Posts Tagged ‘hardware & software’

Belgium Visure

Weissenbach PR requirements by Visure solutions Madrid, 23 April 2010 now the Munich agency Weissenbach PR helps the specialists for requirements management Visure solutions public relations in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. In February of this year, the requirement company had established a German subsidiary company headquartered in Munich to better address so the customers from the roof area. Together with Walker PR, product and company positioning should be now pursued. Visure solutions, the company requirements, provides a powerful tool for complex processes requirements management with its flagship product IRQA. To optimize process flows of all kinds, the request management is an absolute key discipline”, explains Ana Malumbres, Marketing Manager at Visure solutions. Only through a sophisticated solution the course can be made already in the development process high quality and productivity.” Numerous customers from diverse industries rely on IRQA, such as Audi, the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, Bosch Rexroth, the Deutsche Post AG and HUK-Coburg.

We want to further expand our presence in the German-speaking world, and position ourselves as a leader in the field of requirement management. With Walker PR we have found a partner, who has the necessary know-how and many years of experience in the very specific and technical area, to help us”, as Jurgen Gladigau, Managing Director and Sales Director roof.”Text about Visure Visure solutions, the requirements company”, is the market leader in requirements definition and management. Requirements are undoubtedly the most critical element in the development of complex systems and the problems this have a strong influence on quality and productivity reduction, increase development costs and time-to-market delay. IRQA as our central Anforderungsplatform Visure offers specialized and innovative Solutions that are easy to use and guarantees maximum quality in the development of products, systems and services our customers the implementation of efficient processes from requirements definition and management. IRQA’s quality and state-of-the-art features are confirmed by some of the world’s largest companies.

This platform, as well as the deep and broad expertise of our team in the development and implementation of requirements solutions are an essential asset for our customers, and the best guarantee. Headquarters are located in Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain. Leading distributors scattered with local presence in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, India, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States and other countries around the world.


COMPUDATA on ECM Forum by RR DONNELLEY present that RR Donnelley on April 25, 2008 held ECM Forum 2008 fulfilled with regard to the slogans stopped the flood of data fully the expectations. Both the speakers and the event organizer itself offered all information around the concept of enterprise content management (ECM) systems, to which the COMPUDATA was also represented with a post on the subject within a highly organized process. Charged recipients of the event were IT service providers and IT consultants as well as prospects and customers of RR DONNELLEY, the leading Businessfor document and content management solutions in the Switzerland. For consistent, enterprise-wide approaches, the use of enterprise content management (ECM) has proven systems in the face of increasing legal requirements and cost-reducing aspects. By RR DONNELLEY is pointed out explicitly is not proof of the old traditional saying \”The Shoemaker has mostly the worst shoes\” – RR DONNELLEY itself successfully employ systems ECM. RR DONNELLEY is working with an industry leader, the partner company OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which the customisable software OS.

5ECM, a uniform information, communication and control platform provides enterprise content management (ECM). The term ECM\”stands for enterprise content management (ECM) systems, which include the capture, management, archiving and retrieval of information. The basic tenor of all speakers aimed in the direction that the flood of data only with a really efficient and effective tool, such as the ECM system can be stopped. This emphasized Henri Spinnler CEO of COMPUDATA, as well as his two first and subsequent speakers. Henri Spinnler put archiving of E-invoices from the perspective of providers in his paper\”a proven solution on the basis of OS. 5ECM dar. B2Bnet, COMPUDATA’s business-to-business platform is a service provider, which comprehensive services for Offers B2B processes. This includes among other things the entire spectrum of the data transfer of the route (from the sender to the recipient), about converting (the receive and transmit in the target format), to sign (E.g.

Customer Value Management

ec4u study: customer value oriented sales clearly gaining importance the customer value as a measure of the systematic planning and establishing control of customer relationships, an increasingly important WINS in the company. On the way there they need according to a study by the ec4u expert consulting ag but in many cases still considerable hurdles overcome. For 41 percent of the 153 of respondents sales – and Marketing Manager in the German-speaking world, the customer value management is already an important factor for economic success in the market. Another third measures a priority to the necessity of customer value analysis, which will significantly grow their opinion in the future. Only a quarter of the companies considered it either little relevant or has still no clear assessment of this. The responsibility for this task is seen mainly in sales management (41 percent), in every third case the key account manager to manage, however, the value for customers serviced by them. In contrast, the Executive Board play or the marketing in the map no significant role.

