Systemic Business Coach

Discovery of career and personality, the coaching profession is booming. More and more people take to achieve successful goals to boost the career of a professional or personal coaching throughout make clear decisions to can, to be in their full force or to simply talk to an independent person about goals, problems and wishes. There are those who a coach go is not always responsible, but very often people who know very much appreciate the value of development in life and are willing to pay for this also the equivalent. And what professional or personal development is actually worth can decide each just for themselves. A good coach is as a personal consultant is not advice, but to take new perspectives, to become aware of your personal values supported in the coaching and questions is the undiscovered skills and hidden self-confidence again experience thereby make feasible sustainable.

The coaching Academy Berlin offers again training systemic business coach while the recognised coaching in February 2011. Akkredidierte systemic training of the Coaching Academy has distributed a total of 220 hours of 10 modules on ten weekends, whereas the training from February until October 2011. The Coaching Academy in Berlin is an ECA teaching Institute. The ECA (european coaching association) is the oldest and most recognized (in addition to DBVC and DVCT) Professional Association for coaches in Germany. The Association is committed to quality, professionalism and humanity in the coaching and associations is different from other coaching probably by making personal and emotionally charged topics have a place in the coaching and be evaluated not only professionally systemic contexts. Head of training and teaching coach Marcel Hubenthal reports: more and more young people interested in the profession of coaching and sign up at our Academy and also people who have gained much experience in other areas and are in a Of upheaval are, noticed that you may have a knack for dealing with others, to be able to support full resource and solution-oriented.


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