Posts Tagged ‘Music’

Paris Hilton And Britney Spears

Always amazing things happen at the turn of the year. These things that really interest us, yes not guys done, no it happened celebrities, asterisk and also what the are for. So again in Las Vegas. This time it is the ex-husband of Britney Spears, and it-girl Paris Hilton, supposedly Yes Britney Spears Kevin Federline, BBs girlfriend that attract our attention. Anna Belknap has plenty of information regarding this issue. Paris Hilton made before the beginning of the new year well again on the search for Mr. right. Reportedly it is because Kevin Federline have chosen, because both were pretty intimate seen at a new year’s Eve party.

Both were very familiar with each other, laughed and were whispering things in his ear. Paris even kissed Kevin, but only on the cheek. A close source claimed that both have disappeared from the party together and nowhere somewhere as in Hilton BBs hotel rooms. How did continue the rendezvous of the two behind the hotel door is (still) uncertain. By Kevin Federline and Paris Hilton – photo: WireImage now we wait, whether it was something more serious or just playing for both. We are be kept up to date in every case. Lisa Walters


Often, the blues is perceived in music as a primitive form of jazz, a style that has developed almost in parallel. However, the concept of the blues has its roots in the late 19th century, and it is inseparably connected with Southern U.S. Negro culture. Pre-war acoustic blues was a part of black folklore, so the attitude of the white population was very bad. By the end of the forties of last century in the Blues finally settled electric guitar. It is hard to say what prompted many to switch from the usual blues acoustic guitar to electric, but the blues since greatly changed. Most often, the electric blues associate the names of Muddy Waters, BB King, T-Bon Walker and Albert Collins. Each of these musicians (and many more not mentioned) are the personification of his time.

His music career they did not currently amassing state – they just lived the blues. All these musicians have reached an unprecedented level of skill in the electric blues, and often their music is directly bordered by rock, so many rock musicians call their own inspiration. But Despite all this, the ratio of the blues from the majority of white Americans has changed for the better only in the sixties of last century, due mainly to the emergence of the blues-rock. History of the blues-rock takes began in the late fifties, and lasts to this day. The first to cross the blues with rock started, oddly enough, not the Americans and British.

Gerd Christian – Luck Lives In Our Hearts

Who lives new single by Gerd Christian – happiness in our hearts after his spring success of single \”when you get older\”, the 8 weeks was able to place 20 of the airplay charts at Musictrace is in the top, Gerd Christian put with an another strong release from his album \”The own face\” on the 12.06.09: \”Happiness lives in our hearts.\” The catchy catchy musical handmade Liv-sound features a timelessly popular singer, who counts in the last nine years with over 20 single – and 5 album releases to one of the most enduring of his genre. 2009 is for Mister \”tell her also\” also marked by a very special anniversary, because be cult hit and million seller is from 1979 at the age of 30. \”Tell her also\” counts in addition to Ute Freudenberg (\”Puppy Love\”) and karat (\”seven bridges you gotta go\”) East hits one of the three most popular and now also on most covers East hit at all. With Bernhard Brink, Leonard, the Kastelruther Spatzen, as well as the Montan ARA choir have taken this title equal to several high-profile sang colleagues from three different Nations. Gerd Christian – the now nation-wide successful after 36 years presence on stage original artist – looking forward to it. He enchants his audiences as ever and ever with his distinctive velvety voice, that his fans still love. \”Source: Pipmatz interview: first of all, many people associate Gerd Christian this name with the legendary million hit to tell her also\” in 1979. But singer would be tied not just on a title out.

How do you deal with it? A song like \”Tell her also\” that now 30 years impresses me as an artist and accompanied, is a gift. Of course be missing the song on any of my concerts. It touches me again, when in the audience at the announcement of this song lighters or sparklers go on and sing along with the fans.

