Posts Tagged ‘internet & multimedia’

Federal Network Agency

Higher speed thanks to LTE smartphones are indispensable for many people today. You replace the PC in certain situations, and provide access to Internet services at any time and at any place. Soon, faster surfing should be possible in many areas thanks to the new LTE cellular standards. The consumer portal informed about developments. Most Germans today have access to the Internet and use it privately, commercially or for both areas. A DSL test demonstrates however that in many regions still no high speed Internet available, because the infrastructure is not up to date. The new standard LTE to remedy and ensure high transmission speeds especially in mobile Internet usage.

This technique is, disadvantages are that there might be errors when other devices such as microphones or television in the same frequency range. There is no comprehensive information for consumers so far however. The right person would be in such cases the Federal Network Agency, which would then inform the competent authorities.

Munich Swoodoo AG

New technologies improve the price comparison on flight tickets. Here you will be presented the latest portal. The existing abundance of flight search engines on the Internet has joined a new competitor: flying OWL. Who wants to know who is behind the name, must look at the heading of terms of service, which the Publikumeroffnet that flying OWL is the product of a single webmaster who cooperates with the Munich Swoodoo AG. When landing on the homepage of flying OWL found the visitors before a friendly designed website with fleecy clouds on blue in a real look. A comic stewardess greets friendly with the white-gloved right hand. A passenger plane in the holiday sky rises behind her.

The green button bar has to offer unusual. Among other things, you can click holiday ski holiday and party there. In the latter case, the holiday destination of Ibiza – no surprise appears spontaneously. Otherwise nothing new on the horizon. Input from two airports, passenger number, click on search and wait. Pleasing is the variance, which is offered behind the holiday data. With their help, departure and return date can be moved up to three days ahead or back.

The button bar contains a button with customer comments. Who clicks, initially has the impression that there was nothing happening. Only a scroll on the bottom of the page provides some paragraphs with testimonials. It will be users of flight search engines probably always an Enigma, what follows if clearly visible on the homepage, the prices stated his end at no additional cost, while at the same time is to read under terms and conditions, the prices are to be understood as Zirkapreise. Flying owl offers a series of test sentences. Among other things, the ability to find the cheapest flights was tested. On three occasions, flying OWL was awarded first place. This is to comprehend only partly by customers. Here, as everywhere, standard goods is cheap. Who would like to fly from Stuttgart to Mallorca or from Amsterdam to New York, for this to work do not need Insert the overtime. But the North German airports are still sparsely served, and also only at champagne prices. Combining this with relatively small airports like Seville or Jerez de la Frontera, in Spain, the selection of flight opportunities is small, the journey time unreasonably and unreasonable prices.

Schokozeit Twitters And Blogs

On the road the Berlin specialist started in the Web 2.0 – Schokozeit-blog uses also the Web 2.0 for its corporate communications for fine chocolate and Pralines. The most important news in brief be quickly in the network. Cardiologist often addresses the matter in his writings. Since setting up the Twitter account on the 18.8 could won the first followers and there are more every day. The local was started then after a long preparatory phase of and the blog of Schokozeit. On wordpress employees report about their everyday, new products, events and of course the most important of all topics: chocolate in all its facets. We look forward to lots of interesting facts, amusing and above all Gaumenkitzelndes in this Schokozeit blog”, so Board Peer Michaelis in his first entry.

About Schokozeit, the Berliner Schokozeit AG stands for conscious enjoyment. Once per month, it offers a new selection of best chocolate creations from all over the world as a subscription all chocolate lovers with the Schokozeit collection. In addition, a wide range of chocolate and chocolates in the online shop and the factory outlet stores in Berlin Oberschoneweide is available. Also in the area of company presents the company could do is now a good name. For more information see. Press contact: Schokozeit AG Wilhelminenhofstrasse 83-86, 12459 Berlin Ute Fabricius

Founder Of Fever In The Girls Day

ten hamburger girl got an insight into everyday work of Internet-startups that invited hamburger startup company Allyve GmbH to the girls day a ten pupils to take a look at the founder scene of the IT industry. Peter A. Levine PhD may not feel the same. The 15 employees were the girls question and answer. And then it was the students behind the PCs they made created a blog post, they had themselves immediately to the Internet even Web 2.0. “” The students learned in around three hours under the guidance, including what today means the Internet and which origin words such as bug “or widget” have. The programmer reported live from their activity, while the girls watched the programmers at work over the shoulder. Then allowed to the girls then himself a small little program when they wrote the blog entry and were then on the site. “The girls and boys were thrilled:, I thought it was good that we did something themselves and not just the theory belongs to have.” so Lena (13). Velvet Group photo is to see the post on.

The promotion of young scientists in particular for young girls is especially to the heart. I come as industrial in a technical profession and could pass through this event to the girl my experience and experience in this field”, so Kelly Balasooriya, Managing Director of is a customizable home page that makes it easy and clear usable all important personal Internet accounts by entering a single password. Allyve saves the user time, is free, and creates a clear line in the tangled web of data and accounts again.