Archive for October, 2024

A Market Free Online Purchase Sale

A world online is possible and with this idea is born an online market or market place online so everyone can make your business, find products, sell, buy, rent of apartment or House, love all this and much more in and very soon is vera another version of advertise videos through equal as real TV deserves worthwhile browse and see what in the page and what is underway to come. the good thing about this online market, everything is free and are can renew ads and put new many times without limit. There are broad categories and images of adventure, images of celebrations or anything interesting to share online can upload. also there is section for events where are free do neighborhood etc. all events which gives d truth is priceless.This is a website for individuals and companies where you can advertise or publish new even free second-hand products or services. Buyers and sellers can advertise or search for products and services in Sebule classified ads free browsing for all their pages free. is the international web to buy and sell free.

Devoured Trainer

Was watching cut of press that fell accidentally in my hands, in that appeared moving image, where the enormous head of an extraordinary white shark could be seen abriendo its gigantic mouth and teaching an interminable row of pointed and sharpened teeth of triangular form with which it tried to catch, rather would say to destroy, to a poor woman, defenseless and surprised seal of only nine months, that terrified and at the same time surprised by the great monster that emerged from the bottom of the marine depths, it at all costs tried to get rid of an almost safe death. is. (Similarly see: Nancy-Ann_DeParle). What appeared before its eyes was an imposing one, ruthless and assassin marine beast that appeared before her with the unique and exclusive intention dietetic to devour it. The impressive image was recorded in my retina and saving the distances and the protagonists, I gave loose rein him to the imagination and established a comparison relating the sight to soccer, and more in particular, with the trainers and the results, the bad ones, that in the form of killer shark in the case that occupies to us, devours without mercy in the majority of the occasions the defenseless seal that in this small story we compared with the figure of the trainer, to whom it especially directs an equipment that loses of repeated form or that does not gain everything what it is expected according to the forecasts of which they send, that by the way, they are those that less knows of the sport that occupies to us. The enormous, powerful and frightful shark represents in this case the soccer power, that abre its interminable jaw to end the poor woman and defenseless victim (the turn technician), being worth of that pointed hand saw in the form of teeth (directive, it presses and liking), who are going to crush the chosen prey, that generally, finishes devoured and it does not have as much luck as the image of the photo that inspires this history and that was taken in the coasts of False Bay in South Africa and more concretely in Cape Town (Septiembre.2010). When the beast abre the mouth, the feast begins and not very often the great white shark remains without its flavorful mouthful, that is to say, that if we transfer to soccer, when the equipment does not win, the trainer becomes (for other beasts perhaps) in a delicious treat, in a delicate one manjar, an attractiveness they delicatessen that there is to devour at all costs. However, the shark will almost not have time to sleep the siesta, nor so at least can be allowed the luxury of a light cabezadita, since the following appetizer is on way in the form of trainer, of another equipment to which it has forgotten to him to win.

How a small seal can do against an enormous shark that can get to measure seven meters and grief more than three tons? Alpaca Aryan. Sport technician Superior. National trainer of Soccer. Trainer soccer Formation Online.

UStG Tax

Conditions and benefits of invoice of the small entrepreneur according to 19 UStG have small business owners a right to vote whether they on the levying of VAT to their customers without. Those who opt for the application of the small businesses scheme gem. 19 UStG, however, is excluded from the right of deduction in return. In General is at the small businesses scheme a simplification scheme, the small business owners from tax revenue point of view how non entrepreneurs treat. In practice, an entrepreneur in the framework of the questionnaire of the IRS for the tax collection must decide whether he wants to apply the small businesses scheme or dispenses with an application.

A decision for or against is binding for the entrepreneur 5 years, should so inform the front and be disadvantages of small traders. An entrepreneur opts for the application of the small businesses scheme according to 19 UStG, he shows no VAT on the invoices to its customers. In return, a small business owner, but also may claim any tax calculations, its suppliers or other business partners. As a result, neither VAT nor before tax amount incurred for the small business owners, so that is avoided the levy of VAT reservations at the tax office and is therefore not required. For the application of the small businesses scheme, provided that it is for the small business owner to an entrepreneur within the meaning of 2 UStG and this is resident in Germany is stitfung.

