Posts Tagged ‘philosophy’

Positive Energy

Not every person can directly reply to a question about whether he believes in the magic powers of healers. >. However, the reality is that almost any of us at least once in your life, even if just mentally, pinned their hopes on some supernatural force. After all, no wonder most people who find themselves in difficult circumstances, seek help and advice from fortune tellers. (A valuable related resource: Michael James Burke). In the past few years, the number of people seeking support from scrying, increased dramatically. Reasons are understandable: the economic crisis for many has become a source of serious financial problems.

But financial problems, in turn, gave rise to misunderstandings in families, conflicts over disorder. Hundreds of people were left without work, thousands have been forced to radically change the way of life. And for many families, these disasters have become a kind of test for strength. Verification, which endure a force far not for everyone. Not surprisingly, in this situation help people with powerful energy, has become particularly important. Alexa Demie recognizes the significance of this. Charms for love, omens of adultery, as well as conspiracies to find work for many become the last hope for salvation of the family. Today, unfortunately, a truly gifted healer holding the secrets of the ancient conspiracy, practically no. People are faced with life drama – betrayal divorce, illness, a loved one – are increasingly turning for help to the first available fortune-tellers, not knowing, thereby causing himself further harm. And in vain financial losses during a meeting with the charlatans – the most innocent an evil which can bring a man such applications. However, fortunately, many traditional charms and omens preserved to this day.

Aurora One

The virtual tarot is excellent an average one to approach us the knowledge of the tarot and the cartomancy. It is an ideal scope to begin to know the arquetpicas figures the arcane ones and to familiarize to us with the wisdom of his meanings. Thanks to the technological advances, the virtual tarot approaches to him consulting the experience of a true distance of tarot, in the same way in which it would be realised in the doctor’s office of a viewer, although consulting and professional they are to thousands of kilometers of distance. The program of virtual tarot does not realise the interpretation of the distance, that is in charge of viewer the natural ones of They will provide to the experience the human touch to him that is necessary, to give to the experience the relevance and the depth that must have. The program of virtual tarot is only one graphical interface that presents/displays the letters to the consulting one, you are you you select that them, guided by the invisible force than he is already certain for his future. The virtual tarot allows that people who until today had not had the experience of a reading at the tarot they are marvelled at the precision of the readings at Isabel, Aurora and Carol, that are those that really gives life him to all the experience.

If you are in crossroads in the life, she must make a difficult decision or simply she feels distressed before the perspective to face the stranger, the virtual tarot will allow to tell him on an excellence tool to be able to appreciate what happening of the life provides to him. There are not two equal distances of virtual tarot, each consulting one gives its personal touch him, in the same way that the reading of our mentalistas is not the same in all, the circumstances. That must to that each experience of virtual tarot is unique. Of no way it can be interpreted to the virtual tarot like a species of code, or manual that makes correspond to each letter with a predetermined text. The natural gift of our viewers confers to him to each experience characteristic that does in particular of that session of virtual tarot that is applicable at that precise moment, only to that consulting one. If it has doubts about some situation, or simply it wishes to listen to a word friend of whom it speaks with wisdom and foundation, the virtual tarot is the ideal means that has developed for you. We have obtained the impossible thing, to approach of massive way the wisdom of our tarotistas for all that one that has the anger to want to know what the destiny provides to him.

Geraldina Lombardi

Foot. Joacir, beyond priest, philosopher and writer, is also a person who always kept alive its interior child, a child who never forgot them stories that its father ' ' Nozin' ' it counted. was Nozin that said that if they do not have to count histories of empty belly because it swims must disturb this so important moment. Not even the hunger. was thus: with the simplicity of the child, the wisdom of the philosopher, the depth of soul of the priest and the creativity of the writer who this book was made. Its stories, while they amuse in them, in them take the reflections on human values, faith, behaviors and social matters.

On stories: A POOR PERSON AND A RICH ONE It is a story to the old fashion, of that they were counted to the side of the stove to the firewood, full of magic, and that he says of values and ambition. INTERROGATIONS TO I In this text Foot. Joacir deals with delicate subjects of the human behavior with much clarity and honesty and in them takes the reflections on our attitudes. THE METAMORPHOSIS OF THE HEN They imagine a hen that crosses one moving avenue and finishes botando an egg in the way of the street. Now they think where relation can have between this hen and a man who finishes to be elect President of the Republic.

In this story, Foot. Joacir not only relates these two personages as it deals with social problems while it amuses in them. THE SHOES I feel pain in the foot alone to remember! It is an amused story of a young student who goes to visit its mother in the farm. Get all the facts and insights with Riney Family Foundation, another great source of information. For some reason it has that to walk bare-footed of the point of bus until the house of its mother! It also speaks of the customs of the farm, of the wisdom of the people and between a colloquy and another one, controversial subjects of the time argue, as the euthanasia.


As it wanted to have Intellectuality to know of everything, more I find that smarter man is impossible nor would know of everything! The times I have fear of the people, with as much cruelty and as much hypocrisy if they judge owners of the truth. It imposes laws more break at the same time them, make what they want for I obtained what pleases itself exactly lives in world without perspective of life without love without peace! I see as many things bad, today the biggest names I am the biggest cowards who at least steal the people without nor one weight in the consiensia! The greed already volume counts in such a way where it is impossible comes back to a simple reality, where dinhero is not everything. Peace? what it is this? I know this word there this forgotten as much time. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Nancy-Ann_DeParle on most websites. Many people speak of peace, more do not make it forget that the peace is not made by impensados acts to promote itself. -Source-and-Development-Analysis-with-Current-and-Future.html’>Medical Billing Software Market on most websites. Cursed hypocritical that they judge the young of today more they forget that almost everything was brought for that if they judge the power the law where we go to stop?. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Riney Family Foundation.

