NGO Capital
China they follow Iran to him, with 546, and North Korea, with 60 executions in 2010. At least 5,837 people were executed in 22 countries in the last year, according to the annual report of the NGO ' That nobody touch to Can'. Europe would be a totally free continent of the capital punishment but for Belarus, country in which is effective the capital punishment. Near 5,000 executions registered in China in they at the top locate it to 2010 of all the countries where the capital punishment is applied, followed by Iran with 546, and North Korea with 60. The Italian NGO ' That nobody touch to Can' it presented/displayed east Thursday in Rome his annual report on the capital punishment, in which it kept awake that " the application of the capital punishment in the world fell in 2010 and the first six months of 2011, and maintains the tendency to the loss that is registered for ten aos".
In spite of this tendency to the loss, at least 5,837 people were executed in 22 countries, the majority of Asian them, although also figure in fifth United States place with 46 executions, after Yemen with " at least 53". China stays, with data similar to those of 2009, like the country where more capital punishments are applied in the world, near 5,000, which constitutes 85.6% of the world-wide total. They follow Iran to him, unique country where an increase of the executions with respect to 2009 was registered (546 in 2010 against near 402 of the previous year), and North Korea with 60 applications of the capital punishment. In the Islamic country, according to denunciation the NGO Iran Human Rights, mentioned by the document, was executed to 390 people until day 7 of July of this year, a data three times superior to 2010. It continues the tendency to the loss the countries that have decided to abolish the capital punishment by law or actually they are 155, of which 97 are totally abolicionistas, 8 have suppressed the crimes of death for the ordinary crimes and 6 have applied a moratorium on the executions, according to the report. " That nobody touch to Can" it touches the question of " costs of the capital punishment " a debate abierto in the United States, where it calculates that the cost of an execution oscillates between one to three million dollars. In addition, it adds that in the United States, in 2010, they were executed to 46 people in 12 states, and these six months of 2011, 25 in 9 states. The report picked up 714 executions in thirteen countries of Muslim majority, which supposes a substantial increase with respect to the 658 cases of the previous year, which had, generally, to the rigorous interpretation that in many of them becomes of " sharia" or Islamic law. The study emphasizes that " Europe would be a totally free continent of the capital punishment but for Belarus, country that has not stopped to condemn and to execute to its citizens from the aim of the USSR and that in 2010 killed to two defendant by homicide and other so many in 2011". Source of the news: China leads the world-wide ranking of executions by capital punishment with 5,000 people to the year
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