Entrepreneur is everyone who carries out a commercial or professional activity independently and to generating revenue. On a profit it not is. If it is not an entrepreneur, is another prerequisite, that a certain turnover limit has not been exceeded in the previous year or in the current fiscal year is expected is not exceeded. The small business to the IRS through annual VAT declaration to demonstrate that the sales in the previous year was not higher than 17.500,00 euro has in the individual and in the current fiscal year expected to be higher is than 50,000.00 euro. When the entrepreneur it is sufficient, however, if sales will be expected to be no more more than 17,500 euro in the year of the company was founded. Is the commercial or professional activity is recorded only in the course of a calendar year, the projected estimated total turnover is relevant. If these conditions are met, the small entrepreneurs to its customers may waive the levying of value added tax. The Bill of the small entrepreneur contains accordingly no identification of the sales tax. Instead, the small entrepreneur in the invoice indicates that he apply the small businesses ruling gem. 19 UStG and as a result, the identification of the sales tax waived. In addition, the same legal requirements as regards the components of a proper invoice apply for small business owners. In particular, also small business owners must the taxpayer or a sales tax identification number, as well as a sequential invoice number specify.

Webinar Business

Bring the franchise through the on-line training. That is what they will do from now on mundoFranquiciaconsulting, the renowned Spanish consultant (http.// And it is that the firm has proposed reinforce its informative work on the wide range of possibilities offered by this formula business through new technologies. A work that will perform with the completion of 4 webminarios directed both franchisors and franchisees and which has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Bureau Veritas, the leading group in training. The franchise is proving to be a more than recommendable option for business.

Why hayq EU follow support and putting voice to their gifts. Therefore we wanted to leverage the advantages that offer on-line training programs through knowledge make Bureau Veritas, emphasizes Mariano Alonso, his general managing partner. At the same time Jose Luis Lombardero, Director General of Bureau Veritas training, added our grain of sand in this initiative is the of make available for franchisors and their partners a well-known system eLearning has the best and most innovative solutions. Thus the things with this new offer of services of mundoFranquiciaconsulting will allow that they can geographically dispersed audiences and markets learning and training with the best content and experts. Our team of consultants has created very practical and useful content for franchisors such as franchisees, both added Alonso. These are the webminarios in question: Webinar 1: La franchise as a business opportunity what is a franchise? Franchise and other trading partner systems. Franchise agreement legal framework. 2 Webinar: How to buy my self-assessment La franchise.

Franchisee profile. Rights news of the franchisee. Analysis and selection of the franchise. Tips in buying a franchise. 3 Webinar: As franchising my business for which franchising? Can I franchise my business? The analysis of viability. How do my project from franchise? 4 Webinar: How to manage the network of franchises how to organize the Central franchise? Functions franchisers. Assistance to the network. Initial and continuous. The transmission of experiences. Training and manuals of franchise. The Expansion of the chain. (Similarly see: Anita Dunn). How to get franchisees. Likewise stressed that the bet of mundoFranquiciaconsulting for virtual training is not the first that makes. Recently, in collaboration with the AEF (Asociacion Espanola de Franquiciadores) launched three complete training courses providing all the technical content and embarked on functions of management and consultative support. These are: 1. course for future franchisees, of 30 hours. 2. Superior course of franchises, 80 hours. 3. Course of direction and management of franchises, 200 hours.

Timely Fashion Watches

Ok, you go to a small gathering or large party and you know that you will not know that many of the other guests. Alternatively, you want people (or maybe that cutie!) To take an easy way to approach you. In these situations, is something that is very likely holds good conversation. For example, if hats are your thing, choose one that people are prompted to ask about it. Even easier is to use a unique and funky jewelry accessory (called wearable art) soon attracts the attention of people and gives them an easy to ask about it. Bring your own wearable art topic of conversation is a conversation fantastic prop, providing a non-threatening way to start a conversation.

In fact, you are giving people an excuse to come talk to you. You put in more accessible and interesting because you're wearing ("Let's say hello to me!") Something about you that is an obvious point of speaking. These fashion jewelry accessories are starters natural conversation. Encourage conversation and others will be naturally compelled to start a conversation with you. Jewelry adds to your body language reflects the style Jewelry and definitive personality of the person wearing it. Zany and colorful wearable art works best, it shows you have spirit, are playful, happy and spontaneous. People are naturally attracted to this.

