Posts Tagged ‘internet & multimedia’

EBook Writing And Totally Just Sell – Or Just For Geniuses?

What do you know necessarily, if you want to write an eBook and sell? You see them on every corner in the Internet – eBooks! eBooks on a wide range of topics and areas! But what’s really behind all eBooks, or better said, who are the authors? Is the eBook writing and selling just for professional writers, for geeks or people with \”special\” skills? Now, if we can go step by step in detail easily answered the question: first of all, what is an eBook at all? An eBook is nothing more than a digital book (a guide, manual or Guide), that can be offered on the Internet and saved as pdf file (digital copy) by Sofortdownload on the PC of a buyer. The usual pressure, storage and shipping of a \”normal\” book is complete! The eBook can write in any standard word processor (Word, OpenOffice,…) be done, only then must create a pdf file and which is already Completed \”Production process\” itself! I think in this day and age, virtually anyone in the position with a text editor is to work and to create a pdf file with a simple mouse click! The first \”technical\” step can be done by practically anyone so easily! Now in the Internet to purchase to be able to offer the eBook, you need a simple sales website. In order to create this in turn requires a Web design program or a simple html editor. Click Dr. Mark Hyman for additional related pages. It is important that you have access to the html code of a page to include a payment processor! Prefabricated modular systems are so not sure, because usually no access to the html code! How to create a simple Web page, do you get taught in school but already and should also be no problem! I think everyone who is able is to surf the Internet, in the school well looked after and get something interest, can write an eBook, create a pdf file and this eBook on one Offer website for sale! The purely technical implementation should obstacle so no success in most cases! But the eBook and sell itself, is the aspect where literally separates the wheat from the chaff! Write the eBook of all starts in the head.

Web Success Guide Tourism

Numerous tips even more than so far the Internet can take advantage of the Internet expert Stephan Schmatz is such as catering and accommodation establishments in his “Web success guide tourism”, the free of charge can be downloaded. Quite a few of the tips can be realized without much effort, others require ongoing support, but much of successful customer acquisition and customer retention contribute. Many of his ideas can be useful even for those who are active in other sectors. “For gastronomy and hotel business a Web presence, although one of the standard, yet many potentials are not used” regrets Schmatz. With its “Web success guide tourism” the Web expert would like to confront the and help companies uncover untapped potentials in the website, and to use. The “Web success guide tourism” can be downloaded as an e-book in PDF as well as in PRC format. Joel Courtney understands that this is vital information. The Mobipocket PRC format allows you to read this e-books on mobile devices such as PDAs or Smartphones. The e-book is free to download is no registration necessary. Stephan Schmatz (32), graduate of the postgraduate course “Tourism management and leisure industry” at the IMC Krems University of applied sciences is owner of an advertising agency with a focus on sleep in Krems on the Danube, serves customers in Austria, Germany, of Switzerland, and the United States. Furthermore, he is working as lecturer in several institutions, such as for example the Danube University Krems.

XING Ideas

BE2GETHER – love links. Gifts for couples! New and better than ever! You must make something new Yes even brand new design and motley ideas blog at BE2GETHER and. Said – done: We have undergone a comprehensive relaunch our Web presence and awarded a fresh new appearance and thereby optimize all areas. Like, we want to introduce this today and hope that you like the new site. The design has changed thoroughly.

But that was not the reason why we have taken the plunge to completely redesign our website. As shop innovative gift ideas with appealing design, we have formulated a high quality standard at BE2GETHER, where we measure ourselves even daily. There are not only visual changes like the new colors, but also adjustments and the new blog lovely moments”to make user friendly. So shopping is easier and more straightforward now for all BE2GETHER lovers. In addition to the increased user friendliness and the new look, especially the connections are social media and the new blog in the foreground. We welcome you on our new blog lovely moments “.

Here, all readers get tips and suggestions on a variety of topics – we are always looking for unusual, magical trends and report regularly about new and unusual gift ideas and designs. You expect regular news about BE2GETHER, reports from and about gifts and gift ideas, useful tips and tricks, news and NET finds. There are so many reasons to make a joy to his loved ones. For Valentine’s day, Easter, mother’s day, father’s day, Christmas, Nicholas, birthday, wedding, birth, feed or just so in between… The friendship and the love of course receive small gifts. BE2GETHER combines love offers a suitable stimulus for many occasions. For those who always wanted to have a very unusual gift! We look forward to surprise you and read your comments and suggestions and invite A, to take advantage of the additional information provided on our website. We are happy to receive your personal comment, to further optimize the BE2GETHER. We look forward also to an Exchange with you on the social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Google + and XING. Have fun reading, try out, viewing and creative combination, wishes the BE2GETHER team! About us BE2GETHER – love links. Gifts for couples! The company BE2GETHER combines love was founded only recently and will bring a new trend from the United States and Asia to Germany and Europe. Gifts for couples – may initially might not continue unusual sound, however, is something special but every product from BE2GETHER. Because loving charming details & combinations are ultimate eye-catcher. Our collection offers a well-rounded range of fancy accessories, delightful decorations, stylish living items, sentimental cards to individual couple shirts. The trick here is, belonging to the other partner to present without having to match the typical couple look here. Each product has an individual motif. “Only the common combination reveals the connection: we belong together!

The Internet

Electronic junk is automatically recognized by the spam filter in and moved to appropriate folder. Also a manual selection of emails as spam is possible. Platforms, discussion forums and Web sites. There is a long list of places where innocent Internet users leave their email address. Even offline”, always more frequently as the electronic mail address is obtained from contracts.

Who not closely studied the fine print here, can release quickly and unintentionally own E-Mail address for advertising purposes. The Internet portal informs about the unwanted advertising e-mails, often quickly bring the E-Mail Inbox to overflowing. Such electronic messages are known as spam emails which are sent without asking or without the consent of the recipient. Now sending this kind of message is prohibited by law although, yet thousands of these emails, usually for advertising purposes, are sent continues every day. Many companies set, despite the illegality of this widespread Practice on this junk.

An E-Mail is it sent several thousand E-Mail recipients, aiming to land at least at a fraction of the addressees and there to be read. Usually only special programs that filter incoming messages provide protection against spam mails. Internet users can itself but also reduce the risk of spam and junk, by careful use of their electronic mail address. Own E-Mail address should not be published accessible for everyone on the Internet. Read through the terms and conditions is also advisable when registering on websites so that will not inadvertently agreed to use the specified address for advertising or passing the address to third parties. More information:..

100,000 Times The Way Of St. James Live On YouTube

Given to the fairly conservative theme of Camino man immediately brings YouTube portal in conjunction hip with the. Since comedian Hape Kerkeling in his bestselling I’m away”discovered the pilgrimage for Germany who move many young people from the most different reasons on the 1000th pilgrimage route in Spain. And exactly these young people set their experiences of the Pilgrim’s way in a digital form on YouTube. Is there the term way of St. James in the search mask of the Internet portal”, one wonders over several hundred results. As the most viewed route videos at you tube Germany is atop the list of one of the almost forty contributions by the Publishing House of Camino live, currently celebrating the 100,000 guests click.

Werner Jakob pond, founder of the Publishing House to do this: the theme route is interesting for many people who escape from their everyday life, and want to treat yourself to a short break every year. Those who are interested in the topic of Compostela in Spain, the YouTube Portal is very recommended. There is something shaky while the part, but for this very authentic contributions to the Pilgrim’s way.” So the visitor numbers for the way of St. James in Spain such as the need of the people rise to nature and inner peace. “And so it is said, you can go the way of the Pilgrim on the two: man finds himself and discovered God, or you seek God and discovered themselves” +++ important information for editors: copyright of this press release is the Publisher of Pilgrim’s way to live. The author allows the free use and exploitation of this press release in any form. Abbreviation for the publishing house Camino live is VJL +++


Digital publishing and environmental protection – the top 10 of our proposals for a cleaner environment were the benefits the field of digital publishing for nature and the environment, here already once a (still top news) topic. Environmental protection is dear to us and we want to continue to communicate this matter also to customers, prospective customers and the readers of this blog. Due to new year’s resolutions and the urgent desire of many people to change many things, beginning of a new calendar year we give you 10 good reasons, to do something for the environment this year. First and foremost this top 10 concern the working world, in which most of us daily move. Even simple things can move much. Let yourself be inspired! Move it movement! Usually the losing weight is a classic of new year’s resolutions. Think about whether you can connect not the pleasant with the useful. Is your place of work not far from where you live? Why not just ride the bike? Especially in city traffic, you are on this Way often faster than by car and you save on top a lot talent for organization: fund raising for the Christmas season are already in many companies a prettier and more useful standard.

Perhaps connect number 1 on this ‘Trend’ and tip but even during the year and organize for example the participation of your colleagues at a sporting event (for example, a Sprint). Also here, you hit several birds with one stone. Sport is good for the health of your company, take on something motivating part and can advertise on a T-Shirt. Little paper! Digital publications have many advantages. One of them is that they cause less “rubbish” as print publications. Just consider whether print products for certain topics really worth, especially if it’s internal affairs. The annual report to the staff is sure as interactive PDF files on your Smartphone of the colleagues better off than in a confusing pile of paper, formerly or later ends up in the trash.

Christmas Business

Yatego has irritated traders cheap alternative St. Georgen – pitfall for dealers who want to sell toys at Amazon in the Christmas business: strict rules at time of delivery and cancellation rate make the sale nearly impossible. Only until November 16 to decide who ever allowed to sell. In regard to the holiday shopping season too late for most traders. But these are some good and cheap alternatives such as the largest German shopping portal in the Internet ( The wording of an email according to the Amazon now to its seller, the former bookseller reserves the right, offers sent to cancel, suspend seller’s account and to exclude even the sales partner from the sale.

All providers that want to sell toys are affected. Even longtime dealer can not specifically plan the Christmas business. Amazon establishes the measures thus to ensure customer satisfaction. That there is another way shows can be found at the shopping mall We focus on consulting and internal quality control”, explains managing director Stephan Peltzer. For dealers who guarantee a timely delivery to the Festival, it warrants the Santa Claus at Yatego in addition. City College of New York helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

These can then immediately recognize the consumer when the product is displayed. Our platform is open to all dealers. We exclude anyone because he’s two hours late with his delivery. There are simply too many dependencies in Internet business”, so Stephan Peltzer next. Already after the shipping changes on eBay one expects to make in the Black Forest with increased demand from interested merchants. Because the alternatives for successful online trading are rare especially for medium-sized enterprises. About Yatego: Yatego, the largest German shopping mall stands for safe, fast and convenient shopping and with 300,000 daily visitors is one of the leading E-commerce portals in the German-speaking Internet. The company provides traders with comprehensive services with high-performance complete solutions and comprehensive technical support. More than 7,700 dealers use Yatego as additional sales channel for their products or as a stand-alone shop. The inventor of the shopping joy”customers from a range of over 3.1 million articles can select and order everything easily and immediately. Once stored data can be used again for all purchases on Yatego-shops. Yatego offers an independent escrow payment system, as well as the payment by credit card for secure processing of payments. In-house customer service is to customers with any questions about the page.

Internet GmbH Internet

de provides fast and elegant space on the Bookshelf. Hamburg, October 06, 2009 – now book owner can sell books under in the stack and get their money immediately. No long waits on the proceeds of the single, only once grab, paste and send – space is already back on the Bookshelf. After all, who doesn’t? There are books, which you would like to no longer have and always resets it to the shelf. For example, the dusting or moving. Trashing is not in question and hard sell piece by piece through well-known Internet marketplace, many have no desire. The idea of is here: anyone who wants to get rid of his books, sorted out a batch, simply enters the whole book list under and receives an offer to the books from immediately purchase. After confirmation of the offer receives an appropriate delivery note expressing the customer by eMail and thus sent the books at

In return, he receives a credit ready for his books and the money to his account. By the way: takes over the postage costs. For all book owners, this is the first address in the Internet, when it comes to fast and easy for cash to sell books. Clear your shelves completely! is a product of Internet GmbH. Your contact for further information: Agency RoNNAU Salloa long Ronnau Wrangelstrasse 10 24937 Flensburg telephone: (0461) 430-770 0 email:.

New Auction Site

His & hers get men and women independent online auction sites are becoming increasingly popular at their own expense. Dedicated and resourceful site operators support this trend through the continuous development of new and interesting auction models, such as for example experience – or penny auctions. The couple of MAREN and Daniel Thater did just that. On June 15, 2010 launch the two, the first German experience auction site dedicated to not only top current lifestyle products, but users have fun on the participation, but also security and integrity will grant. His & hers auctions start therefore at 0.00 and increase per bid only by 0.01. There is also a cash-back system.

The bidder, which has not won Gets a certain number of bids again credited with on his account. Also, customers have the opportunity again to return purchased items within four weeks. You can buy an article, if it has previously won the auction. Bid packages are excluded. What are the differences between a normal auction and an experience auction? Experience auctions and Penny auctions, as they are often called, allow participants to purchase bids for a few cents. It aims to make a single bid, which is the lowest – the person who creates it in the allotted time, wins the auction and gets the desired product for the auction price.

Initially primarily by companies or authorities for the procurement of goods and services used, massive benefits for consumers have of auctions but also this kind. So there on experience auction sites to snag another really good bargains. This although there on regular auction sites also, however, professional bargain hunters present the bid of really cheap products for normal consumers who just want to own the product. Cardiologist has much experience in this field. Guerilla campaign for the launch in Berlin plastic coins are dealt on the launch day, with which consumers two free bids can secure themselves online.

Nielsen NetRatings

More and more seniors use the Internet of ARD and ZDF discover in rising NET usage by seniors “a great opportunity”, because the older ones are also their main user group. Especially pleased the public service against the backdrop of the current discussion about the financing of their Internet portals over fees, that older people go always more often online, to see videos. Almost one in three (29.2%) of people aged between 60 to meeting is online. The year before there were 25.1 percent in this age group only. The bulk of the Internet accounted for the lower half of the recorded age segment, the 50 to 59-year old. Other studies see the “Silver Surfer” on the rise. According to the market research firm of Nielsen NetRatings, four out of five network newcomers were over 50 years old between early 2006 and mid-2007. A survey by the end of last year there was 2007 for the first time more people over 60 years in the Internet on the go (5.1 million) as a teenager under 20 (4.9 million). SLA source: mirror online the article only with reference to be used.