Posts Tagged ‘beauty’

Safe Investment

“Waves vision developed new spa line with 23 carat gold only for top hotels gold is not only a marketing promise, but has a number of useful effects for the skin”, explains Sabrina van Bonn. The experienced expert is co-founder of waves vision and has previously worked in an international cosmetics company. The gold line of waves vision characterized by sustainable well-being and ensures a radiant complexion. Let gild himself”, prompting Mrs van Bonn which is addressed not only to millionaires. Wave vision stands for quality and innovation in cosmetic products and treatments.

So far, the our designed signature products with regional ingredients. For even more analysis, hear from cardiologist. “Similar to on Star chefs, our clients get their spa menu created with essences of native plants and spices, the features of the region under – delete”, explains Waldemar Steinmetz, co-founder of well-vision. Goal is to give the clients a special USP unique concepts. The Wave vision products used in the spa or in the guest rooms. Also marketing materials and individual training courses for the spa staff available are the hotel customers and sales partners in addition to a comprehensive consulting. Wave vision fine Spa & fragrance products was 2007 by Sabrina van Bonn and Waldemar Steinmetz in Berlin founded.

The company developed and designed high-quality lines of cosmetics and Spa product concepts for first class and luxury hotels. Cooperation partners are well-known manufacturers in the cosmetics industry. Wave vision is member in the German Wellness Association. More information: for inquiries: waves vision fine Spa & fragrance products Sabrina van Bonn / Waldemar Steinmetz Zionskirchstr. 56, 10119 Berlin phone + 49 (30) 44 32 41 98 eMail: svb of press service: Carsten Hennig Tel. (0160) 95837756 eMail ch tags: beauty, Spa, wellness, treatment, gold, hotel, resort

Calendars Of Office

Calendars of office For companies, scholastic offices, centers, sanitary centers customized calendars 2011 are a great idea to shine them of a glad and informal way. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Mark J Berger on most websites. In these last months of the year he is frequent and habitual that the companies, banks, publishing houses, send great distances of this type of products to cover the demand that exists, and this way to be able to cover the needs that exist. The products star are the calendars, as much table calendars, customized calendars of wall, calendars. These last ones are the best one positioned by many companies to shine the photo of the group in the calendar. This form is the best way to homenajear to the personnel of the group, by its effort, dedication and commitment with the company.

In Gupost we know of what we spoke because we do also it every year. We every year shine proud our calendar with the group printed in him. It is for that reason the importance of our press online, where we exhibited great amount of products pamphlet impression, impression of flyers . The customized calendars can have different sizes following the needs from the client. They are in the families where greater height is having this type of calendars. Where we are the parents those that we chose the photos that we want to show the grandparents and rest of the family.

Health Vital Longevity

TYROmed, a special address in things, wellness, Spa & beauty Niederndorf/Tyrol the small, exquisite spa factory has for years been the biological raw materials for health and body conscious people. Temple of wellness, spas, hotels with Spa & beauty know since the TYROmed years offers an excellent quality in this growth market. But what is wellness at all? The concept of wellness is derived from the English language”(i feel well = I feel good) is often used, but what does he actually exactly? Simply wellness cannot be equated with well-being, the term encompasses much more but actually. Wellness stands for special applications to the balance (balance) of body, soul and spirit, a healthy diet, fitness, meditation, and all other factors that contribute to the well-being. The term of wellness stands for a whole range of treatments both health-wise and mentally sustainable aimed at improving their own well-being.

The daily Everyday stress shows effects that go hand in hand with symptoms such as weariness, tiredness, sluggishness and laziness. Spa treatments to relaxing counteract these symptoms. This is already a small wellness oasis in the home bathroom, bringing peace and relaxation for a few hours. TYROmed is a reliable partner for both the private and the business area that the offer of the Tyrolean Spa specialist leaves nothing to be desired. We pay us when purchasing our raw materials ensure that this as far as possible from local agriculture, Luksch, explains commercial Director Friederike in an interview with ZAROnews which philosophy Tyromed lives.

