Posts Tagged ‘money’

Storm Damage To House And Car

When insurance companies pay heavy storms off a serious threat in Germany. In most cases, it is fortunately for damage to the property. But now, if the insurance company does not pay, that can be very annoying. The Internet portal informs about appropriate building and car insurance. Hurricane Ulli”storm Andrea” hunted and a good scare the Germans. Damage was greatest in Northern Germany. Visit Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE for more clarity on the issue.

Uprooted trees led to tragic accidents and many homeowners complain of covered roofs or damaged chimneys. In the latter cases, a property insurance is essential. Unfortunately, the homeowners insurance doesn’t always pay. Who wants to make a damage claim, must demonstrate the occurrence of wind force set out in the policy. Usually afford the insurer from wind force 8 on the Beaufort scale. In the case of sweeps the wind with approx. 62 to 74 km/h around the houses. Need for storm Ulli”affected Homeowners probably don’t worry.

The German weather service published values of 85 to 100 km / h. Andrea”is apparently still angry. Here, the German weather service warned in advance with wind speeds of over 120 km/h (with peaks up to 140 km/h). This corresponds to wind speed 12 and more on the Beaufort scale. A comprehensive insurance is useful in storm damage to the car. The partial cover insurance arises when damage caused by hail and storm damage, and wild accident, however, a minimum wind speed of usually 8 applies also here often. But anyone who loses control of the car and come off in a storm from the road or bouncing against an existing tree, should have completed a full insurance.

Take Liability Risks Lightly

Freelancers take liability risks often lightly she needs one, or do not need it? Every Freelancer should examine thoroughly the question which IT liability insurance for own use is necessary. Because it comes to the claim, it can be quickly threaten for the freelance expert or the IT services company. The risk of liability for inadequate or not completed insurance is often unaware of the companies of the IT industry despite the high responsibility which professionally, they are. Especially in complex IT projects the question of guilt can be unclear. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Mark Hyman by clicking through. And an unexplained complicity enough already, to be confronted with specific financial demands. An IT liability is tailor-made for the needs of self-employed entrepreneurs and designed by medium-sized companies in the IT industry. So due to contractual not only – as in all insurance – damage due to legal liability are included in the specific condition works, but also those Liability arise. Read additional details here: Michael James Burke, Paris France. For freelancers and self-employed IT industry, it is important to know which claims are at all relevant.

Lutz-Hendrik Groot Bramel, Managing Director of the online insurance Portal, explains, what damage as a freelancer: how in the private sector of freelance ITler cause an injury or a damage in his professional activity. “They often happen without warning, can create quickly large amounts of damage and within the framework of a third party liability with secured.” In addition, there are other scenarios that quickly can lead an independent on the edge of his professional existence, as Lutz-Hendrik Groot Bramel: a freelancer in the course of its activities for its customers through unintentional but culpable behaviour adds a financial damage to a third person, it might be a so-called financial loss. Protection against damage to property is one of the most important components of an IT liability insurance. Protects active independent in terms of IT from legitimate financial claims, if even a catastrophic mistake them. Ideally the asset insurance includes an equity loss component, to compensate for their own failures and loss, when it comes to Auftragsausfallen, for example, because of an error.” From the perspective of the insurance specialist, Groot Bramel is a risk coverage against liability for any freelancer and freelance entrepreneur is an absolute must to protect themselves from threatening claims. On its online portal, the estate agency he founded gmbh bundles be entire information and product offerings for IT professionals and independent engineers in Germany and offers comprehensive information in cooperation with reputable insurance companies tailored protection for this target group.

VAT Year

The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt has confirmed in its latest press release that in Germany this year far fewer vehicles were approved than in the previous year. Is gratifying, however, that an upward trend is to be noted: in October 6.2% were admitted at least more vehicles than in the month before. The preferences of the Germans are modest: the new car should be small and economical and best white. The latest figures and statistics of the Federal motor vehicle Office could not be clearer. After the VAT increase at the beginning of the year the General predicted restraint entered now. Many motorists have time preferred the purchase of a new car and completed a cheap car loan rather than pay the higher value-added tax. This resulted in excellent sales particularly in the fourth quarter of last year. Overall the number of new registrations of motor vehicles rose in 2006 by 4.1% to 3.99 million.