Linda Feller – Stark

“The new album by Linda Feller – stark when an album right to his title, then this: stark” is the name of the new CD by Linda Feller. The fourteen titles, has chosen Germany’s most successful singer for this are really strong. Time devoted balladic, sometimes spirited and energetic the album strongly features”for every taste something. And as you would expect at a so highly decorated singer, is not only the musical production, the lyrics hold what promises the brand Linda Feller. Linda fellers blend of catchy pop rhythms and conventional country music is unique and certainly the basis for their success.

Coupled with her distinctive voice Linda Feller puts on their personal stamp the titles and makes them extraordinary. No wonder that she already eight times was awarded in the now twenty-five years of their career by the German American Country music Federation (GACMF) as best or most successful singer. Her regular appearances in the great TV shows and their well filled gig calendar also speak a clear language. (A valuable related resource: Nancy-Ann_DeParle). Linda Feller is absolutely authentic on this album. The temperamental bundle of energy who knows who knows that she is a woman of action. sion-On-Harnessing-The-Power-Of-Purpose.html’>Growth Strategy Expert and gain more knowledge.. You tackle where a hand is needed and feels, if comfort and advice are needed. And her lyrics are just so: she sings of love as well as them not aside everyday. But don’t worry, the wagging is foreign to Linda Feller.

Rather, their songs are characterized by reliance on a Happy ending. The first single, I’m asleep in your T-Shirt”is such a song. Everyone knows the situation, when everything in the chaos threatens to sink and you don’t know where you should tackle first. But then comes a man who manages to donate through his mere presence of consolation. On the side of the loved ones to draw strength for the new day. Catchy guitar riffs accompanied by melodious strings parts give the titles of the album mood. Country members, such as the steel-guitar used sparingly but effectively. “Three more stand out from the crowd of good songs: my little big life” describes the normal everyday life with its small and large, beautiful and sad experiences that make our little lives big and worth living. “38 degrees and falling” narrated by the fear of losing the great love in everyday life. Linda Feller remains true with these subjects a typical element of country music: the texts relate stories from everyday life and describe personal experiences. “” Also with a smiling eye, as for example in the song man free weekend “, the the Viduidae General” accesses. In addition to the truck stop and Tom Astor is and remains Linda Feller the most successful country performer of in Germany. Her career began 25 years ago since it is from the German country scene more away to think. Their successful combination of country, pop and pop lets you look back on a music archive of nearly 30 albums. But when all successes on the stage of this World Linda always one remains: A lively woman full of joie de vivre and free from any Star. And who once concert has experienced in a live, understand the enthusiasm that it throws everywhere. Source: Doris Reinelt Koch universal music more information about the artist you find on its homepage Linda Feller the album “Heavy” (order No. 1793300 CD) is available as of July 3, 2009 in the trade.

Daniela Sommer – You Make My Life To Heaven

The new single by Daniela Sommer – you me sensual, dreamy and again visible to a large extent, the life to heaven a new German voice, that are the hallmarks of Daniela Sommer. To interpret their ease, to touch the listener and to pull its spell is extraordinary and highly emotional. The energetic hits, which reflects the positive attitude to life of the sympathetic singer and will appeal to many people from the soul was created together with Stefan Gienger (producer) and Robin Felder (composer and lyricist). You make me the life to heaven”is a tribute to the love and therefore a business card for all lovers. Who got that until today no musical Guide to the thank you say will find summer the right words with Daniela. A first-class debut that has potential to the catchy tune. Alexa Demie will undoubtedly add to your understanding. With you can make me life to heaven”published EMI Music Germany (Electrola) on 08 May 2009 for the first time a Daniela Sommer title as the official single.

In addition, the discovery of 2009 sets “strong after: you think about you comes the deluge” is a quick pop hits, which underscores the versatility of Daniela Sommer and demonstrate their talent. Source: Emi music more info under: track listing 1. You’re making me to heaven 2nd life do you think after you comes the flood 3.

