Cologne Internet Union

On the 28 Mai info evening programme specialist for online marketing. Cologne Internet Union and NetCologne support programme. Award a scholarship in the Newsroom by. On the 28 Mai info evening programme specialist for online marketing. Cologne Internet Union and NetCologne support programme. Award a scholarship in the Newsroom by Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Old Navy. The communication medium has become worldwide Internet to the central information facility.

But many companies and agencies lack the knowledge to the incredible diversity and opportunity to use around the World Wide Web. There is a great demand for professionals with in-depth knowledge in areas such as E-Commerce, online advertising, or search engine optimization to name a only an excerpt from the base and deepening subjects of study. On Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 at 18:30, there is the possibility, in the rooms of the CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V., Bonner road 271 in Cologne, Germany, to learn more about the one-year part-time evening study. CTE teachers and former students are question and answer evening, explain the curriculum of the degree programme, report on possible job prospects and give valuable tips. Also is a dual admission to the / to the specialist online marketing, which is connected to a year-long training of the editors of, sponsored by NetCologne. NetCologne operates the page on behalf of the city of Cologne. In an open selection procedure, the applications by the CTE are collected and evaluated by an expert jury, consisting of representatives from NetCologne, the Cologne Internet Union (KIU) and the CTE.


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