We take the raw materials almost exclusively from Austrian mining areas in the production of our care sludges.Our ultimate aim is a harmonious coexistence of man and nature. We support with our care mud berbere”(with Ethiopian spices) through our partner company Sonnentor Organisation “Menschen fur Menschen” – Karl Heinz Bohm. A portion of the proceeds of our organic goat’s milk bath of the Montessori school in Stams (Tyrol) will benefit also. By Tyromed, we pay attention to our environment. Therefore we ask you to use our high-quality products sparingly, since the body can absorb only a certain percentage of the active ingredients and the rest on towels and sheets remains. This leads to a higher consumption of detergent, which needlessly pollute the environment. The creative mind behind TYROmed is Oliver Liebminger, he has with his offbeat ideas already many hoteliers and Spa operator surprised, it is his instinct to owe a good name in this market to be today. We guarantee you reliability, quality and safety, and flexible to meet your individual needs. A healthy mind is in a healthy body. Key determinant of health and a slim trained body are fitness – programs and balancing sports during leisure time. Beauty and beauty with the right makeup and Styling. Of course, human consciousness plays a huge role to achieve wellness & Spa a significantly improved quality of life, but consciousness was to master the life has always been an important point.

Worldwide Unlimited Sauna Fun travel etiquette London/Berlin, January 27, 2009 Christmas was not as relaxing as hoped and to top it all off Roast goose, gingerbread and Vanillekipferl have left traces on the hip? Now pack it bags, then called on a short trip in a luxury wellness hotel and get massage leave, enjoy a face mask or relax in the sauna. But be careful: in other countries, different sauna customs prevail. Whether sweating completely naked, or swimwear, but prefers, has tested in different countries and summarizes important differences in the sauna travel etiquette. Here are a few useful sauna travel tips: in the local sauna all cases is to drop and freely to present itself in all its glory. Beyond the border of the common German saunas should practice accordingly but restraint, because even though President’s wife Carla reveals all furore, like our French neighbours Naturism in sauna does not. This swimwear is sauniert covering in pubic area.

In Slovenia, however it dispenses with more clothes than in Germany. Because here, you are welcome to the so important in our slippers are not even. In Slovenia, you stroll barefoot over the tiles. Who upset German saunas on like-minded people, with a towel washcloth-size Bank populate that, should in the mother country which enrapture sauna to a comment not persist, if sweating without any Terry among themselves. In Finland it takes no towels in the sauna to darauf sit, nor to the air compartments of the fresh infusion.

Tip: on the 7th and 8th of August 2009 the tenth sauna world championships held in Finland Heinola. The locals here that nose front, but not necessarily so must have remain normal way. A cheerful chat, while the drop of sweat from his brow beads? Not in this country. Details can be found by clicking Carl Rogers or emailing the administrator. But quite common in the Arab world, therefore: open for a Plauschchen be.

Benefits Systems

The popularity of photorejuvenation and hair removal is extremely high. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Carl Jung. The method is a method of treating skin with light of high intensity (Intensive Pulsed Light – ipl therapy). ipl therapy is carried out devices where the source of electromagnetic radiation a xenon lamp – the flash, rather than the active laser medium. Electromagnetic radiation emitted by a xenon lamp is different from the laser so that it is polychromatic with a spectrum of radiation in the range of 500-1200 nm. Thus, a wide range of light ipl systems lays the foundation for a wide range of dermatological problems such as removal of unwanted hair, the removal of congenital and acquired vascular lesions, treatment of pigmentary diseases, neablyatsionnoe skin rejuvenation, removal of professional and personal tattoos, photodynamic terapiyai etc.

If you change the wavelength of the laser for each chromophore can not be need to change the laser, then the ipl systems problem that is solved by changing filters more cheaply. The duration of a single pulse or pulse train ipl systems can be adjusted over a wide range (from 1 to 100 ms). Another advantage of the ipl systems is a broad patch of light. This prevents a large dispersion of radiation in the skin and can operate at lower power than lasers. The use of sapphire or quartz fiber and integrated into head cooling system provides efficient cooling of the epidermis before, during and after the flare and safety procedures.

Flexible adjustment parameter ipl systems allows you to adjust flash settings for different phototype of the skin and selectively remove certain chromophores of different diameter and location without damaging the skin. A large area of the applicator makes the procedure faster and cheaper. Shown that the ipl system is not can be effective if it is not powerful enough. Is acceptable fluence at least 35 J/cm2 Benefits ipl equipment in the practice of cosmetology:-coverage of a wide range of cosmetic Pathology -Universal low-cost equipment safety and reliability, easy maintenance, easy development of staff, the possibility of using in the salon

Give Me Your Smile, Baby! Formula For The “billion Dollar Smile

The Munich-based vein er specialist Christian Hogweed knows the formula for the “Billion Dollar Smile” thats “Billion Dollar Smile” on everyone’s lips. The ABC’s show strong rate of extreme makeover makes it possible. There, celebrity dentist Bill Dorfman before cameras transformed average results in Hollywood-style smile teeth – with thin, small ceramic adhesive peel, the veneers. Since then, the veneer-mania is rampant in Hollywood. The Munich vein er specialist Christian claims now Barenklau: what can Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, or usher, the mortals can do that – because there is, the formula for the perfect smile. She is “even scientifically proven” and says Hogweed – targets in a study by the Centre for dentistry of Southern California Loma Linda University dating back to 2007.