While on the level of responsibility broadly agree, yet very different opinions exist methods to the analysis of customer value. ABC analysis enjoys the largest popularity, followed by the customer lifetime value approach. Two out of five of the sales and marketing professionals to evaluate these methods from the perspective of their individual corporate practice as most helpful. Also the scoring analysis and cost analysis will find acceptance among practitioners at least in every fourth case. These different assessments result may not only from the different distribution structures and target groups of the companies surveyed, but also from that customer value analysis still not have become a self understanding and therefore still technical shortcomings exist. Because 58 percent indicate that they lack still methodical skills.

To improve, one of the major challenges in the context of strategies for managing customer value represents according to own statements of the respondents. A further Issue affects many for similar to the integration of the value analysis in the CRM processes. But also the issue of privacy due to legal restrictions on the storage of customer-related data and the definition of optimal evaluation criteria are viewed by every second company as a task to be solved. Sales support to develop customer-oriented measures, evaluates only by a minority as a special challenge. A broad consensus on the strategic direction, but how can get the company aims, is often not sufficiently clear”, ec4u Board Member David D. Laux summarizes the results of the survey. That sale the customer value management significantly more is brought to the fore, but also a pragmatic logic has for him. Working with customer values can be significantly better use the existing resources and customer loyalty can be strengthened,”Lai explained the Central benefit. This is but one “clear methodological base make sure a picture of customer value management in the CRM environment ahead”, he describes the mission-critical requirements.

News From The ForumRomanum

ForumRomanum: The forums world placed on a map. Forums, communities and social networks are booming like never before and join the society as a whole. There is no boredom. But where are all the user and how to recommend vividly particular locations in the real world or tips you want to share directly in the Forum? The German Internet pioneer ForumRomanum (, where more than 450,000 free forums reported met this great desire of its numerous users and integrated the whole world of spanning user – as well as community maps based on advanced Google maps – and all free. The usermaps enables the forums users can now sign up on a map and see the location on a street map, but really close zoom also on satellite imagery; of course automatically linked with the forum software.

So you can learn under circumstances that the one or the other user in the vicinity lives what you previously didn’t know. This is, for example, a big relief for user meeting Dar. It is also interesting to find out what corners of Germany, Europe or the world of coming forums-user and continues as the global networking. Click the forums owner can also enable a community map for its Forum, where he or even the Forum visitors save selected places, such as for example the exact location of a user meeting, especially worthwhile destinations for car and motorbike tours, favorite restaurants and hotels, as well as recommended shops – the possibilities are endless and represent a useful added value for all communities. Thus, a map with the favorite, precisely tailored to the interest group haunts available stands for every forum at ForumRomanum. Since 1999, ForumRomanum offers its services completely free of charge and hosts forums on all imaginable topics of individuals about clubs to companies and well-known personalities. The forums can be easily set up in a few minutes, adjust the layout of your website and have quite a few Features, such as, for example, photo galleries for the image upload without limit.

Production Processes

Missing link of business and production processes limited the efficiency and manufacturing although manufacturing companies have invested increasingly economy lately in systems to the efficiency of the production processes. But thus resolves the issue of the missing integration of business and production systems not often still. This hinders the efficiency and profitability of the company processes, because data do not consistently can be provided in real time. According to the observations of the FELTEN group, but now many production companies increasingly devote the integration of ERP and production systems. Often among the main causes of under-used performance potential, that the business and manufacturing processes are not coordinated”, explains Werner Felten, Managing Director of the FELTEN group.

