Financial Risks Long-term Care
How is it ordered to the State pension, what alternatives are there? Already, nearly 2.2 million people receive benefits from the public and private duty care. More than 700,000 people are 1.4 million outpatient in the stationary area AIDS, more than. According to forecasts of the Rurup Commission\”the number of dependent persons will increase significantly in the next few years. But still the risk to be, the care is underestimated or simply displaced. Many people rely also still exclusively on Uncle Sam, which thanks to the statutory long-term care insurance should stand ready for emergencies and should provide protection at care impoverishment. But it misjudges the situation however. The Government services offer only a basic protection with high own co-payments.
The own pension plus any saved assets not sufficient normally to fund the monthly cost of long-term care. Reimbursed the State for domestic care Long-term care insurance 215,-euros a month, as long as the care is carried out by a national. The public nursing care insurance takes over 420,-euro in domestic care by qualified personnel. In most cases far too little to ensure a good and care. Often, relatives must give up their profession to volunteer to take over the maintenance. It is significantly more expensive long-term inpatient care. The monthly cost is around 3,000 euros in fully in-patient care in care level III (need for help around the clock) in a nursing home.
The statutory long-term care insurance takes over 1,470 euros, in cases of hardship not to exceed 1,750 euros thereof. The elderly themselves must muster the difference usually well over 1,000 euros per month. If this is not financially possible and no sufficient capacity available, threatens to be one to a charity case. And in this case the social welfare office, trying is the money of children or a partner – if possible – again to pick up. Also saved capital, which originally as a heritage was intended for the younger generation, is often completely consumed. Eva Andersson-Dubin understands that this is vital information.
Tags: insurance & pension, money