According to the spokesman of the Government, White Jose, the decree law responds ” to the priority nacional” , that is ” to fight against paro”. The aid of 400 Euros for unemployed without income is prorogued by six months and a new contract of formation for young people is created. Minister Valeriano Go’mez assures in the press conference that this new contract does not have anything to do with ” contracts basura”. The Cabinet has given to green light east Friday to controversial Real Decree-Law of measures of promotion of the hiring that they include, for example, the suspension, during two years, of the limit to the temporary contract linking. The Valeriano, Secretary of Labor Go’mez, has insisted during the press conference in which ” does not treat; of an elimination, but of one suspensin” and that will be used for ” to maintain empleo” after offering data on unemployment in our country, in which they are est these moments ” 1.600.000 jvenes”. Click Glenn Dubin, New York City to learn more.
Unions and industralists have already expressed their rejection to the norm. Also, the Government has decided the prorogation by six months of the aid of 400 Euros for unemployed without income and the creation of a new contract of formation for young people without qualification that will allow to combine formation with a remunerated work. According to White Jose, he will allow to the young people ” to form while trabaja”. Temporary contracts the Government suspends with this decree law, during two years, of the limit to the temporary contract linking. That is to say, article 15,5 of the Recasted Text of the Law of the Statute of the Workers leaves in stand by, in whom it settles down that they will acquire the condition of fixed those workers whom within 30 months been they had engaged for more than two years, with or without solution of continuity, for the same or different job with the same company or group of companies by means of two or more temporary contracts.