Ultimately, the lack of integration causes that controlling production time plan data can be accessed. As a result, changes often lead Errors, downtime, production errors, quality defects and higher consumption of material.” But also the data transfer due to a missing integration necessarily manually marked detrimental value, Felten explains. For this reason, it was all too understandable that the companies in the manufacturing industries increasingly addressing integration through a coupling of ERP solutions such as SAP with the MES-system or other production management solutions. This vertical integration, synchronously communicate both levels of system and data to provide each other promptly. This applies to all relevant information such as production orders, recipes, material requirement or consumption, completion times, machine data or metrics such as OEE. Theoretical physicist has firm opinions on the matter. Order data are thereby promptly transferred to the Produktionsleitebene, it is then the acquisition and processing of operating and machine data, which then reported back to the ERP system to further business processing be. This fast response times can make sure and, for example, downtime can be avoided quality defects or incorrect planning”, Felten describes some of the benefits. The FELTEN group is currently conducting such integrations on the basis of its own PILOT solutions at different DAX-listed companies. The core target is typically without the systems on the shop-floor level and, for example, with the SAP system for the both sides relevant data to pair technical detours and elaborate customizing, without thereby compromising in the fine-tuning.” There is for example an optimized SAP coupling is used together with the btec-Software GmbH. The interface developed by you and certified by SAP helps ensure the technological approach of FELTEN according to the practical experience with SAP users a significantly slimmer and also more powerful ERP integration.

10 Success Factors For The Support

COC AG outlines the essential conditions for a demanding performance quality in the IT service in Burghausen, June 28, 2011 – support has the function of technical fire usually have users with difficulties to fight. This interface between users and technical systems therefore has a crucial importance for productivity in the processes of the company. Because the contact reason but on the other hand concrete problems, service personnel must create a very systematic approach and a customer-oriented behavior on the day. The importance of support, because any technical disruption sensitive can adversely affect both the productivity and the level of satisfaction of the users “is far greater than its general image, stressed Roland Englmann, trainer and consultant in the IT service provider COC AG. He has put together what are the conditions for support in any case must meet in order to provide the required quality of service: 1 no compromise on the competence of support staff: the activity in the IT service is a job for professionals. A technical IT training in conjunction with distinct social competence is the basis for the success of high demands, that not everyone can meet. Details can be found by clicking Hal McRae or emailing the administrator. In addition to an affinity for dealing with people, the staff should have a certain resistance to stress.

These soft skills”are harder to learn than technical issues. Their continuous development helps employees to provide optimal support for their customers, without thereby permanently overloaded and stressed out. 2. clear and binding service level: The audience must be always clear what to expect under what conditions and in which time support. SLAs are binding rules, according to which a customizable support organized throughout to ensure the agreed quality in all its facets. 3. do not abandon escalation levels: a problem in a defined time frame, or on the basis of a specific difficulty profile to resolve no, there must be a defined process on the next Specialist level are transferred.

Speaking Instead Of Typing – The Future Belongs To The Sprachemail

New software speak-A-message simplifies communication millions of fingers are at this moment just busy typing emails. But typing is tedious and error-prone. Saying is easier, faster, and personal. Therefore, voice messages will increasingly replace the written email in the future. The new software speak-A-message ( of the Inventivio GmbH makes this possible. In the blink of an eye voice messages can be recorded and shipped in highest compression level by E-mail. The recipient requires the software not to listen to the message. Dr. Mark Hyman might disagree with that approach. Speak-A-message that fills a gap in the current trend towards unified communications, in which communication applications and email merge.

While many manufacturers of telecommunication solutions offer products, to receive voice messages and get the opportunity to create voice messages directly on your computer and email lack these solutions. Speak-A-message expanded as the classic ‘ Unified Inbox ‘ one multi-modal Outbox. The software is not limited to recording and playback. It also enables, in a voice message with to record music and audio effects. Thus, passages can be more plastic fashion by inserting applause, roaring rain or birds chirping.

Speak-A-message offers preset audio effects (see listsounds.php), which can be downloaded from the website. It is also possible to use your own sounds and music files. The software has been downloaded over 70,000 times in recent months. It is currently available in three languages (english, german and Spanish). Most commonly, the application is used so far in the United States. Thus a future comes closer, already clearly represented in many science fiction movies. It is no coincidence that the spaceship written emails hardly a play role in Enterprise: voice and video messages are so much more appealing.

Email Marketing System

TIM3m as a rental solution (software as a service) the Aachen of Hamburg Internet agency team in medias, reduced prices for their professional email marketing and newsletter marketing software TIM3m to 50%. At the same time the software is no longer sold, but only as a rental solution (software as a service) offered. Other leaders such as Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. offer similar insights. TIM3m is a highly scalable email marketing and newsletter software. It is employed in small businesses, send the less than 1000 emails per month as well as send in companies, more than 250,000 emails per month. Team in medias, has decided to take this step, because market-side professional solutions almost only still in the service mode of the software are available.