Golden Globe Awards Without Angelina Jolie And George Clooney

Ceremonies without celebrities? This is actually impossible, but as it seems this is going to happen now. Due to the author strikes in Hollywood, where to show solidarity with the authors some stars, probably the soon held held Golden Globe Verleigung without the participation of many important stars. “We will broadcast the ceremony in any case”, so the ABC spokeswoman Marks of Rebecca. However, this statement came on the same day as the Declaration of the actors Union “Scree Actor Guild”. Because it announced to keep its stars of the ceremony.

Among them include top stars such as Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and also Keira Knightly. All have pointed out, that she will not visit this event from boycott. Last month, it was announced that the grey Golden Globe has been nominated BBs Atonomy Star Katherine Heigl for her performance in the series for one. But it is also many known that even Katherine Heigl is on the side of the authors. She had to announce that she will not, go to the ceremonies as long as it a strike returns.

“I will change the page in any case, unless I’m contractually obliged”, so the actress. Sounds like some unrest in the beautiful Hollywood. Let’s see how the presentation will run on January 13 and which stars appear above all. Lisa Walters

One Million Enthusiastic Spectators Within 20 Years:

The Russian State Ballet coming 2008/09 on Anniversary Tour! (thk) A special event is the tour 2008/2009 of the Russian of State Ballet. The ensemble, which is one of the three best tour Ballet troops world, celebrates namely his 20th! As long as the Russian top dancers already outside the home occur and have inspired over a million visitors in that time at their shows in Germany alone. “” In the program of anniversary tour, the Russian has of course those two classics, which large and small enchant: Nutcracker “and Swan Lake”. Tickets cost from 28.–up to 55.–euro (plus presale fees) and are available at the usual presale places! “The Russian State Ballet Germany Tour 2008/2009 Nutcracker” 26.12.2008 Bonn, Beethovenhalle (16 and 20 pm) December 27, 2008 Freiburg, Konzerthaus December 30, 2008 Offenburg, upper Rhine Hall 01.01.2009 singing, City Hall (start: 18: 00) 25.01.2009 Trier, arena (start: 18: 00) 26.01.2009 Chemnitz, Stadthalle Swan Lake”28.12.2008 FL-Vaduz Vaduz Hall (16 & 20 clock) 03.01.2009 Hamburg, CCH 1 (15 and 19 pm) 04.01.2009 Dresden, Kulturpalast (start: 19: 00) 05 / 06.01.2009 Berlin, Friedrichstadt Palast 08.01.2009 A Vienna, Stadthalle F 09.01.2009 A Salzburg, Festspielhaus (start: 19.30) 10.01.2009 A Bregenz, Festspielhaus January 11, 2009 Frankfurt, Centennial Hall (15 & 19) January 13, 2009 Friedrichshafen, Graf Zeppelin-House January 14, 2009 CH-Zurich, January 15, 2009 Congress of Rastatt, Badnerhalle January 16, 2009 Stuttgart, Liederhalle (Hegelsaal) January 18, 2009 Munster, Halle Munsterland (start: 15 & 19) 20.01.2009 Rostock, City Hall January 21, 2009 Hall of the Saale, Handelhalle 22.01.2009 Nuremberg, Meistersingerhalle January 23, 2009 A Linz, Brucknerhaus 27.01.2009 Niedernhausen, Rhein-Main-theater, January 28, 2009 Braunschweig, Stadthalle 29.01.2009 Essen, Philharmonie inlet: one hour prior (8: 00) maps of 28.–up to 55.–euro (plus fees) at all sales outlets nationwide card services: Tel.: 0180 557 00 00 (0,14/min.), for tickets by mail (Tel. 069.944 36 60) as well as at,, tour organiser: shooter promotions GmbH, Tel. 069.610 939-0 Internet: press relations:, Tel. 0821.58 97 93 88