Considering the segment of passenger cars, the approvals rose here by 126,000 vehicles and 3.8%, respectively. This fall However, the Germans seem to have re-discovered their much-discussed preference to avarice and favour Sparsarsamkeit. Particularly smaller cars in the mini segment were highly sought after and recorded an increase of 27.9%. Also, the percentage of approved diesel vehicles (49.6%) for the first time exceeded the gasoline (49.5%) if only very slightly. The statistics show that with the purchase of new cars but not only the model and the power play a role, but also the other fixed costs such as car insurance, fuel consumption, and tax.

Also the insurance generally, the lower the type class of the new car is, the cheaper. The car tax, however, is calculated according to the classification of the exhaust gas and is rather insignificant in comparison to the car insurance. The publication of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt clearly shows that German car drivers tend to be increasingly ask for vehicles, which are characterized by a lower fuel consumption. This formulation is however relative, because vehicles with a fuel consumption under 4 Litres are not up on the Beliebheitsskala what can probably be justified with the high purchase price. It remains to be seen, or the trend in the automotive market is rather a temporary savings mentality, can prevail in the long term.

Statutory Health Insurance

What you should do and what time limits are to be observed it happens thousands of times every week. A child is born. This very encouraging event brings in many, where both parents are legally insured, also the question where is now to insure the child and what do I do? Last year, I had geblogt and some backgrounds already on the subject of children insurance and given instructions. But apply generally and as a Supreme Council: you have plenty of time and must not be hasty. The child may (when the insurance conditions are met) are covered in the private health insurance of their parents. It then in the context of so-called registration without waiting and without risk surcharges.

That applies to the child’s registration (exclusion) time limit of 2 months. Is the registration is not completed, leaving only the recording with a risk assessment and the possibility of rejection. However, it can be useful to ensure the child is not the PKV of parents. The tariffs may be unsuitable, because for the insurance of children apply to the part of the other criteria. Here are questions such as rooming-in services, targeted treatment in special clinics (also abroad) and benefits for orthodontic treatment to consider, as well, a very low or no deductible may be advisable.

A check of the insurance of other companies and rates is possible with the present findings of the so-called U examinations U1 and U2. So you might want to look at something beyond the own car and to examine other possibilities. Is the question to check whether the child is entitled to the free Famlienversicherung, if a parent in the statutory fund is insured. The regulations can be found in 10 SGB V. I’ve provided a scheme for a simplified overview on my homepage under downloads. There is also an overview which companies ever alone assure the children because the selection here is limited from cost aspects of societies. What you should do so: U1 and U2 wait out might advance even with a representative discuss and the needs and requirements which set your child’s health within 1 month the choice of the tariff close and companies ask preliminary questions allow have time then another month and may ask if necessary even the insurance at the own car companies under the insurance guarantee

Statutory Health Insurance Fund

Higher contributions arise the increases by raising the contribution assessment ceiling by raising state of the contribution assessment ceiling for health and long-term care insurance to 45,000 euros a year. With it, many more deserving employees (including the employer’s share) must now monthly pay 641,25 euro for the statutory health insurance. Add may be contributions for private supplementary insurance. For the majority of workers, who are with their content under the contribution assessment ceiling, yet nothing is changed in the most legal funds. Here, it remains to be seen what reforms the legislature for the future plans. Complicates the legislator has also the change of the law in the private health insurance.

Significantly here is the limit of the compulsory insurance: in the future can workers sick sure only then privately, if paying at least 4.162,50 euro monthly (previously 4.050,-EUR). Besides better-earning employees are usually self-employed or Freelancer, civil servants or students from the statutory health insurance duty free can and switch to private health insurance. Learn more about private health insurance can be found on. Contact: Bergische Assekuranz broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 E-Mail: contact person for the press: Bogdan Kalid image source: (c) the company Yuri Arcurs Bergische insurance broker was founded by diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker. With the Internet presence of young the company specializes specifically on the needs of private individuals and professionals, who would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies. The company Bergische insurance brokers has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies.

There are special rates available for various professional groups such as students, trainees, graduates, or certain traders. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998 in the insurance industry are active customers via the Internet, by telephone and by post served – when preparing offers, as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterised by a very high market coverage, highly trained staff and variety of services tailored to the needs of specific target groups.

