Rubem Alves
In the Bahia, the inheritance escravocrata until today reproduces gestures and words that segregate. Already I testified people rubbing the indicating finger in the arm, to mention itself to a black, as if the color of the citizen explained a blameworthy attitude. In one of the colloquies that I had with Miriam journalist Pig, it commented: – Brazil likes if imagining as a racial democracy, but this is an illusion. We have a march of carnival, made we have 40 years, sung until today. it is terrible. The whites never think about what they are singing. The letter says the following one: ' ' Your hair does not deny, mulata Because you are mulata in the color But as the color does not catch, mulata Mulata, wants yours amor' '. ' ' He is ofensivo' ' , Miriam says.
As the color of somebody could contaminate, as was illness? the people never perceive. The expression ' ' foot in cozinha' ' , to assign the African ancestry, it is most common of all, and also said without the lesser constragimento. It is the return to the mentality escravocrata, reproducing mazelas of senzala. The cronista Rubem Alves published this week in the Leaf of So Paulo an article in which standes out: ' ' Words are not innocent, them they are weapons that the powerful ones use to wound and to dominate the weak ones. The North American whites had invented the word ' niger' to humiliate the blacks. They had created a trick that had one thus versinho: ' Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch to niger by the toe' that he wants to say, a Creole for the dedo of the foot grasps (in Brazil, when it wants yourself to diminish a black, it is used here Creole word). In denunciation to this offensive use of the word, the blacks cunharam the slogan ' black is beautiful'.
Tags: philosophy