VSL Chairman Wolfgang Stromps

First Foundation for close cooperation in academic logistics education and research projects set the Association freight forwarding and logistics Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (VSL NRW) and the College of Neuss in the future on the academic logistics training and in research projects closely cooperate. The cooperation aims to take account of impulses from the logistics industry at the substantive orientation of teaching and research. The vocational education and training is one of the most important fields of activity of the VSL. Through the cooperation with the University of Neuss the Association will now take into account the increased significance of the academic training for the logistics industry.

The concept of the Academy Neuss this claim meets especially according to the VSL Chairman Wolfgang Stromps: several good universities offer academic training in the field of logistics in North Rhine-Westphalia. We opted for the College of Neuss, because the concept has recognized the signs of the times and the needs of our member companies.” The President of the College of Neuss, Prof. Dr. Otto Jockel, welcomes the cooperation with the Association of freight forwarding. “He was looking forward, to have won the largest National Association of logistics as a partner, so Jacobs: we look forward to a successful cooperation.” The cooperation contract between the Association and the College of Neuss is to be signed on November 26, 2009 on the occasion of the second training day of the VSL NRW in Ratingen forwarding and logistics North Rhine-Westphalia. In a question-answer forum cardiologist was the first to reply. The College of Neuss specializes in the education of young academics in logistics, trade and industry. It provides, inter alia the program of logistics and supply chain management with a focus on logistics services”on which can be studied in the dual study or part-time.

The College of Neuss regularly informed about their two programs in logistics & supply chain management”as well as international industry & trade management”. From 11 am until 3 pm explain professors and staff content and course of study, can provide information about available internships and career prospects. Interested parties Professors of the College can meet in a personal conversation and have the opportunity to see classrooms and library.


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