Lewis Hamilton

According to recent rumors the model Naomi Campbell and Lewis Hamilton of a few should be. After a night together, the rumor mill cooks and it is already hotly debated about a possible romance. The duo claim to be “just good friends” and still both after the evening of tried Prince’s trust investment future Gala, secretly to get past the photographers. If this was not a subtle hint. However, that was not the end of their rendezvous, because both then still in a Chinarestaurante and met at the Dorchester Hotel. Some photographers waited for them on the arrival of the two. Naomi Campbell tried behind her jacket to hide, what reasonably well managed, but where Lewis Hamilton trying to hide behind his cell phone miserably BBs. “An eyewitness reported: one noted Naomi and Lewis, that they wanted to not draw attention to himself, but to want to cover everything up, exaggerated way they flew right!” After a drink, they left that again Restaurant and went this time with separate cars from the parking lot.

The spokesman for Naomi Campbell did not contest BBs, that the two have met, but he noted that Lewis and Naomi the another night spent not to have. The rumors already seething since the GQ awards ceremony, at the Lewis and Naomi bypassed strikingly familiar with each other. Also at the Brazilian Grand Prix of formula 1 was as Naomi Campbell, to cheer on Lewis Hamilton. We wait, if a pair is actually from the two. I think we may be curious.

Article About DJ Tiesto !

In my article I would like to talk about his first encounter with the work of this great man, his influence on others and simply about his life. My acquaintance with the works of Maestro in February 2005 when I was in Away from his uncle. He showed me a clip Tiesto – Traffic, the very essence of the video and music were very unusual in those days, I was very impressed. We had to revise many times since the video was very short. After that I realized I urgently need to get as much work of this dj. After purchasing, pirate mp3 disc I began each day listening to his albums and compilations: Dance Planet Edition, In My Memory, Just Be, Parade of The Athletes, Nayana.

Then I was brought to order In Search Of Sunrise 1-3. I went crazy listening to Tiesto, and understood that this is what I need. For me, his music became an integral part of everyday life. I remember how to walk and raved about Tiesto and it looked really stupid. Gina Ross is a great source of information. Not knowing my taste, many have become to despise me, but I did not pay for it attention. That's how I gradually became acquainted with his work.

Tiesto influenced not only me, but still a huge number of people. Hearing In Search of Sunrise 5 (Los Angeles), my parents, sister, brother completely changed my views on music and have not as well as I love the work of the great Dutchman. One day an acquaintance came to me out of town (Zainsk), where only listen to rap, pop, rock, and I wrote him this compilation.

Studio Creates New Application

\”‘ The day the Earth stopped ‘ by 20TH CENTURY FOX, the world can decide who saved at the rest of the world should be ATLANTA (Nov. 2008) – has joined Twentieth Century Fox with Moxie interactive and created a new application that decide the world allows, who and what is to be saved, when the Earth stands still\”. The application is part of the global campaign of participation for the upcoming Fox film the day the Earth stood still\”(Engl. original title: The Day The Earth Stood still), in North America on December 12 and in Germany on 11 December starts. Official site: Peter A. Levine PhD. The film starring Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly in the main roles is the ultimate story of an alien invasion. The digital campaign makes use of seven leading social networks including MySpace, Facebook and Bebo, Netlog and is conducted in 10 languages.

In the film, a respected scientist (Jennifer Connelly) hits the alien Klaatu (Keanu Reeves), who has traveled across the universe to humanity from one imminent global catastrophe to warn. To be soon identified the deadly consequences of Klaatus claim a friend of the Earth\”. Now she must find a way, the being that was sent to destroy us, to convince that humanity is worth saving if it is not already too late to. The rescue list\”of Earth, which will be released today, the question is: what would you save if the world would be attacked? Consumers will be prompted a rescue list\”of 12 things (people, places or objects) to create that it rests on the day on which the Earth\” would save. By sharing the rescue lists\”is stimulated with friends to the feedback and vote about, what is really essential to the list. The best things in the world are tabulated on a global microsite at.