Mother And Daughter Bond
Mother – this is the most important person to the child, especially in infancy. This is not just a biological fact. Of what will be their attitude in the first year of life, depends on a basic sense of security or insecurity of his existence. The child keenly tuned to the feelings of the mother. Yes, it is on feelings rather than on what she says or how well it performs care.
The baby instantly falls in its emotional field: if it is so sad – he also becomes sad when she feels anger – he is frightened and capricious. His whole being, he realizes that it affects its survival. Initially, he had no fear or distrust, but if it needs regular ignored, he begins to realize that just because he does not get attention, and learns to adapt. Psychological problem mothers of a child – is the adoption and care. If a mother loves a child unconditionally – is a huge resource for normal, healthy lives in the future. Formed a basic trust in the world, and that person will be confident that the world is friendly. And even if he (the man) who does not like it – it's not a tragedy, because sense of making other (and first friend was his mother) he has. If the mother is demonstrating its adoption only if the implementation of certain conditions – no noise, do not get dirty, be obedient, good student, etc., and in the event of any breach of rejects Child (punishes, ignores and kills the look and the like), then the child is born alert and basic distrust of the world.
Tags: magic, philosophy, Psychology, spirituality