Who now believes that it comes with, as pure white to whiten the teeth and laugh just far enough to open the mouth, which is however thoroughly in addition. The team led by Dr. Nicholas Davis rather has the parameters of the perfect Smiles with the help of several hundred test subjects precisely determined: the first to perceive the subjects on the smile of a counterpart is the shade – a too bright appearance of teeth has been considered unnatural and intrusive criticized. A smile was especially felt as pleasant, if is the whiteness of your teeth and the white of the eyeballs in roughly revealed. An ideal combination of form, size and arrangement of teeth for a “smile like a string of pearls” in addition now. Upper and lower lip should work if possible, symmetrically, the mouth maximum half as wide as the face.

The upper row of teeth (incisors) dominates clearly visible. Teeth should be without visible discoloration; of course also crowns or fillings may not disturb the pristine image. The width of the incisors should be about maximum 80 per cent of the length.


When is to dissuade the fashion world plastic surgery certainly very strongly, the perfect body should look like and spread this opinion by any kind of advertising. It is open daily to face on one way or the other if the result is that, according to a study, every second is not satisfied with his body. Almost everyone has ever, wondered what would be, if it was a Schonheitsop make? But fear prevents pain and surgery many that wish to implement. No other theme manages to entangle our country in such contradictions. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Eva Andersson-Dubin. While the one for this to remove smaller stains, others beat the hands over the head in horror. But when it is advisable an OP noble, to leave? For people who suffer from limitations or an inferiority complex, an OP is changed often the only Ausweg.Doch after a procedure really something many listen deeply into themselves and find to their surprise that they do not imagine, look different. Competent doctors do extensive information meetings with interested parties to eliminate fears and to be able to answer questions. An OP changes the appearance but oneself remains as it is, while many of the illusion, however, that with an intervention will be different. Feels just insecure with his appearance this can drop with some practice is without an intervention needed. Everyone finally themselves must decide whether an intervention for him is advantage and the feeling of well-being is enhanced or whether a new attitude towards life completely sufficient

Lotion Candles Can Be Harmful For Your Skin

If you have a love for candles, then it is likely to be found or heard of "lotion candles". A "lotion candle" is usually a scented soy candle and is advertised as a skin moisturizer. According to some candle makers, candle burns before his bath lotion, and be sure to turn the candle at least 30 seconds before putting fingers in hot wax, and rub the melted wax on its body like lotion. I have seen many manufacturers advertise their soy candles candles in this way. Like Chandler, I find several things wrong with the practice of using a candle in this manner. 1.

Dyes in candles are not sure of the skin. Chandler did not use dye skin safe in their sails. There are shades of lotion that are designed for use in cosmetic products and are not harmful to the skin. Dyes for candles are much more powerful dyes and have not been tested for skin, because they were made for candles not lotion. It takes much more dye color from a cream colored candle. These concentrated levels may experience some skin irritation. 2.

Lotion candles are not made of lotion. I heard some people say that its supply of lotion candle is made no wax. There is no such thing as a lotion candle. You can only make some kind of candle wax. Soy candles are made from soy wax, which is made from soybean oil. The soy wax that is purchased for the manufacture of candles on a cosmetic grade wax. The FDA requires any cosmetic to meet specific requirements to ensure the safety of cosmetic products to the public. 3. Fragrance oils used in candles are not all skin safe. Most candle manufacturers use up to 9% of fragrance oil in your sails. Even if a candle maker uses skin safe fragrance oil is only skin safe up to 3%. Swarmed by offers, Anita Dunn is currently assessing future choices. Have experience in making candles, I can say that the fragrance oil in its pure form can cause severe chemical burns. You can burn the skin in the same way the acid that burns the skin. Therefore, rubbing scented candle wax on the skin can cause irritation to the skin. 4. Never immerse your hands in a burning candle. It is true that soy wax burns cooler than paraffin, but the flame of a candle burning badly. "Lotion Candles" they say to extinguish the flame first, but I have seen of supply demonstrate the use of "lotion candles" at craft shows, without extinguishing the flame. 5. If you have children, never let them see you Your hands wet in a hot candle. Soy wax burns much cooler than other candles, but a child does not know the difference between the sail of a "lotion" and a paraffin candle. Hot wax on the skin of an infant can cause serious damage. So if you decide to use "candle cream please be responsible. Soy candles are wonderful, but we do not recommend the use of candles as lotion. Several lotions are available to you, including soy lotion, skin safe ingredients are added. Amanda Arnold is the co-owner and sells hand poured soy candles and lotions.

