Posts Tagged ‘society & social issues’

FRG Chancellor Gerhard Schroder

Nobel Prize for economy is actually not the men’s Peter A. Diamond and Christopher A. Pissarides, Dale T. Mortensen are the FRG Chancellor Gerhard Schroder the actual Nobel Prize winner for Economics, but honestly this prize belongs to Germany on the former Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, his former Chancellery Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Peter Hartz, the architect of the Agenda 2010, where Nobel Prize winners have written off 2010 and took their inspiration. Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides support her explosive work on different facts such as the amount of unemployment benefit, which may not be too high, but low on the edge of poverty, because otherwise the stimulus on resumption of work is taken and at the same time for the low-wage sector, no labor force would be. This concept was born already 2003 and 2005 with the facts and request funding in the 2010 agenda and is also an integral part of the elaborations of the Nobel laureate. It doesn’t have to be particularly gifted it to come and scientifically prove you no longer have that old hat. However, the 5 euro fit boost at the unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) exactly in the performances of the winners.

The so-called friction Elle unemployment (transitional unemployment) that the stock of the job Center and unemployment agencies has is with fictitious jobs, that there is no, not to solve. Only well-paid jobs for permanent appointment can help here and would do it, too. Unfortunately, such jobs are missing and where they exist, they are overloaded with requests, the Realitatsfremd. Still, it describes a more efficient employment is implemented in the German job centres and employment agencies for years. Unfortunately, it has also this method to no significant successes. The job Center sitting on a solid, almost invariable base of unemployment benefit II receivers (Hartz IV), in the form of long term unemployed and not-to-place people, since no training and education at all, exists.


“Hannibal-ine” needs your help to help others… Help us help! The previous 1-woman company Publisher Tatyana Reuter, holder Tatjana Reuter 74072 Heilbronn-based matching presents the latest idea to its “very substandard” business concept here. 1991 in a completely different category established (manufacture and sale of children’s toys from wool) the “young entrepreneur become richer now to 3 employees” with this project will return to your roots. “Hannibal the attractive worm – THE SHORT STORY” was available in German and English Bookstore. “The rare Christmas gift” by Claudia Agnes Wolski (CAW) from Bavaria is ready to lie on the gift table at the Festival.

You’d think now the young team resting first and enjoy the success that turned up in a short time. Because only since September 2008 after a more than year-long hiatus again produced! Far from! In a team meeting which are previously unknown people noticed that each a small or to carry larger destiny had in the past. In short it was detected and then decided: “If we want better, it can go better others thus!” “Rose Hanni BiCa”, the fundraising campaign in favour of various non-profit organisations was lifted out of the baptism. We decided collectively from different sales articles of the Publisher, certain out to search, which is in favour of “RHB” the action also should be abbreviated, sold. The respective amounts from the proceeds of the goods are transferred quarterly donation recipients, that each team member has picked out himself. Also, everything in the best order would be again! Everyone knows what it is. Each organization is informed! Ok? NO! “Crazy ideas” are the order of the day for this team! “Hannibal de Elefantowurme”, the main character from the first children’s book is at its “inventor” in Heilbronn and really messes up your life! Made as knit doll, he accompanied Entrepreneur in all your ways. PURE ADVERTISING! The team decided on November 19, 2008 on the whim of a celebration: “Hannibal-ine” you need! A life-size made mascot! Who other than the young woman of power itself, it would crochet and would also have the courage to slip in this costume? On the same evening, the first stitches were processed and used on the whole one! A weblog has been created! Everyone can find out about the State of things there! The approximate dimensions of the project were, all became clear.

THE SUPPLY OF WOOL IS SUFFICIENT NOT FAR! The public must be involved! Anyone who can and want to should the Publisher wool in black and pink send. Each skein, if desired with a little piece of paper. On the “donor” can enter his name or what he wants. The note is a crochet with the wool together. On September 15, 2009 “Hannibal-ine” should be completed and then as soon as possible by Germany travel to donate for the recipients of “Rose Hanni BiCa” to collect. Help us help! Challenge us! Send material and we’ll do the rest. In time, it will be announced the itinerary of the “worm”girl. So, each “donor” has the opportunity to convince themselves that is also really with his notes. Who may be not “donors” or would like to, but still want to help, may leave like a message on the weblog to assist Tatyana mentally and morally in their doing. It is better however to give your work, because then it comes not again at least for a while on a new “crazy” thoughts! Angel Jean de Roosen, Ladylaird of John O’groats

Economic Department

But also with satisfaction, we can determine that these measures have become the exception. No one must be left alone in the country in his emergency. There is a minimum income which permits a life of dignity and to which every citizen is entitled. This claim, however, is the Willingness to work bound. Fortunately we have a supportive economic environment and suitable jobs for all people with their individual talents, abilities and needs.” Economy only the water supply, and the banks are under government influence, all other sectors of the economy have private owners – in less cases with a minority stake of the State. Our prosperity is based on the ethics, morality and quality in our economy. Official site: President Rivlin. And this is not lip-service, but verifiable daily realities.

All companies live quality system. Companies without quality would have no chance to survive. Only the elders can still remember times, where quality was only on paper and faselten Manager and politician in rhetoric about quality. In mind at these times, there are just more head-shaking among the old. Even if the wage justice, new rules have introduced some years ago. For example, can Manager salaries only until to the Siebenfachen of the lowest salary in the enterprise are deductible.” It was the head of the Economic Department, which pointed out his thoughts on this complex subject and thus ushered in the end of our exchange of information. Yes, there was an exchange of information during their speeches our host asked us again and again how we solve all these tasks? Their curiosity was endless. At any time while there was astonishment or a negative word was heard.

Hasty reactions are bad counselors, she said. However, some of us had a strange feeling in our reports. Also I had caught me in the embarrassed foraging scribbling on my Notepad. On the journey home, there was the occasional heated debate. But somehow we had the feeling, there was yet more what has invited us to think. One has even ventured out and meant, because we could talk about but once. We have made us then. Source: Book “How much craziness going yet?” Quality, ethics and morality in the economy, politics and society