Hormonal Levels

The good fats will help to increase the levels of anabolizantes hormones in their body, the promotion of fast muscular gain. 3/To include/understand Its Hormonal Levels the majority of the people who look for the way to gain muscular mass fast abandonment to understand the paper that plays their hormones in the capacity of their body of the muscle and to grow it fast. In general terms, we can divide hormones in two groups – anablicos and catabolic. Anabolizantes hormones (in the form of testosterone, hormone of growth, and factors of growth of the insulin) help our muscles to grow, whereas catabolic hormones (cortisol, progesterone, and the adrenalin) contribute to the protein degradation of the muscle, that will be used for the glucose (energy) synthesis. Therefore, in other words, too many catabolic hormones really can be detrimental for our attempts to gain muscular mass quickly, since it can get to undo our duro work.

As to reduce naturally the levels of catabolic hormone a) To avoid the most possible stress in its life – stress produces the adrenalin that is a catabolic hormone. b) To obtain the rest and the dream sufficient between the training to reduce the cortisol levels c) To consume a rich protein diet to reduce the cortisol levels 4/To sleep As a Baby the dream is very underestimated in its importance to gain muscular mass quickly and the construction of a great body. The depriva lack of dream of its body the time necessary to reclaim and to reconstruct its muscles, and increases the levels of cortisol in the body as it were mentioned previously. Cortisol is essential like mechanism of survival in our bodies, but the public enemy number one when it is tried to gain muscular mass quickly. Anabolicas hormones of the growth that take place to begin 30-45 minutes after falling asleep, but to arrive at its higher levels when it is in deep dream.

