Posts Tagged ‘politics’

WFC London

Social commitment will continue in 2009 London, March 2009 – the subsidiary WFC. International financial service Ltd. is part of the issue fee and the management fee from the WFC. Donate funds I of the Foundation Sterntaler in Dusseldorf, help for children in need, international capital. The WFC. This year of their social responsibilities will comply with international capital group”CEO Jan Frederick Wallace, I hope that many other companies will follow our example. tus Global Solutions is often quoted on this topic. The WFC. International capital group maintains since local site local social projects promote several years according to the motto”is social sponsorships for children’s charities in the cities, where they represented.

The company will implement this concept also for more representative offices residing in establishing in the Switzerland and in the United States. Foundation Sterntaler, Dusseldorf on help for children and adolescents in need of targeted Sterntaler Foundation in distress children and young people and is under the auspices of Gisela Droste. The Foundation puts the focus in the medical field in addition to the assistance for social projects. Promoting and supporting facilities, research projects or institutions, devoted to the research or therapy for rare children and infant diseases are. Carl Jung is full of insight into the issues. More information: kids company, London the non-profit organization was founded in 1996 with the aim of helping neglected children in various institutions. The organization currently operates in 30 schools in London. 2008, around 11000 children were supported by the program in the schools, as well as directly at kids company in the South of London.

Christina Stuntz Shows

In the manifesto of the CSU, it means: education is the social and economic politics of the 21st century. Here are some facts and half-truths. Election campaigns are the times of many promises, but also by insinuations and allegations. John Craig Venter may help you with your research. Sometimes they are just plain wrong, often exaggerated, others are quite right again. Therefore the editorial has decided to undergo a fact check the one or the other statement in the Bavarian Landtag election fight. We investigate whether allegations that fall during discussion in the heat of the battle, which can be found in choice programs or loudly proclaimed at rallies, correspond to the facts.

Or whether they have removed more or less far. We start today with the testimony of the CSU to the Bavarian educational system. Of course, we will take statements from other parties under the magnifying glass. The Bavarian educational system is the most successful in Germany” slogan in the electoral program of the CSU In the electoral program of the CSU, it: education is the social and economic politics of the 21st century. Prime Minister Gunther Beckstein and Culture Minister Siegfried Schneider stressing at every opportunity: the Bavarian educational system is the most successful in Germany and ranks among the best worldwide. Actually, Bavaria has been nationwide first places in some studies. But also the following facts belong to the big picture: 29 of the world’s largest economies have prompted their OECD partner country Germany to combine Haupt – and Realschulen. Bayern insists on the preservation of the tripartite system of education, Hamburg has abolished it.

On each of the 5500 Bavarian schools, a teacher is missing in the cut. Parents have collected 180 000 signatures, and thus also to protest education failures. The Government has hired in addition 2008/2009 2245 teachers according to own for the school year. So come around 760 new teachers at the secondary schools. However, 1100 were eliminated. So minus 340, with rising numbers of pupils further 112 would require about to keep the class size just under 29. 86 per cent teachers engaged in elementary schools (23-535 by) (27455) the male part”missing often, unlike in other types of schools. Reason: poor pay. Finland in European school tests came out good. “Kati Juhiainen expert says: who estimates children not sorted them out.” This mean that children referred back because their grades in Bavaria by the high school in the secondary school and the secondary school in the secondary school”are. Also the Bavarian teachers and instructors Association (Nur) complained about the rigid selection”.

Cash Bonuses

To draw attention to the pay differentials in Germany, business and professional women Germany e.V., he has initiated the Equal Pay Day in Germany. Jena, March 24, 2009. Last Friday, women were urged to wear red bags, their average to indicate lower pay 22%. Through the cashback system of directions, prices are fair even when shopping on the Internet, because directions pays back its customers with every purchase. Many shops in Germany reacted spontaneously with discount offers for women who were last Friday with red bag on Equal Pay Day. 22 per cent wage request women. “We support this initiative.

We can now offer 2% cash bonus for all purchases of women on the Internet. Of course when buying a red bag for the next Equal Pay Day, E.g. in,”so Kerstin Schilling, CEO of directions. Directions is the cash bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. The customer will receive in total 1800 Shops a cash bonus in the amount of 2% of the net goods value of each shopping back. He must be registered only with directions and control the desired shop from the search window on The user installs the toolbar, this step is omitted, because these credits automatically the cash bonus cash bonus account on the. The use of directions is free.

Only an email address and a self chosen password are necessary for registration. Only when the user transfer to the cash bonus to your own account let, he must indicate his bank account. About directions: is cash back bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions credits 2% of the net goods value to users when online purchases and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the Co-founder of the software provider Intershop Karsten Schneider and Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie.

CDU Candidates

and ‘Also agree the second round of the campaign for refugee protection and children’s rights’ you your parliamentary candidates and candidates, what they want to do for a decent policy on refugees. The Alliance encourages votes for refugee protection and children’s rights”(short) on. 14 organisations are gathered here, who want to use the Europe – and the Bundestag elections in 2009 to do so, to promote a humane refugee policy. There are young people without borders, the GRIPS Theater Berlin, the refugee councils of Berlin and Brandenburg, the Bavarian Refugee Council, the International League for human rights and the trade union education and Science (GEW). Also asylum in the Church, the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia, and “borderline-europe” are on board. “The first round is gone now with the elections and the result can be seen: over 2,400 people in total have the Coalition statement” signed for a new refugee policy. The Parties responded to the electoral touchstones.