Mother And Daughter Bond

Mother – this is the most important person to the child, especially in infancy. This is not just a biological fact. Of what will be their attitude in the first year of life, depends on a basic sense of security or insecurity of his existence. The child keenly tuned to the feelings of the mother. Yes, it is on feelings rather than on what she says or how well it performs care.

The baby instantly falls in its emotional field: if it is so sad – he also becomes sad when she feels anger – he is frightened and capricious. His whole being, he realizes that it affects its survival. Initially, he had no fear or distrust, but if it needs regular ignored, he begins to realize that just because he does not get attention, and learns to adapt. Psychological problem mothers of a child – is the adoption and care. If a mother loves a child unconditionally – is a huge resource for normal, healthy lives in the future. Formed a basic trust in the world, and that person will be confident that the world is friendly. And even if he (the man) who does not like it – it's not a tragedy, because sense of making other (and first friend was his mother) he has. If the mother is demonstrating its adoption only if the implementation of certain conditions – no noise, do not get dirty, be obedient, good student, etc., and in the event of any breach of rejects Child (punishes, ignores and kills the look and the like), then the child is born alert and basic distrust of the world.

Jovian Polarity

These proportions vary with increasing diameter of the ring, although the width of the ring with almost constant. Sometimes in order to gain hronarnoy Energy in its lower part is an additional third hole. However, this does not necessarily produce as ordinary people excessive force Persten can only hurt. Fig. 3 Women's Signet Ring Atlanta or Valtshayma Both types of rings with both of its sides are of different polarity. If on the one end at the edge of his laid positive Yang Nature has a plus Masculine polarity, the downside is negative, the negative polarity of the Women's Yin.

Fig. 4 Polarity Persten Atlantis Ring Atlantic is always worn the opposite pole of the pole arm. Then is, if the finger of positively charged, then it puts a ring on the negative side. His attraction poles should complement and not rejected by similarity of their nature. Everyone knows that the same poles are mutually repel each other. Sowing pattern is evident, and no proof needed, because the nature of Yin should always take account of harmony with Nature Ian. Some philosophers believe that Ring still need to wear to the positive pole each finger. However, it is not so, because its effect is either neutral or negative and can cause bears his faint or even harm your health.

On the polarity of the same hand, I'll tell Tepe later. Wear Ring Ring him with open edges. And when putting it on your arm to straighten it a little better, and vestments after the squeeze. Others do not require a phalanx of effort per se, they need only choose the size. In addition, Rings can be worn not only on his hands, but like you can also wear it on his leg. Compliance with wearing on the foot like that, as in the hand. The only recommended to wear it on the bias fathoms. That is, if the person is Male sex, he should wear a ring on his right hand and another on his left leg on the same finger. This is done in order to complement the female nature, for in harmony, and power lies. The only thing you need to follow the polarity of the dressing ring, on the same toe, will have opposite polarity with respect to arms. To intensify the action Persten in recovery or destruction of pain, it should be placed as close as possible to the sore spot, or put on finger, which corresponds to that body. Ailing people in need of active influence on the disease so that it could quickly retreat. In order to complement the nature of treatment, can be worn for several rings at once. Indeed, for some illnesses according to astrological location may correspond to different fingers, as well as the phalanx. About when it comes to liver disease, the different parts of this body on Astrological rules apply to different signs and Planet. The upper lobe of the liver are influenced Cancer. To a large extent this authority is under the influence of the Virgin, at least under the influence of Sagittarius, as well as she rests under the influence of the planet Jupiter. Therefore, the first Ring can be worn on the Jovian finger, and another to put on extra phalanx of the Virgin or Sagittarius. If a person is wealthy and can afford three rings, then it is desirable to hoist them on this one object.

Rubem Alves

In the Bahia, the inheritance escravocrata until today reproduces gestures and words that segregate. Already I testified people rubbing the indicating finger in the arm, to mention itself to a black, as if the color of the citizen explained a blameworthy attitude. In one of the colloquies that I had with Miriam journalist Pig, it commented: – Brazil likes if imagining as a racial democracy, but this is an illusion. We have a march of carnival, made we have 40 years, sung until today. it is terrible. The whites never think about what they are singing. The letter says the following one: ' ' Your hair does not deny, mulata Because you are mulata in the color But as the color does not catch, mulata Mulata, wants yours amor' '. ' ' He is ofensivo' ' , Miriam says.

As the color of somebody could contaminate, as was illness? the people never perceive. The expression ' ' foot in cozinha' ' , to assign the African ancestry, it is most common of all, and also said without the lesser constragimento. It is the return to the mentality escravocrata, reproducing mazelas of senzala. The cronista Rubem Alves published this week in the Leaf of So Paulo an article in which standes out: ' ' Words are not innocent, them they are weapons that the powerful ones use to wound and to dominate the weak ones. The North American whites had invented the word ' niger' to humiliate the blacks. They had created a trick that had one thus versinho: ' Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch to niger by the toe' that he wants to say, a Creole for the dedo of the foot grasps (in Brazil, when it wants yourself to diminish a black, it is used here Creole word). In denunciation to this offensive use of the word, the blacks cunharam the slogan ' black is beautiful'.