Timely Fashion watches use only to know the time is outdated and outmoded. Creative and artistically creative watches are now the hottest, must have accessories. Both sexes are buying watches that are as fashionable as they are functional. You can see the art with unique colors, design, forms, or other important features. Are removed, and will help you get the conversation started. Best bet: Never leave home without their conversation prop wearable art! Contributor: Stuart Glasure A fashion and wine enthusiast and member of the publication of the source of the wine:

United Labels Dances

United labels dances and sings great products for the new feature film Munster with high school musical 3: October 17, 2008 nearly seven million watched the first part of the high school musical, 27 million and thus a related record followed the second part and now it says: curtains up for the third part! High School Musical 3 premieres cinema on 23 October in Germany and the expectations are huge not only from fans and cinema operators. We have a very popular license in the portfolio with high school musical. Our licensed products are already now very sales strong. By the new movie we expect even higher demand for our HSM products”, so United labels Sales Director Gerald Knetsch. High School Musical at the 8-16 teens of the Renner is in the United States.

This wave spilled over in the last two years after Germany and will reach a new peak by the new movie”, so Knetsch. More than 170 million people saw broadcast the 2006 original for the first time in the Disney Channel movie, alone 11 million in Germany. Austria and of Switzerland. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. on most websites. The second part set a record with 27 million TV viewers. “And high school musical 3: senior year” Premiere, even as a movie and not on television.

Of course, a movie is a very good means to awareness, increasing popularity and demand. HSM already had enormous success with the first two parts: the most simultaneous hits of a soundtrack in the US charts, awards and nominations that meant even world record. All of this is just an idea, what success celebrate the movie and what hype Troy, Gabriella and co. can raise.” HSM product range offered by United labels: breakfast sets, cutting boards, cases, socks, picture frame, pillows, purses, mobile phone cases, shoulder bags, alarm clock, backpacks, umbrellas, travel bags, sports bags and much more. At the time of the new film, we can offer a new product design. And who knows how many residential and youth rooms, these products are to the possible fourth part be”matched Knetsch. Well, then, it may be danced, Sung and flirted with United labels. United labels United labels AG is one of the leading manufacturers and and marketer of comic licensed products in Europe. The company occupies a key position between licensors and trade the world’s leading media & entertainment companies such as Disney, Warner and 20th Century Fox are a partner of the independent media company as licensor. With decades established classics such as Mickey Mouse, Snoopy or Barbie and trendy stars such as the Simpsons, United label reaches all ages in European royalty products market Sponge Bob sponge head and the wild guys. Already has a high density of sales in Europe for comicware United labels and sells through more than 50,000 retail outlets of various commercial enterprises. The company is represented with offices in Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Hong Kong. United labels AG is a publicly traded company on the Prime Standard is traded on the German Stock Exchange.

Nonprofit Portal Design

crazy helps young people with mentally ill parents, the Viennese creative agency Lisa & Giorgio took over the corporate design and logo design for the non-profit online portal. As a platform for young people with mentally ill parents crazy provides helpful information and promotes the exchange of experience and thoughts of those affected by Forum. Goal was to make the world of young people on the head with mentally ill relatives”, explains Veronika grass, head of marketing at Lisa & Giorgio, the realisation of the design. The twisted lettering and the head-standing scenery to express the emotional chaos, the concerned young people are exposed.” Initiator and operator of the online portal is HPE Austria the Association, the implementation was carried out by means of promotion of the healthy Austria Fund. HPE Project Manager Edwin Ladinser shows very satisfied with the look and feel of crazy alone, without help and with the feeling to have a mentally ill parent, only one, many sufferers try to cope. The appearance of the poster alludes to these feelings of the target group. The online platform is to facilitate the path out of isolation.” About Lisa & Giorgio creative agency Lisa & Giorgio was founded in 2007 in Vienna by Lisa Findl and Giorgio Grausenburger.

The team consists of experts in the areas of concept, design, and marketing. Besides the emphasis on Web, the Agency serves clients in corporate design, advertising and direct marketing. About HPE Austria the HPE (help for members of mentally diseased), a non-profit association of clubs is relatives and friends of mentally diseased. She is committed to the main task, to improve the quality of life of persons concerned, as well as with information sessions, consultations, seminars and brochures help to the page.

Cup Day

There are certain events that we do not want or we can lose or we will be regretting it throughout the year. Many times, we realize that we want to assist when there is no longer any possibility that we can do it. There are many causes that can trigger this situation: many times, we are so busy with our day to day, we passed directly and not return to remember until it is too late. At other times, what happens is that we will simply leaving it for the next day, in a conscious way, and at the end we let slip the opportunity. Other times, the reason is that it gives us a lot of laziness closer to the establishment in question to inform us of the event to which we want to attend, the price of tickets and their availability. Well well, now have everything at your fingertips.

