Follicular Units
And like all alive structure, it does not tolerate long time without oxygenation nor nutrient, therefore, they must be implanted in a nongreater time of 2 to 3 hours. For which the equipment must have not only the optimum training, but to be totally connection. If they exceed this time to try one ” macrosesin” or it is not counted on the equipment sufficiently trained, more likely the sobrelife by the transplanted roots is poor, with an equally poor result. During the procedure that we realised, once taken the strip from the Zone Donor, and whereas the equipment begins the fragmentation, it is at the same time realised the microincisions for his implantation. Microincisiones that already had designed as soon as their place, direction and output angle. Of such form, that once finished to the fragmentation already this list Receiving area for their implantation and therefore, the Follicular Units very just a short time remain without oxygenation nor nutrient.
In our patients the average of sobrelife by the roots reaches more of a 90%. If the Area to repopulate is very extensive, has better result as far as greater densidad obtained and greater amount of repopulated area realising 2 sessions. I reiterate our commitment, to place in a single session the greater amount of possible hairs within logical and the natural thing. We know that the preservation of the Follicular Units is maximum when they are selected through the microscopic dissection. And that its insertion is also made through visual magnification surgical magnifying glasses in the receiving zone following the angle and natural direction of exit of the hair, this assures the naturalness the hair restoration. It is what it has brought to the hair transplant to the 21st century.
From to this we come it form realising for more than 10 years with hundreds of satisfied patients. The essence to provide the best treatment of hair recovery depends on an accurate diagnosis of which who is good candidate: Zone safe donor than sufficient, in degrees more mainly advanced of alopecia. The bald area (receiving) to cover and real expectations of the patient, it would be necessary to equal them to the potential of his zone donor. The pursuit of a preventive and effective medical treatment in those young patients who are beginning an incipient alopecia. All this, contributes to the success and the obtaining of the wished result. The surgeons who we more frequently used the Transplant of Follicular Units we know that its aesthetic distribution (no longer only its simple insertion) is what assures for example, one forward edge of aesthetic and natural hair implantation in the forehead, a densidad that does not let filter the light and that it does not allow to the brightness the skin of the head; and including recreating ” remolino” or ” caracol” of the crown thus to assure a natural aesthetic result than more satisfactory. If his surgeon speaks to him of all all these subjects and it is committed with you for its satisfaction, then it has right in its election, and its very satisfactory result.