Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Aurora One

The virtual tarot is excellent an average one to approach us the knowledge of the tarot and the cartomancy. It is an ideal scope to begin to know the arquetpicas figures the arcane ones and to familiarize to us with the wisdom of his meanings. Thanks to the technological advances, the virtual tarot approaches to him consulting the experience of a true distance of tarot, in the same way in which it would be realised in the doctor’s office of a viewer, although consulting and professional they are to thousands of kilometers of distance. The program of virtual tarot does not realise the interpretation of the distance, that is in charge of viewer the natural ones of They will provide to the experience the human touch to him that is necessary, to give to the experience the relevance and the depth that must have. The program of virtual tarot is only one graphical interface that presents/displays the letters to the consulting one, you are you you select that them, guided by the invisible force than he is already certain for his future. The virtual tarot allows that people who until today had not had the experience of a reading at the tarot they are marvelled at the precision of the readings at Isabel, Aurora and Carol, that are those that really gives life him to all the experience.

If you are in crossroads in the life, she must make a difficult decision or simply she feels distressed before the perspective to face the stranger, the virtual tarot will allow to tell him on an excellence tool to be able to appreciate what happening of the life provides to him. There are not two equal distances of virtual tarot, each consulting one gives its personal touch him, in the same way that the reading of our mentalistas is not the same in all, the circumstances. That must to that each experience of virtual tarot is unique. Of no way it can be interpreted to the virtual tarot like a species of code, or manual that makes correspond to each letter with a predetermined text. The natural gift of our viewers confers to him to each experience characteristic that does in particular of that session of virtual tarot that is applicable at that precise moment, only to that consulting one. If it has doubts about some situation, or simply it wishes to listen to a word friend of whom it speaks with wisdom and foundation, the virtual tarot is the ideal means that has developed for you. We have obtained the impossible thing, to approach of massive way the wisdom of our tarotistas for all that one that has the anger to want to know what the destiny provides to him.

Popular Garden

INTRODUCTION the origins of the city of Are Jose of Four Landmarks come of the projects of settling implanted by particular. In 1962, Zeferino Jose de Matos acquired extensive land area of the Real estate Mirassol, becoming the great pioneer of the place. The povoamento of the locality had beginning in 1966, after donation of 1,2 alqueires of land for formation of the patrimony. The machete, scythe and axe, had seated four landmarks in the center of the measurements, of where they broke four lines, forming 90 between them. They were two ways that if crossed. These lines correpondem, nowadays, to the avenues So Paulo and Dr. Guillermo Cardoso Young chicken.

Had to four landmarks in the center of the land division, the place took the name of Four Landmarks, being added, later, the name of Is Jose, the saint of the devotion of the community. What situated Popular Garden in the city happens with the quarter of They are Jose of Four Landmarks is the erosive process that occurs mainly at the time of rains, as for the actions of nature, we can cite rains as main causer of the erosion. When reaching the ground, in great amount, provokes infiltrations and changes in the consistency of the land. In such a way, it provokes the land displacement. The wind and the change of temperature also are .causing important of the erosion. With intention to detect these existing erosions, thus considering writ of prevention referring to the erosion. The quarter situated Popular Garden in the city of Is Jose of the Four is very known one of the factors is that the majority of the inhabitants of the city is inhabited in the localities of this quarter. What if it perceives, it is that in some parts of this quarter has erosive processes that most of the time they cause also ravinas, what expects in the reality through this project is a joint action with the residents of the quarter, mainly of that they live close to damaged ground, with small cares when removing the vegetal covering of the ground, therefore it loses its conscience, therefore the water that before was absorbed for the roots of the trees and plants, it passes in the ground.

Deepwater Horizon

Scientists believe that the Gulf of Mexico as a whole is almost recovered after an oil spill that occurred a year ago. However, experts are concerned about the mysterious deaths of hundreds of young dolphins and turtles, the appearance of a strange color in crabs and dead areas on the seabed. The main problems lie at a depth in hard-marshes, as well as a very leisurely food chain. Some of them are science will not know for several years. A year after the spill of nearly 5 million barrels of oil, about 66 miles of the Gulf Coast are in varying degrees, contaminated thousands of square miles area remains closed to fishing businesses. The consequences of the accident at the BP platform, continue to threaten the flora and fauna the world of the Gulf Coast, say environmentalists.