Already won’t have an excuse to not find out about all events, because you can consult via Internet dates and availability and you can perform ticket without leaving home. Yes, there is now the possibility to sit in front of the computer, pick up the mouse and start browsing. No more scroll to stores music, if what you want is to enjoy a concert, or up to the stadium, if you plan to go to watch a football match, to get your passes. You won’t have to wait more queues again and if you are not interested in dates, you will only have to close the window and go. It will take two minutes of your time. So now you can avoid pinching your Bull. Source: Joel Courtney. You have to be especially attentive to split football futures, because entries fly, especially if they are important. It is the case of the final of the Copa del Rey. If your teams are among the Favorites, click already entries final Cup and don’t miss the opportunity.

Persons Save Repair And Maintenance

Every fifth car drivers want to pay this year for repairs and maintenance work – one-third of motorists want to perform own minor repairs – the ride to the workshop helps Carmio wants to save a considerable amount of every third driver for smaller repairs, in completely this year for financial reasons. “As the trend-tacho study 2010 from CUSA and car-operation” showed 33 percent of all respondents want to do such repairs prefer private this year. 11 percent more than in the last year. Every fifth driver would generally pay less for repairs and maintenance. The reform from Brussels, which is in force since 1 June provides a way to save, because it will increase competition between workshops. The new block exemption regulation (GMOs), for the motor vehicle sector facilitates access to repair information and alternative spare parts free workshops.

It strengthens the independent automotive workshops and becomes, observers are sure prices lower for inspections. A further Money saving opportunity for repairs, the purchase of auto parts on the Internet represents. EBay is this probably the so far best known platform. But special price comparison sites for auto parts only have a decisive advantage: only spare parts are displayed here, that really fit your own car. At the auto parts price comparison are possible so, for example, save up to 70%, and you can be always sure, really have ordered the correct product.

The handy shopping cart feature makes easier the shopping in addition automatically determines the best price for the entire order. Do-it-yourself screwdriver save twice on this way they not only waive the installation at a workshop, but just save when auto parts buying itself. Also for repairs, given at a workshop on behalf it is worth cheap to buy needed spare parts on Carmio and then build them at the workshop. The warranty of the product provides this Online-shop, the warranty for the correct installation takes over the contracted workshop. Carmio: is the new auto parts price comparison on the Internet. Neutral and independent Carmio creates market – and product transparency. Theoretical physicist understands that this is vital information. Simply select your car and all the suitable spare parts are listed by brand and price structure quickly and clearly. So one click to find the cheapest provider and receives background information about spare parts and tips at the same time for the repair. The providers and car parts manufacturers are valued according to quality and reliability, can guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction. The Carmio Internet GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany was founded in early 2010 by Nikolai Roth and cord-Christian Nitzsche and has set itself the goal, to create the largest comparison of auto parts on the Internet within three years.

Daniela Jantsch Roland Kaiser

News from Roland Kaiser, sad but true, and actually harms, the Goodbye Roland Kaiser of the live concert stage. His biography can be is difficult in a few words, so much Roland Kaiser has reached in the course of his career. Roland Kaiser is a pop phenomenon who wrote the children’s book \”Giblinge\” among others. He is committed as an official Ambassador for the children’s Hospice since 2006 in Central Germany. For 10 years, Roland Kaiser suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease \”COPD\”. 2009, he addressed his illness in the book \”Breathing space\”. Who has read this book, know that \”COPD\” bouts to go through has. Who tracks the disease not to his own body, can imagine rarely what difficulties you have to fight every day.

But give us the doctors and doctors pills and inhalers, but that not always, when the bronchi are cramped and the shortness of breath helps. Roland Kaiser I can understand if he now wants to adopt from the concert stage. I’m from the \”COPD\” disease affected and I have the greatest respect for the performance, the Roland Kaiser accomplished 10 years on stage. Alone the ambition, stamina, to afford the discipline despite this disease \”Great\” is phenomenal. Let us remember the beautiful hours that gave us Roland Kaiser with his concerts. A small consolation is the fans: there are CDs still and he will say goodbye with a farewell from the fans. We treat him the \”breathing space\”.

I hope Roland Kaiser continued strength and staying power, and above all a beautiful time to enjoy life. Can not lose heart and can’t see. Roland Kaiser – one of the most colossal cult legends deserves our utmost respect. (Source: Carl Rogers). My respect. Source: Daniela Jantsch Roland Kaiser’s personal words: Dear friends, as you all know, I live and work with the chronic lung disease COPD for nearly ten years.