Who never heard somebody to say or even though it said that it was estressado? Sufficiently common word nowadays, after all the daily pressure involving the work, study, family and even though between ' ' ser' ' ' ' ter' ' it leaves in them estressados. It estresse it is more complex of what its use ' ' comum' ' it shows to be. The term not conota some bad one, but at a first somewhat essential moment the life. It estresse it is a reply of the organism in preparing for a situation of fight or the escape. Its presence is related the preservation of the species. Currently we do not need more defending in them of predators, however still it has many things capable to provoke estresse. These things can be internal or external to the citizen.
Thus, we have as external conditions pain, extreme cold or heat and psychologically estressantes internal situes can be bad conditions of work, problems of relationships, unreliability, etc. As internal conditions the values and the way of experienciar the world are that they will go to determine the type of potentially estressante situation. In the majority of the circumstances of it estresse acute, an eliminated time the estressante factor, the reply of the inactive organism if. However, the modern life frequently in displays the situations to them estressantes chronically, and the reply of the organism it estresse to it is not suppressed. Amongst the chronic estressantes factors, they are the pressure in the work, financial problems of relationship, solitude, problems and the unreliability. It estresse it has an important paper in the performance of activities as esportivas competitions, important meetings, or in danger situations, where it can be an important ally providing an increase of the physical capacity, reasoning, memory and concentration through alterations in all the organism. Conditions that favor the effect negative: An accumulation of persistently estressantes situations, particularly those of difficult control, as the pressure in the work, an unhappy relationship.
Estresse persistent followed of an acute reply to a traumatic event, as one has caused an accident automobile. An inefficient or insufficient relaxation. One estresse acute in people with serious illnesses. Between prejudices it estresse the psychological it is associated the depression, anxiety, reduction of the pleasure feelings and welfare, difficulties in the interpersonal relationships. Physical effect estresse of it: Increase of the arterial pressure; Bigger risk of spill; Bigger susceptibilidade the infections; Gastrointestinal riots, as diarria and constipation; Alimentary clutters, extreme profit or loss of weight; Resistance to the insulina that is associated with diabetes type 2, and exacerbao of diabetes; Migraine of the tensional type; Sleeplessness; Reduction of the sexual desire and temporary impotence in the men; Exacerbao of the daily pay-menstrual tension; Reduction of the concentration, inhibition of the learning and reduction of the memory; Exacerbao of injuries of skin, as for example, to the acne. For adequate treatment a doctor or psychologist must be looked when physical conditions will be identified and psychological associates estresse to it, as cardiac symptoms, significant pain, anxiety, or depression.
Tags: Psychology