Oil companies have not learned the lesson of disasters that occurred last year on an oil rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, and still plan to catch at sea without environmental risks, say environmentalists. The situation remains tense in Japanese death toll in the devastating earthquake in Japan and the ensuing tsunami continues to grow. Learn more at: Eva Andersson-Dubin. According to published in Saturday data, the official death toll is 14 000 238 12 228 on the list of missing persons. The greatest number of people killed in the prefectures of Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate. At this point continue the search work, including the emergency evacuation zone around nuclear power plants 'Fukushima-1', where, according to rescuers, may be thousands more victims.

Biblical River

To speak on pollution in the great urban centers is not no newness, we have the atmospheric pollution, sonorous pollution and others, more I existed a reality that we do not consider very next to us, that it is the pollution of the rivers, of our waters, and this pollution exactly being very perceived does not affect very our life. Being that the water sources candy are most vital to the human beings and are exactly the ones that receive more pollutant, many agricultural places, cities and zones run the risk to be without water, at the point to be arrived at a time where more places with clean waters do not exist. ‘ ‘ A river is a natural water chain that flows with continuity. Gina Ross may find this interesting as well. It possesss a considerable volume and it discharges in the sea, a lake or another river, and such in case that it is called affluent. They can present some nets of drenagem.’ ‘

This water that is being poluda has varies forms of being used as, for generation of energy, sports, transport leisure and tourism, domestic consumption that is the main one, used for the industry and for agricultural irrigation, therefore is so important the conservation of waters. Phelps, the great classic of the pollution of waters, is author of a phrase of great inspiration, which if became Biblical for the sanitaristas and that, very justificadamente, it comes being reproduced in innumerable works that deal with the protection of the rivers. It says: A river is something more than a geographic accident, a line in the map, a part it invariant land. It cannot be adequately portraied in terms of topography and geology. A river is an alive being, a being endowed with energy, movement, transformations. 2,1 Differences between a river healthful and contaminated a considered river healthful are that one that presents its ciliar bush that is responsible for its protection preventing erosions and assoreamentos, a considered river clean, in normal conditions, presents normally, of 8 the 10 milligrams of oxygen dissolved for liter, Hidrogeninico Potential: ph: It indicates if water is acid basic or neutral.

Sustainable Societies

This process of ecological awareness allows in them to perceive that each time is necessary that this subject is presented inside of schools, companies and in the community in general so that if it can construct a culture ambient, that if it imposes the necessity of the education for the sustainable development and of the control, for legislation of the natural environment and the ambient management. According to Munhoz (2004), one of the forms to take ambient education to the community is for the direct action of the professor in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Through activities as reading, pertaining to school works, research and debates, the pupils will be able to understand the problems that affect the community where they live; urged to reflect and to criticize the actions of disrespect to the ecology, this wealth that is patrimony of the planet, and, of all the ones that in it if find. still says: The professors are the basic part in the process of awareness of the society of the ambient problems, therefore, they will search to develop in its pupils habits and healthy attitudes of ambient conservation and respect to the nature transforming them into conscientious and compromised citizens with the future of the country. Currently one becomes necessary to speed up the process of ecological awareness inside of schools, companies and in the community in general so that if it can construct an ambient culture, that if imposes the necessity of the education for the sustainable development and of the control, for legislation of the natural environment and the ambient management.

References bibliogrficasMUNHOZ, Tnia. Sustainable development and ambient education. Available in: . Access in 15 ago 2010.QUINTINO, Carlos Alberto Alves. A description on the ambient education in Brazil and the world, 2006.

Available in: . Access in 26 jan 2011Tratado of Ambient Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility. June, 1992. Available in: . Access in 01 set 2010.