The purchase and operation of your own solution is justified due to the much lower prices today only in exceptional cases. team in medias, is an Internet Agency of the first hour with offices in Aachen and Hamburg. The company was founded in 1995, and today provides services primarily on the basis of open source software like OpenCMS, xt-Commerce, Magento, TYPO3 and WordPress. A Another focus is the topic of online marketing..

Web Security Appliances

New in the fast lane program: Cisco IronPort security training specifically for distributors Hamburg/Berlin, 26 November 2010 as a Cisco Learning solutions partner fast lane ( the new rate Cisco IronPort security channel partner training (WSCPT) in the program. It is specially designed for Cisco sales partners. In theoretical and practical learning sequences you knowledge to management and maintenance, as well as to troubleshooting this solution fast lane experts. Also, the participants will learn how they make an evaluation of Web security requirements. In particular system and field technicians are among the target audience of the new WSCPT training. After completing the course, they are among others in the location to install the Cisco IronPort Web security appliance (WSA) of the S-series, to configure and administer. In the course of the training, also is entered on the troubleshooting in the usage of such a solution. More sequences deal with issues such as data security and data loss prevention, authentication of HTTPS inspection.

Price and product overview – perform an evaluation – authentication – configuration policies – compliance with correct use – malware protection – data protection – use of the S-series – administrative tasks – troubleshooting more course information and schedules are course content at a glance – see the link course/ip-wscpt available. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other manufacturers as well as own IT training, ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and Evaluation on the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail:

Switzerland Technology

Largest project management event in Europe. matrix presents new dimensions of practical IT project management. New opportunities. Learn more at this site: Anita Dunn. Advantage through project management: organized under this motto GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projektmanagement e. V. on 29 and 30 October 2013 30.

International project management forum in Nuremberg. The PM Forum is the largest project management event in Europe with around 850 participating project leaders and about 50 exhibitors and sponsors. With this: the IT project management team of the matrix technology AG. The medium-sized IT services and consulting company with headquarters in Munich and Stuttgart is now 13 years as IT Betriebsdienstleister in the market and thus has a strong technical background. Their many years of operating experience combined with extensive IT project management and ITIL process expertise the matrix and is therefore able to consider their client’s IT projects holistically and to develop effective, practical solutions. IT operating experience and consulting expertise generate added value for IT projects for customers of the matrix means that: the combination of IT operations and consulting generates for you significant added value for their IT projects.

We are convinced: professional IT project management provides promising opportunities particularly, if you as we look over the plate edge of the pure ‘ wander can IT project management and hands-on operating experience to be. So, for example, costs and risks can be significantly better, and already during the project planning is sure exactly, that the concept in practice can be easily implemented”, confirms Stefan Mock, senior project manager at the matrix technology AG. We forward, to replace us with other PM experts about current challenges and opportunities of the project management in the framework of the PM Forum!” Details to the IT project management services the matrix there is under leistung/it-beratung/it-projektmanagement/it-projektmanagement.html, for more information about the 30 international project management forum at startseite.html. Press contact: matrix technology AG Sabrina Hahn Nymphenburger Strasse 1, 80335 Munich phone: + 49 89 589395-600 fax: + 49 89 589395-711 E-Mail: about the matrix technology AG: many years of IT operations experience, coupled with in-depth consulting know-how: the matrix technology AG is a medium-sized IT service and consulting firm that helps its customers from the upper middle class to the DAX-listed companies, to contribute significantly to the achievement of their business goals through optimal use of IT. Since its inception in the year 2000 as IT systems integrator with extensive Know-How in the design and implementation of open-systems environments, the owner-managed company has become a comprehensive IT service provider for customers in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Today provide approximately 140 employees at locations in Munich and Stuttgart services with a focus on Consulting IT services for mid-market IT operations for large customers storage services we always have the big picture in mind: so our process and methodology expertise in the advice sector flows every operating contract with. Conversely, our consultant never lose the requirements of your IT operations from the eyes. Our customers benefit from significant synergies, because: with matrix, IT is simple!