In addition to the Coalition statement, the Alliance had voices. 09 the candidates and candidates to the European elections with electoral touchstones to 8 topics abandoned a little housework. “It means, for example, in the response CDU/CSU: unaccompanied minors should in principle not be deported”. Alliance ‘ 90 / the Greens”have written us: though hardly any refugees to us, the Grand Coalition has further aggravating the foreclosure. Germany will not meet its humanitarian responsibilities in the world.” “” “And the left” thinks, that the activity of the European border management agency “FRONTEX systematically the option of a (safe) entry in the EU” complicates and increases the tendency, that are seekers and unwanted migrants into the hands of smugglers and / or have to embark on life-threatening entry routes. ” Also the FDP in its is signed by their General Secretary Dirk Niebel Opinion on FRONTEX fixed: often known issues about the deflection of refugees on the high seas or the lack of protection of people in distress must be addressed and as quickly as possible to a constitutional solution.

Also the available under international law and fundamental human rights protection for the refugees here to ensure.” We love to hear that, but we want to know it more precisely therefore we will contact by August to turn many candidates and candidates in the dialog. Now it comes to the practical policies of the future it will show how much philanthropy there is. The Alliance in favour of refugee protection and children’s rights”in any case, stay tuned this time it comes to the vote of the Bundestag election. Press contact Fluchtlingsrat Berlin e. V.

Maserati MC Stradale

The popular magazine chose the best vehicles in 2010. North American brands were the most awarded in different categories. To select the winners editors the Middle tested more than 100 new cars traveling in total more than 100,000 miles in the process. After making them different tests and different tests in which the models are compared journalists decide different nominations by category. The winners are decided by the editorial dome. Performance: Ford Mustang. Design: Cadillac CTS Coupe. Value: Hyundai Sonata.

Fuel consumption efficiency: Ford Fiesta. Versatility: Toyota Sienna. Driving fun: Lotus Evora. Ability Off Road: Jeep Grand Cherokee. Technical innovation: Chevrolet Volt. Luxury: Infiniti M37/M56.

Work vehicle: Ford F-250 Super Duty. If something is striking is the carts which were more highlights of the auto show at Paris 1. Audi E-tron Spyder: the German company presented in the Parisian salon your new convertible sport concept that presents a great based on propulsion performance Electric. 2 Jaguar C – X 75: The British company presented its new sports concept to celebrate its 75 years. The new model seems destined to mark the lines of the company’s future. 3. Lotus Eterne Concept: the English company presented its new sports sedan that combines power and aggression with the sophistication and elegance typical of the brand. 4 Lamborghini Sesto element: Finally and after holding the mystery during a month the Italian company unveiled its new super sport concept. 5 Ferrari SA Aperta: This is a special series of model of which only 80 units that are already even sold, be joined celebrating the 80th anniversary of Pininfarina. 6 Peugeot EX1 Concept: this prototype of the French firm broke various records on the mythical circuit of Linas-Montlhery. 7 Porsche Speedster: Porsche launches a series limited to 356 cars a new 911 Speedster: roof under either sporty and very exclusive. 8 Maserati MC Stradale: a sportier version of the renowned model arrives Gran Turismo for the brand of the Trident. 9. Renault DeZir Concept: DeZir is the official name of the concept cars that illustrates the new vision of the Renault design. The mark shows this prototype with sensuous lines, a bright red colour and an electric motor. 10 BMW 6 Coupe Concept: the German brand presents a model which combines traditional values with a modern line resulting in a design with a new aesthetic in regards to this type of cars.

Economic Department

But also with satisfaction, we can determine that these measures have become the exception. No one must be left alone in the country in his emergency. There is a minimum income which permits a life of dignity and to which every citizen is entitled. This claim, however, is the Willingness to work bound. Fortunately we have a supportive economic environment and suitable jobs for all people with their individual talents, abilities and needs.” Economy only the water supply, and the banks are under government influence, all other sectors of the economy have private owners – in less cases with a minority stake of the State. Our prosperity is based on the ethics, morality and quality in our economy. Official site: President Rivlin. And this is not lip-service, but verifiable daily realities.

All companies live quality system. Companies without quality would have no chance to survive. Only the elders can still remember times, where quality was only on paper and faselten Manager and politician in rhetoric about quality. In mind at these times, there are just more head-shaking among the old. Even if the wage justice, new rules have introduced some years ago. For example, can Manager salaries only until to the Siebenfachen of the lowest salary in the enterprise are deductible.” It was the head of the Economic Department, which pointed out his thoughts on this complex subject and thus ushered in the end of our exchange of information. Yes, there was an exchange of information during their speeches our host asked us again and again how we solve all these tasks? Their curiosity was endless. At any time while there was astonishment or a negative word was heard.

Hasty reactions are bad counselors, she said. However, some of us had a strange feeling in our reports. Also I had caught me in the embarrassed foraging scribbling on my Notepad. On the journey home, there was the occasional heated debate. But somehow we had the feeling, there was yet more what has invited us to think. One has even ventured out and meant, because we could talk about but once. We have made us then. Source: Book “How much craziness going yet?” Quality, ethics and morality in the economy, politics and society