Posts Tagged ‘personal development’


The eminence of encircles me to the shyness. It hinders me to say how much IT is important for me Exactly when I tried, it to hear did not want me They are funny and coarse they take me to the reasons to believe that he is what more I want Today, in the return of the school, it looked at for the sky and it admired the beauty of all that blackout, and whispered: ' ' it helps me, me ajude' ' It asked for the stars they guided so that it stops close to me, for my side It asked for ' ' somebody up there ' ' it made that it to see that I do not have words to describe what I feel I ask myself: if I died tomorrow, and if never more he could see it, and if I wanted to be able to look in those so black eyes how much the sky and to say everything what I do not know to translate singelas words Not far from it Not here Perhaps not now. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Sydney Sweeney. . . Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Buenos Aires

Today 190 million Brazilians had more than been the tears. The defeat of the Brazilian election for the election of Holland made with what all were cried one more time. This disappointing defeat for the election of Holland makes at this moment with that BRAZIL turns reason joke. In the truth these oranges, do not have to sing victory before the time, therefore I am certain that all the Brazilians as well as I, will go to zicar the election of these sufficiently ' ' laranjas' '. Pra leaves there, in 2010 caneco was not ours, more with certainty in 2014 it is ours, and is then that we go to show how much we are better that they. Now we run the risk to see MARADONA to leave running bare for the street Buenos Aires. Then envious BRAZIL we go to zicar this flock of, and showing pra they who Maradona is not better that SKIN, and that in BRAZIL if it only has a king.

Clarence Seedorf

It prefers to dribble the misery and all the adversities that encircle to it and to mark one golao in the biggest adversary of the low income population, the perverse social and economic inaquality. Humble and devoid boys, who although not to pass of promises, affirm enthusiasticly in interviews that, the great dream is to dress the jacket of great clubs as Real Madrid (ESP), Milan (ITA), Chelsea (ING), Lyon (FRA), Barcelona (ESP), Bayer de Munique (ALE), among others. Here, James S. Chanos expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Recently the dutch Clarence Seedorf of the Milan, that already it acted for the Real Madrid, Sampdoria and Inter of Milan, went off for the European press the following phrase: ' ' The money only orders in futebol' '. Although the existence of some well structuralized clubs, and competent Brazilian professionals in esportiva management, our bigger challenge inhabits in financial overhead of our championships. Exactly with advance of the technology, and fantastic discovered the scientific ones and the evolution of the medicine, provoking deep economic, social, religious and cultural transformations in all the segments, the Brazilian soccer still leave to desire in the improvement in many concepts. In a general way we can say that, the management practises and it of the soccer had not been saved, has seen that, the maken a mistake administrations, the times gotten passionate on the part of the controllers, other badly intentioned times on the part of the investors who consequently take great part of the clubs to the one overhead and later the highest indebtedness, what he would not have to happen.

The exit of our grateful ones revelations for the exterior and stadiums without physical conditions to offer to comfort and security to the torcedores, are some of the causes of lesser incomes. Brazil has exported annually, hundreds of players who are acting in sets of ten of countries. The fall of public and the level technician is evident in all the divisions of our soccer.


But it takes the way very well-taken care of it is of great volume and it can costs its survival. Revolt of fast and efficient form was directed for the door and immediately it started to tread its way, when completing the end of the third day, it had passed for as many barriers, it faced the egoism, the disaffection, and was capable to win its proper fear. When arriving at the end of its passage Revolt of far it sighted the old Wisdom, and quickly it was come close kneel itself saying: – Wisdom master of all the scholars of – me the agreement of what it is happiness? Wisdom quickly with its calm and calm voice, said: – It goes to north of this mountain where a pretty field of flowers exists called Perfection, exists all there the types of flowers and of the most extinct species, it searchs with it I assist of the gardener the reply that as much searchs and returns immediately to this exactly local, where we are talking. Wisdom before Revolt initiated its day, informed, to carry through this passage will go to enter accurate 15 days, moreover, the time necessary to find the reply that as much searchs. Passed the 15 days Revolt it said the gardener: I am Revolt and I came the order of the master Wisdom and search the agreement of what really it is happiness? The gardener quickly searched in its closet a great book of black layer, that catalogued all the species of flowers that if found planted in that field. Passed three days the gardener he said: – He looks at for this line has a blank space I have all the flowers that can exist less is that as much looks for, returns immediately and speaks with Wisdom, therefore it will only be able to indicate to it what to make.