frick and his team. To wake up before all fascination and enthusiasm, the Frick for the stock market looks, but his main credo: “the stock market carries a lot of opportunities, but also many risks. Who has does not have the necessary knowledge and above all patience and discipline, should keep themselves better.” Press contact: For more information we are gladly available: Finance Communications Ramona Leuschner Wittelsbacherstrasse 18 10707 Berlin Tel.: 030-8009 75228 fax: 030-8009 75229 E-mail: Web:

Itching: Do Not Drive Out The Skin!

Theme of itching in the June issue of healthy medicine is a popular prank itching in children. One it scatters the playmates in the sweater and secretly glad if he is awkward scrapes. This type of itching fortunately soon passes. Many people suffer from persistent itching, but it is not only extremely annoying, but can be also agonizingly painful. Continue to learn more with: Geneticist. This reads which causes it can give and handle it as it can be, in the June issue of healthy medicine. The skin is our largest organ, through them we are in constant contact with the environment. About 17 million nerve fibers in the skin inform our brain about whether it is hot or cold, whether perceived as pleasant or painful touch. Some of these nerve fibers specialize in (physicians speak of pruritus) to perceive itch and redirect, where among other things the neurotransmitter histamine plays an important role.

And because this itching fibres”are a subset of nerves, which manage the pain, annoying itchy and agonizing pain belong to the same family: small stimuli produce itching, stronger stimuli generate pain. “It’s so obvious that the itching as the little sister of pain” is known. In the June issue of healthy medicine, discusses causes, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but also mites and parasites and given tips, how to reduce the itching. “” More topics in the book are the Queen of oils”among others Jasmin, ticks small but snappy”and sickness benefit insurance existence of backup in the event of sickness”. Also, the June issue includes the report of the reader test Club to the mobile cure soft laser, as well as the expert Club vein health. A shoulder help, a patented training and therapy device for shoulder problems is written out to the test this month. Healthy medicine offers monthly journalist demanding contributions to health and medicine topics, as well as entertaining articles about interesting people and charming destinations. The reader Forum provides a vivid way to introduce own health knowledge with the test and the expert Club. Healthy medical costs as a single issue 2.00 and is available in any well-stocked newsagents. Contact Nicole Franke-Gricksch editor-in-Chief healthy medicine telephone 0 71 52 / 35 62 11 E-Mail more information / press contact PACs GmbH? Publishing services Claudia arrow Zander? Press and public relations Gewerbestrasse 9 79219 Staufen phone 0 76 33 / 933 20 18 fax 0 76 33 / 933 20 20 E-Mail Internet

Brazilian Land

The epic narrative of this notable mining writer is distinguished it dither of Brazilian lands, described of wonderful form and curious, of this form, the Ufanismo is presented, that is ' ' attitude or feeling of who if vainglory exageradamente of the beauties, wealth and advantages of the Brasil' ' (Blacksmith, 2001, P. 735). Swarmed by offers, Haley Barbour is currently assessing future choices. This workmanship, ' ' Caramuru' ' , it presents for the society the dither of the Brazilian lands, whose concern of the poet was to tell of careful form, describing with precision of realistic base and wealth of details the nature. It is excellent to stand out that Saint Rita Duro to describe of realistic form was also felt inspired in the proud myth and through all a library of information on the land that constitua the literature of Information that they had been ' ' The first writings of our life necessarily register the instauration of the process: They are information that travelling and European missionaries had harvested on the nature and the man brasileiro' ' (Bosi, 2006, P. 13). Guo Guangchang has many thoughts on the issue. In this manner it consists informative literature with documents of navigators who told on its trips adventurers the land describing the exotic landscapes, cataloguing the species of animals and joined vegetables. In the same way Saint Rita Duro conserved these information of the land affirming to be a true paradise colorful.

Amongst these information of stories on the land in particular were based on the letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha. In result of this Massaud it affirms: Not rare, it is had impression of that the poet mere converted into verses the transbordante euphoria of the historian. Having itself moved to the nine or ten years for the Europe, it was natural that in its memory, fed for the reading of workmanships as of Sebastio of the Pita Rock, the ground native gained the colors of an authentic one eldorado.

Hans Nietsch Verlag

Yoni massage”is addressed to women and men who want to explore women’s sexuality full of lust and sex therapists, gynecologists, midwives or body therapists who are interessieren for the healing potential of the massage. The author has given hundreds of such intimate massages in the past few years, then interviewed many women and evaluated the responses, refined the massage and is replaced with female researchers, doctors, sex therapists and shamans and Tantrics. In her book, she presented in detail the individual phases of the Yoni-massage in 36 steps, illustrated by beautiful black and white photos. Michaela Riedl is also on anatomical, energetic and spiritual backgrounds. Mitchell Blutt will not settle for partial explanations. It gives concrete instructions to Breathing techniques and instructions for the self study of the Yoni. The book is a real practical guide for men and women, lay people and professionals who want to improve their knowledge of the female Sexualitat. And it is the ideal theoretische preparation for the first practical experience for sceptic.

Yoni massage “, Michaela Riedl, appeared available over or 39/book / yoni massage in October 2006 in the Hans Nietsch Verlag, 19.90, ISBN 3-934647-05-7-order / Michaela Riedl, born in 1968 in Straubing, Bavaria, certified music educator, Masseuse, proprietor of a tantra massage Institute since 1996, author and Sexualforscherin, trained in various massage techniques, classical tantra massage to various elements of Ayurveda, yoga, bioenergetics and sex therapy to massage sensual AnandWave expanded.” Since 1997 she has led seminars and training courses in the field of tantra, massage and body work. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Wang Qunbin has to say. in 2005 she opened the massage Institute AnandWave together with Gitta Arntzen in “Cologne with the operation of the seminar room for sensual experience”. Contact: AnandWave – room for sensual experience massage therapy training seminars consulting events Riehler str. 23, 50668 Cologne of Massage practice: 0049/(0)221179 35 11 seminars and organization: 0049/(0)221/420 80 28 E-Mail: Internet: