Australian Mel Gibson
The Australian Mel Gibson, has embarked on another epic film: Apocalypto, which is a story spoken entirely in the MAYAN language. This tape will be released in the second half of January in Mexico and promises to be a stunning series of images that don’t leave much to the imagination of the audience by extraordinary for its realization. Gibson was based on the sacred book of the mayas, the Popol Vuh. Weft is a mixture of love, hate and violence, when asked in an interview with Gibson the because portraying the Mayans in that way, the actor and writer said: it was really softened enough, but the Aztecs were much more violent than the Mayans, were conquistarores, forgers of Empires and the Gibson statement, that if makes sense well escierto, does not portray to the Mayans as a culture that provided mathematical and astrological conocimeitnosyour tape is not reflect that, so it is not a documentary. From January 19, we will enjoy this film in the halls of Puebla, and if well Apocalypto does not have the reinforcement of the passion of the Christ where had the Catholic support and the morbidity of season, if you will have the curiosity of Mexicans see foreign realization about the glorious past of culture which dominated part of our country. Apocalypto is a Greek word that means new beginning, is this a new successful start for the Gibson producer? Since then, existing critical, good and bad, from those who say that is a limited look at the Mayan culture, until who says that it reflects their traditions and everyday life, the truth is that the producers, critics, or writers or directors of Mexico who do not agree with this version, we invite to make yours, or maybe could make one about the decline of the Aztecs, or of the foundation of Tenochtitlan, rather than produce crap like Rambo IV (in which Elisa Salinas and Mexican producer Vans Owen are involved) or the lively Chavo. Gone are the paths of glory. Francisco Gonzalez Carvajal original Autor and source of the Article