CDU Candidates

and ‘Also agree the second round of the campaign for refugee protection and children’s rights’ you your parliamentary candidates and candidates, what they want to do for a decent policy on refugees. The Alliance encourages votes for refugee protection and children’s rights”(short) on. 14 organisations are gathered here, who want to use the Europe – and the Bundestag elections in 2009 to do so, to promote a humane refugee policy. There are young people without borders, the GRIPS Theater Berlin, the refugee councils of Berlin and Brandenburg, the Bavarian Refugee Council, the International League for human rights and the trade union education and Science (GEW). Also asylum in the Church, the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia, and “borderline-europe” are on board. “The first round is gone now with the elections and the result can be seen: over 2,400 people in total have the Coalition statement” signed for a new refugee policy. The Parties responded to the electoral touchstones.

In addition to the Coalition statement, the Alliance had voices. 09 the candidates and candidates to the European elections with electoral touchstones to 8 topics abandoned a little housework. “It means, for example, in the response CDU/CSU: unaccompanied minors should in principle not be deported”. Alliance ‘ 90 / the Greens”have written us: though hardly any refugees to us, the Grand Coalition has further aggravating the foreclosure. Germany will not meet its humanitarian responsibilities in the world.” “” “And the left” thinks, that the activity of the European border management agency “FRONTEX systematically the option of a (safe) entry in the EU” complicates and increases the tendency, that are seekers and unwanted migrants into the hands of smugglers and / or have to embark on life-threatening entry routes. ” Also the FDP in its is signed by their General Secretary Dirk Niebel Opinion on FRONTEX fixed: often known issues about the deflection of refugees on the high seas or the lack of protection of people in distress must be addressed and as quickly as possible to a constitutional solution.

Also the available under international law and fundamental human rights protection for the refugees here to ensure.” We love to hear that, but we want to know it more precisely therefore we will contact by August to turn many candidates and candidates in the dialog. Now it comes to the practical policies of the future it will show how much philanthropy there is. The Alliance in favour of refugee protection and children’s rights”in any case, stay tuned this time it comes to the vote of the Bundestag election. Press contact Fluchtlingsrat Berlin e. V.


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