Posts Tagged ‘sport’

Miniature Model

FINGERBORD – a miniature model of a skateboard, the management is carried out with fingers, not feet, as is done by skateboarders! To date, there are two popular brands: cheap, plastic Fingerboard from Santa Cruz and steep Techdecks.Vy ask: 'What are they better than other manufacturers'. Here's your answer: 1) the use of licensed graphics boards from manufacturers. (Everyone will find their own unique design.) 2) High-quality materials and constant improved manufacturing techniques. 3) This skin is, the real deck with concave, metal and adjustable suspension, quick and hard wheels. 4) All parts – removable and replaceable. 5) Full compliance with the 'big' skateboarding, they even break the same! In fact, pretty toys is a serious thing, but you hours of fun guaranteed.

On this 'fragile' board can be done almost all the tricks. For more information see cardiologist. … Check with Michael James Burke to learn more. But do not think that it's easy. His fingers you have to get the hand to do ollies and kikflipy, slide, grind, believe me, it's not easy, everything is for real! Of course, everything happens much painless than in real life, but still have to work hard, believe me! Techdeck has become very popular everywhere, so the smart guys have released accessories for this thing. On our destruction is already there: vert ramp, fanboks, loop, tables, benches, Raleigh, steps. Make your own skate park! And so the story Finger: Fingerbording appeared due to rain and a smart guy named Steven Asher of California.

One day, when he really wanted to ride his big unit started to rain, and it will break off … but its so longed to ride, that he came up with a mini board with suspension and started trying to do the same tricks as on a skateboard. When his father came home from work and saw her son sitting at a plate, he decided to put this thing to nail down the conveyor and grandmother. Was so based firm Tech Deck, which is by far the largest producer of finger region. But she had a viable competitor in the German company Berlin Wood Wood that makes handmade boards every … but on this she and green is 20 and in Germany (the only disadvantage that this firm does not suspension). But this board is a dream for any fingerbordista! Read more here, here

African Safari

A hunting and safari package includes food, accommodation and rates of abate. In regards to safaris packages options are available depending on the choice of species to be hunted and your budget. This is a good introduction to African hunting, under the supervision of ethical hunters that guide it. But when planning a safari there to put aside the issue of skills and practice that we should carry out before leaving. Take a previous training out of hunting is extremely useful, why? It doesn’t matter if it is the first time that he goes to hunt or if you have extensive experience, a hunting safari is not a good scenario for making mistakes. They also usually have a high cost, with which should be going extremely prepared. Training programs have a wide variety of very important knowledge which must acquire before going on a safari: 1.

techniques of shot in real conditions: these abilities will improve with practice, whether you compete in any of the numerous tours and hunting circuits with which they have many of our shooting clubs, or to attend courses for this purpose. The program must include shooting in all positions. 2 Practice with the tripod: in actual conditions you can use what you have on hand, from a stone, a tree trunk, etc. but nothing that requires a special shooting practice. Tripod Yes.

Practice is recommended with which will be used in the safari, is essential to learn the correct technique of grasping and familiarize yourself with it. 3 Shot dry. No need to go to the field or to the polygon, at home, with the unloaded rifle, mount the bolt and shoot dry concentrating everytime you do. Review mentally, posture, the movement of the weapon and the pressure that is exerted on the trigger. Practice it daily for a few minutes, is the simple and effective way to achieve a proper muscle memory that will guarantee him an instinctive shooting with a position and correct technique. The most chosen destinations for safaris are: South Africa hunting safaris: is a country located at the southern end of the African continent. It shares borders with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Lesotho and Swaziland are independent States within South African territory. With an area of 1 219 090 Km, it is almost double for Texas. Modern infrastructure throughout its territory, South Africa has the strongest economy of Africa. Mozambique: The true spirit of an African Safari. Located in the southeast of the continent, Mozambique will allow you to live a unique experience, it is reputed to be one of the best extensions for hunting. Also Zimbabwe and Tanzania, among others in these areas is suggested to take a good pair of binoculars, lightweight leather boots 10 40 for antelope and Leopard or 8 x 30 for Buffalo. The respective clothing personal without forgetting a good hat or CAP, Sun protection 30 or greater, sunscreen for lips, insect repellent insect (Zimbabwe and Tanzania), canteen, porta cartridges, waterproof clothing and a sack of Polar for the cool of the morning.