Financial Risks Long-term Care

How is it ordered to the State pension, what alternatives are there? Already, nearly 2.2 million people receive benefits from the public and private duty care. More than 700,000 people are 1.4 million outpatient in the stationary area AIDS, more than. According to forecasts of the Rurup Commission\”the number of dependent persons will increase significantly in the next few years. But still the risk to be, the care is underestimated or simply displaced. Many people rely also still exclusively on Uncle Sam, which thanks to the statutory long-term care insurance should stand ready for emergencies and should provide protection at care impoverishment. But it misjudges the situation however. The Government services offer only a basic protection with high own co-payments.

The own pension plus any saved assets not sufficient normally to fund the monthly cost of long-term care. Reimbursed the State for domestic care Long-term care insurance 215,-euros a month, as long as the care is carried out by a national. The public nursing care insurance takes over 420,-euro in domestic care by qualified personnel. In most cases far too little to ensure a good and care. Often, relatives must give up their profession to volunteer to take over the maintenance. It is significantly more expensive long-term inpatient care. The monthly cost is around 3,000 euros in fully in-patient care in care level III (need for help around the clock) in a nursing home.

The statutory long-term care insurance takes over 1,470 euros, in cases of hardship not to exceed 1,750 euros thereof. The elderly themselves must muster the difference usually well over 1,000 euros per month. If this is not financially possible and no sufficient capacity available, threatens to be one to a charity case. And in this case the social welfare office, trying is the money of children or a partner – if possible – again to pick up. Also saved capital, which originally as a heritage was intended for the younger generation, is often completely consumed. Eva Andersson-Dubin understands that this is vital information.

Credit Card For Students

A few years ago, an above-average high income was required for the issuance of a credit card. Today a credit card even with average income is available as a result of the competition, but also because of improved control possibilities. Many banks offer credit cards for students at special rates. Often, students receive free of charge the account. With some banks, a free Maestro and credit card is included; in this offer other banks charge the normal or a discounted annual fee.

In addition to banks with a full range of services even more publishers of credit cards offer a credit card regardless of their current account to leading to low prices students. The amount to the credit card maximum can be subjected to, is limited. Limited to first 1000 euro is common. The student demonstrates a regular additional income can increase the limit many banks at the request of the cardholder. Basic condition for a credit card is also for Students usually have a steady income. The BAfoG enough here already many card issuers.

Because students travel a great deal and on the other hand, often use the Internet for purchases, the possession of a credit card for them makes sense. Car rental companies and some foreign Internet service providers offer their products increasingly only for credit card payments; the same applies increasingly to hotel reservations. The student has relevant negative criteria with the Schufa, his credit card application is usually rejected. In this case can be used on a prepaid credit card. At this the holders advance the contributor, until he wants to use the card. These credit cards are cheapened by some banks for students or given out free.

Payday Loans Cash Advance Till Next Payday

Payday Loans Cash Advance Till Next Payday From time to we are all a bit short time of cash. You can see that not enough money to pay one of their bills for a month or your car breaks down and no money to fix it what can you do if you need money fast and no one to borrow money and no. money saved for emergencies? You can apply for a pay day. A payday loan cash advance until your next paycheck. This is a quick and relatively easy way to get money in case of emergency. You should’nt use a payday loan to buy something not required, but only if you really need the money quickly. Payday loans come with high interest rate.

If you pay the loan when you receive your next pay, may extend the loan for a fee. Each time you extend your debt for the amount paid back is adding more money. It can be very costly and pay can take a long time a very small debt to. Some benefits payday loans, however. For example, if your car breaks down and no money to fix your car, it can mean you can emergency get to work. In this case you may want to finish the payday loan so you can fix your car and be on your way. In most payday loans get their money within 24 hours.

You can have money deposited directly into your bank account. It is relatively easy and quick way to apply for a payday loan. Most applications will ask for your personal information such as name and address where the work phone number to reach work, some of the references, how many earn each pay period and get we next few pay checks and bank account information. Within minutes you can get pre approval. Many payday lenders require that you fax them some information, such as a copy of your recent pay stubs and a copy of their last bank statement. They payday loan lender wants to process and verify the information you want to check. If you are bankrupt, have poor credit or no. credit you can usually continue to receive the cash advance loan. They do not I run a credit check. While a verifiable income that meets their minimum income level is approved for credit. Loan amount depending on the lender and your income. Many payday loans are for up to $ 500 do you find yourself in a real financial time. a payday loan can be a solution. This is definitely something you should do if it is absolutely urgent cases. Payday loans are quick and easy way to get a small loan. However, the interest rate you you is high and if expand your debt, you can pay more than you borrowed. Take your time when choosing a payday lender. Some of calendar who charged a higher fee if you are able to pay back the loan on your next pay date. Some of calendar charge a lower interest rate than others. For hours, you can find a solution that works for you to help you get the money they need without having to pay extra amount back to the lender. Addy Roy is author of loans n finance. For more information about secured personal loans and military loans with bad credit visit

