Posts Tagged ‘Psychology’

Fashion Funds

To save is fashionable, and the investment funds more. When we spoke fashionable not only we referred the clothes, accessories and far from it like an exclusive subject of the women. In these difficult times always it is necessary to be preparations for any disadvantage, emergencia or situation that happen, and the investment funds are an excellent option to have a good saved amount, and in addition it is an amount that does not remain suspended but it continues increasing. At Abraham Maslow you will find additional information. The investment funds also are the best option of saving for which they like to enjoy of the best pleasures and luxuries the life. When you invest your money in investment funds, it is a guardadito that you have to your disposition. The investment funds are the best option since he is not complicated to invest in them, in addition is easy also the access to your money, in addition also retirarte of the investment is easy. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. More and more people are united to the saving by means of the investment funds. You do not need to be an expert economist or expert in finances she stops to understand how the investment funds work far from it to be able to choose the bottom in which you want to invest and to do it by same you.. .

Mother And Daughter Bond

Mother – this is the most important person to the child, especially in infancy. This is not just a biological fact. Of what will be their attitude in the first year of life, depends on a basic sense of security or insecurity of his existence. The child keenly tuned to the feelings of the mother. Yes, it is on feelings rather than on what she says or how well it performs care.

The baby instantly falls in its emotional field: if it is so sad – he also becomes sad when she feels anger – he is frightened and capricious. His whole being, he realizes that it affects its survival. Initially, he had no fear or distrust, but if it needs regular ignored, he begins to realize that just because he does not get attention, and learns to adapt. Psychological problem mothers of a child – is the adoption and care. If a mother loves a child unconditionally – is a huge resource for normal, healthy lives in the future. Formed a basic trust in the world, and that person will be confident that the world is friendly. And even if he (the man) who does not like it – it's not a tragedy, because sense of making other (and first friend was his mother) he has. If the mother is demonstrating its adoption only if the implementation of certain conditions – no noise, do not get dirty, be obedient, good student, etc., and in the event of any breach of rejects Child (punishes, ignores and kills the look and the like), then the child is born alert and basic distrust of the world.

Jovian Polarity

These proportions vary with increasing diameter of the ring, although the width of the ring with almost constant. Sometimes in order to gain hronarnoy Energy in its lower part is an additional third hole. However, this does not necessarily produce as ordinary people excessive force Persten can only hurt. Fig. 3 Women's Signet Ring Atlanta or Valtshayma Both types of rings with both of its sides are of different polarity. If on the one end at the edge of his laid positive Yang Nature has a plus Masculine polarity, the downside is negative, the negative polarity of the Women's Yin.

Fig. 4 Polarity Persten Atlantis Ring Atlantic is always worn the opposite pole of the pole arm. Then is, if the finger of positively charged, then it puts a ring on the negative side. His attraction poles should complement and not rejected by similarity of their nature. Everyone knows that the same poles are mutually repel each other. Sowing pattern is evident, and no proof needed, because the nature of Yin should always take account of harmony with Nature Ian. Some philosophers believe that Ring still need to wear to the positive pole each finger. However, it is not so, because its effect is either neutral or negative and can cause bears his faint or even harm your health.

On the polarity of the same hand, I'll tell Tepe later. Wear Ring Ring him with open edges. And when putting it on your arm to straighten it a little better, and vestments after the squeeze. Others do not require a phalanx of effort per se, they need only choose the size. In addition, Rings can be worn not only on his hands, but like you can also wear it on his leg. Compliance with wearing on the foot like that, as in the hand. The only recommended to wear it on the bias fathoms. That is, if the person is Male sex, he should wear a ring on his right hand and another on his left leg on the same finger. This is done in order to complement the female nature, for in harmony, and power lies. The only thing you need to follow the polarity of the dressing ring, on the same toe, will have opposite polarity with respect to arms. To intensify the action Persten in recovery or destruction of pain, it should be placed as close as possible to the sore spot, or put on finger, which corresponds to that body. Ailing people in need of active influence on the disease so that it could quickly retreat. In order to complement the nature of treatment, can be worn for several rings at once. Indeed, for some illnesses according to astrological location may correspond to different fingers, as well as the phalanx. About when it comes to liver disease, the different parts of this body on Astrological rules apply to different signs and Planet. The upper lobe of the liver are influenced Cancer. To a large extent this authority is under the influence of the Virgin, at least under the influence of Sagittarius, as well as she rests under the influence of the planet Jupiter. Therefore, the first Ring can be worn on the Jovian finger, and another to put on extra phalanx of the Virgin or Sagittarius. If a person is wealthy and can afford three rings, then it is desirable to hoist them on this one object.


Who never heard somebody to say or even though it said that it was estressado? Sufficiently common word nowadays, after all the daily pressure involving the work, study, family and even though between ' ' ser' ' ' ' ter' ' it leaves in them estressados. It estresse it is more complex of what its use ' ' comum' ' it shows to be. The term not conota some bad one, but at a first somewhat essential moment the life. It estresse it is a reply of the organism in preparing for a situation of fight or the escape. Its presence is related the preservation of the species. Currently we do not need more defending in them of predators, however still it has many things capable to provoke estresse. These things can be internal or external to the citizen.

Thus, we have as external conditions pain, extreme cold or heat and psychologically estressantes internal situes can be bad conditions of work, problems of relationships, unreliability, etc. As internal conditions the values and the way of experienciar the world are that they will go to determine the type of potentially estressante situation. In the majority of the circumstances of it estresse acute, an eliminated time the estressante factor, the reply of the inactive organism if. However, the modern life frequently in displays the situations to them estressantes chronically, and the reply of the organism it estresse to it is not suppressed. Amongst the chronic estressantes factors, they are the pressure in the work, financial problems of relationship, solitude, problems and the unreliability. It estresse it has an important paper in the performance of activities as esportivas competitions, important meetings, or in danger situations, where it can be an important ally providing an increase of the physical capacity, reasoning, memory and concentration through alterations in all the organism. Conditions that favor the effect negative: An accumulation of persistently estressantes situations, particularly those of difficult control, as the pressure in the work, an unhappy relationship.

Estresse persistent followed of an acute reply to a traumatic event, as one has caused an accident automobile. An inefficient or insufficient relaxation. One estresse acute in people with serious illnesses. Between prejudices it estresse the psychological it is associated the depression, anxiety, reduction of the pleasure feelings and welfare, difficulties in the interpersonal relationships. Physical effect estresse of it: Increase of the arterial pressure; Bigger risk of spill; Bigger susceptibilidade the infections; Gastrointestinal riots, as diarria and constipation; Alimentary clutters, extreme profit or loss of weight; Resistance to the insulina that is associated with diabetes type 2, and exacerbao of diabetes; Migraine of the tensional type; Sleeplessness; Reduction of the sexual desire and temporary impotence in the men; Exacerbao of the daily pay-menstrual tension; Reduction of the concentration, inhibition of the learning and reduction of the memory; Exacerbao of injuries of skin, as for example, to the acne. For adequate treatment a doctor or psychologist must be looked when physical conditions will be identified and psychological associates estresse to it, as cardiac symptoms, significant pain, anxiety, or depression.