Spa Hotel Body

If Wellness involves the whole body, should the teeth be remember body care is today not only funds for the purpose, but also relaxation and enjoyment in a. It runs a lot under wellness, allowing to sell particularly well today. Expensive massages with precious oils, sea salt scrub and Schokaldenpackung for the tense muscles. Feet and hands are extra spoiled, the classic facial treatment is no longer without the use of acids and high-quality essences. In this Spa Hotel, also the head and hair treatments with belong to the program. The body becomes the treasure trove for particularly sophisticated special treatments that promise a long health.

No question, the wellness market is booming. Because here you can earn good money. Who has planned the agenda fully whether on the job or in the family looks like paid compensation by pampering and relaxation programs. And because aromatic sauna and bath landscapes with gently trickling water and Music trigger a fuzzy feeling, the stressed Executive is gladly willing to take money in hand, to take a break from the daily routine. But for all the variety of body care offerings: A dental care is not available.

Why not? Because it’s going to a specialist treatment. And yet there is this wellness for your teeth. James S. Chanos usually is spot on. But you need the dentist of you can trust. Prevention experts clean and maintain your teeth in the about 1stundigen application with latest equipment. In spite of thorough brushing every day before the mirror the stubborn deposits on the teeth in the interdental spaces and in the pockets of the gums must be only by using special and advanced technology within the framework of a professional tooth cleaning. Here, also, ultrasonic devices and mini sandblaster are used. All this contributes to the long health of your teeth and your gums and allows you to a relaxed and radiant smile. Beauty for your teeth so to speak. Of course, such treatment by a specialist has its price. Depending on the dentist and treatment intensity, you must expect to cost between 50 and 150. Specifically at existing dentures are advised to a quarterly professional cleaning. This usefully invested money is under the idea of pampering for the whole body. And if you would also like to save, ensure the on time. Because your dental insurance is involved in up to 4 professional dental cleanings a year.

Nail Enhancements

Artificial nails – it's an outlet for women with brittle, fragile and thin nails. Gel and acrylic nails thicken and allow it to grow to normal length. If you do not get carried away with patterns, inlays, and appliques, and not do unnaturally long fingernails, the building looks completely natural. Gel and acrylic – transparent materials, nail looks like its covered with varnish. On top of the finished artificial nails can be use any color paint.

The very process of building is as follows: you little sawed off the top layer, then your nails are covered with a protective composition, the top – a gel or acrylic and fix it all with special lamp. Thus, we can increase the length to make a permanent French manicure or experiment with different designs and rhinestones – but more elegant and more natural look is usually clear nail polish. Artificial nails takes – more time-consuming procedure than the usual manicure, and takes a couple of hours. The effect lasts, depending on how fast your nails grow. Under favorable conditions, a manicure can look absolutely perfect for about two weeks.

Then becomes noticeable difference between the cuticle layer and the edge of accrued and will need to make a correction. If you want to get rid of artificial nails, you need to cut down the upper syllable nail – but it is better to entrust it to a professional. Nail Extensions Gel is specially formulated for applying nails to dry by using ultraviolet radiation. Gel nails have the following features: – in during growth does not emit odor Gel – gel nails have a natural shine – for this they do not require additional polishing or applying a colorless lacquer – gel nails have a natural look – gel nails from Masters Salon De Charm possess high strength – marigold preserve the pristine beauty and the cold, and when you enter a warm room. Gel nails are encouraged "to wear" those who have weak nails. Gel nails possess the plasticity of natural nails, but do not require special care. Another significant plus gel nails – is that in order to remove the varnish from the nails, you can use any means (including those containing acetone), lacquer is allowed to apply before the application core framework. Crystal nail tip of nail is transparent. Especially good are the nails for the design. Marigolds look very original. Hollywood Nails on the prepared nails applied 3-phase soft pink gel. Nails look as natural. Porcelain nails are laid-phase gel in several stages. Prepared to lay out the nail pink transparent gel, then matte or pink with glitter (optional). The advantage of such nails is that they rarely break and are very strong. Drawback: the strong impact could damage its nail plate, so go with nails very carefully. Correction nail polish results look great, and kept for a long time: 3 to 4 months, with monthly correction. The correction of nail adjusted the boundary between regrown gel coats and nail to the desired value decreases regrown nail length, about half – thickness, and the remaining half is the same as in the first procedure of capacity. Additional information at Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. supports this article. Room Correction Nails are usually 50% of the original price increase.