PKV Tariffs: Test Private Krankenversicherung

Private health insurance in the test and comparison of individual car tariffs of most individual insurance is private health insurance. This can be compiled from a wide catalogue of services individually. Test can help in the selection of tariffs a private health insurance. Policyholders, who can meet the requirements and take advantage of a private health insurance (PKV), have the choice. You may find that Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City can contribute to your knowledge. Given the numerous providers and the barely manageable number of different tariffs, it is hardly possible objectively to assess this car fares in relation to the own needs the laity. Therefore, there are a number of companies that undergo single fares to a test and try to judge this objectively.

Among those tested policies, the winner will be awarded regularly and published, for example in the consumer magazine FINANZTEST or oKO TEST. However, it should be noted that no general recommendation to any policyholders is the winner of this test. Rather, average values are used for the age and other insurance-related data for the car test. For a final evaluation of single car an individual, so-called “test of private health insurance” is rates thus absolutely necessary, to determine police a needs-based and personal requirements of meet growing PKV. This insured persons, particularly women and older policyholders prevent to high posts for low dropout performance at the PKV Testsiger rates. Age, gender, profession, and especially the current health state of vital importance is for the actual post. Weichsen these values underlying the test, are those recommendations not only inaccurate, but even detrimental. In this respect an individual is test private health insurance essential for a balanced price and performance ratio.

Private Health Insurance Post Stability

In the private health insurance test rating agency plays the post development and contribution stability of PKV compared an increasingly important role Stiftung Warentest: compare private health insurance in the test private testing companies such as the Stiftung Warentest or the Assekurata publish their reviews following the review of private health insurance in the test. A such PKV review evidence, what criteria have been used individually and on what basis the test result was hit consumers. Also the name of the PKV test winner of course called, so that consumer comparison can use this as a basis for their own personal car. These PKV tests the stability of post or the post development of private health insurers involved in rising given the steady increases in premiums. Each year, independent companies such as the map report, the Agency Assekurata or the economic newspaper perform focus money compare private health insurance. Depending on the design of the car reviews in either individual tariffs for the private health insurance or the basic rate under the magnifying glass taken or the insurance companies assessed holistically. So, the test results can give consumers a first orientation, which insurance companies cut off particularly well and who emerged winner perhaps as PKV. But what Kenzahlen and properties of tariffs are tested and subjected to a comparison? Contribution to stability & contribution to development: economic profitability of the PKV decisively the test result and the test results of these independent institutions are becoming increasingly important for many consumers, because they are hardly possible, to compare the numerous tariffs on the market.

Also, consumers get barely a glance in the economic figures of the insurance companies so that a review of the economic situation and thus economic profitability is not possible at all. Just these figures are however particularly important when dealing with it, to be able to assess the development of the contribution in the future. Ever economic works, the sooner a PKV a Beitragsstabiltat can be accepted. The PKV test of the Assekurata however shows that, for example, the Barmenia has health insurance to high quality standards and already long term stable can keep the posts by their positive economic facilities. The map report, however, has highlighted 2011 health insurance the Debeka in his review of the car, because this insurance with a high quality of service and in turn profitability could convince. Personal needs analysis and comparison of the PKV winner recommended for consumers are in particular the PKV winner interesting, because they show what private health insurance or which rate especially was able to convince the tester. These tariffs should be adopted but not unchecked, because sometimes a such fare may be ideal for young people, for older policyholders but other fares were cheaper.

An individual PKV comparison can help here, to find the matching rate, even if This may not test winner has emerged as PKV. In addition, a tailor-made analysis and advice should be taken by independent experts claim. Here, the main focus should be directed as well the economic profitability of the PKV provider and therefore the past contribution development and possible future contribution stability. Initially particularly advantageous tariffs can quickly become a cost trap. Because the private health insurance contribution increases in the age inevitably.